DSL is lightning-quick

DSLGreat Scott! I knew DSL would be faster, but I really didn’t expect it to be quite this fast.

For those of you my age or older, do you remember the old 1200 baud modems? Remember the first time you upgraded to 2400 baud and how screamin’ fast it was for getting on those direct-dial bulletin boards? That’s kind of what I expected.

This is nothing like that.

No, this is more like going from a rickshaw to a Lamborghini.

And just to raise the “cool” factor even more, I’ve got my wireless router hooked up, so now I can be anywhere in or around the house and access my smokin’ internet connection: porch, kitchen, bedroom, garage — you name it!

I know, this isn’t very exciting for you, you “haves” who’ve been taunting “have-nots” like me lo these many years with your speedy broadband. It’s all old-hat to you. But I don’t care. It’s new to me and I’m not ashamed to admit I’m ecstatic with the improvement over that old 56k modem I’ve been using.