The Plague has hit my house

Monday morning, I got sick. Monday afternoon, my wife got sick. Tuesday, my son got sick. Last night, my youngest daughter got sick. Sick, sick, sick. That’s all that’s going on at my place this week. I’d like to go a good long time (like maybe forever) before being vomited on again, if that’s at all possible.

Maybe all this sickness could explain why I’m suddenly bored to death with my blog. Or it may be because I always talk about the same things… District 150… Kellar Branch… City Council… Blah, blah, blah.

I’ve thought about writing about other stuff, like my life. But my life isn’t a fount of entertaining first-person narratives, although I did want to share this:

My oldest daughter — the only one who didn’t get sick this week… yet — is learning to write, so all summer she’s been writing notes. My favorite one came to my wife after our little angel had done something especially disobedient. It read: “Dear Mommy, I love you and I want to obey you but I can’t.” Kinda says it all, doesn’t it? I believe the Apostle Paul wrote something similar in his epistle to the Romans.

But I digress. It’s time, once again, for me to step away briefly from the blogosphere and see if I miss it. Every time I’ve done this before, I’ve always come back. That either means it’s an enjoyable, worthwhile hobby, or it’s the fulfillment of that biblical proverb, “as a dog returns to his vomit….”

Nah, it can’t be the latter. Not after this week….