Get the cliche right

It was only a matter of time, of course. But someone finally couldn’t resist the urge any longer and published the first “Bush plays Peoria” story of the day. Except they got the cliche wrong:

It’s the ultimate political cliche: “How’s it playing in Peoria?” President Bush will find out today.

No, no, no. It’s “Will it play in Peoria?” Not, “How’s it playing in Peoria?” If you’re going to be so unoriginal as to drag out that tired old cliche, at least say it right. Sheesh.

By the way, as long as we’re on the subject, did anyone go? What did the President have to say?

Posting will be light

Big family reunion this weekend, including my brother and nieces coming to stay at Peoria Chronicle Headquarters for a few days. So, I won’t have much time to blog. Hope you all have a great weekend! Feel free to use this post as (yet another) open thread to comment on whatever you’d like.