Tag Archives: Historic Presrvation Commission

A curious appointment

On the City Council agenda for next Tuesday’s meeting is a curious appointment by Mayor Jim Ardis to the Historic Preservation Commission: Steve Pierz. Pierz used to be the so-called “litter czar” in Peoria and by all accounts did a wonderful job. But then he got in a dispute with the City. He wanted to put vinyl siding on a house he owns in an historic district on High Street, but was denied by the Historic Preservation Commission.

So he sued them.

Mind you, he didn’t just sue the City. He sued each commissioner on the Historic Preservation Commission personally, many of whom are still on the Commission today. He ultimately prevailed. The City reached a settlement with him and his wife and reversed the Commission’s decision.

So now the mayor wants to appoint Pierz to the very same commission he sued, to work with the same commissioners he personally sued. Won’t that be a little awkward? And counter-productive, considering Pierz’s demonstrated contempt for the commission?

It’s just another indignity for the Historic Preservation Commission, which has seen its ordinance eviscerated and its attempts to preserve Peoria’s architectural heritage regularly thwarted by the City Council.