Waiting for my PDC subpoena

I see Peoria Disposal Company has sent subpoenas to opponents of their landfill expansion plans. That’s nice. I wonder if I’ll get one, since I, too, opposed the expansion. I wonder if all the letter-writers to the Journal Star’s forum who opposed the expansion will also have to testify.

It’s a shame that PDC, which has had such a good reputation in town, is now poised to throw that away in their effort to force more out-of-state toxic waste down our throats. Guy Brenkman sued the county and won his “right” to put his Fantasyland strip club on Farmington Road (another form of toxic waste), and now he’s universally reviled. I guess they care more about making money than having a good reputation. Too bad they couldn’t just graciously accept the County Board’s decision, like a good neighbor.

8 thoughts on “Waiting for my PDC subpoena”

  1. “Guy Brenkman sued the county and won his “right” to put his Fantasyland strip club on Farmington Road (another form of toxic waste), and now he’s universally reviled”

    Oh were that only true. Fantaslyland would be closed. He apparently is not quite reviled enough to go out of business, but we could pray to that end.

  2. Thanks for getting the information right, CJ. Billy went off a bit over at his blog. He’s still drinking the Kool Aid apparently. Good neighbors indeed!

    Not sure where I stand on Fantasyland, though. Having patronized such clubs (not here and only once) I think they have their place in any progressive society (no personal slight to you CJ – this is just a broad comment). No, not next to a school – but sure, put it in an out of the way location (God knows folks will find their way there wherever it’s build).

  3. C.J. – Probably some type of reverse discrimination that you won’t receive a subpoena because you were not a ‘leader’ of the opposition.

  4. Waa Waa Waa
    PDC is intitled to do what they can by the letter of the law. If they were granted the permission by the county board the ones opposed would do the same thing. Now it is in the states hands. If they meet all of the laws and regulations then it is a no – brainer. If the laws and regulations don’t matter then why have them? If the county followed all the laws and regulations then no one has a worry.

  5. It ALWAYS comes down to money and favors, Peoria opposed Hooters Restaurant but later embraced it. Then it fought Fantasyland and lost because they are not very smart at enforcing their views without finding merit to fight the system. And the latest blunder with Elliots, moral dilemma…did not want it, but had no reason to deny owners (or they weren’t creative enough to think of something-loopholes) and they are losing that battle. The laws have been made and they are enforced within the city when the control is deemed necessary and in their favor, and when it is not. They just say no! And because someone goes to church and doesn’t think a strip club belongs somewhere they cost the taxpayers money (lawsuits lost, because no merit caused the injunction.)

    So I says: Before we start trying to make new laws and rules, what do you say we take a quick gander at the current ones and go from there.

    I don’t want a strip club in north peoria, but I also don’t want someone in power to tell me that the written laws are useless and not enforced.

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