Since Sen. Durbin has compared America’s treatment of prisoners with the Nazis’ treatment of prisoners, I think it’s only fitting that we compare Sen. Durbin’s propaganda to that of Nazi propagandist Josef Goebbels’.
Ridiculous, you say? Yes, but sadly, it’s no more ridiculous or reprehensible than Sen. Durbin’s comments. Senator, it’s time to stop defending yourself and apologize.
Update: Durbin said Friday: “I have learned from my statement that historical parallels can be misused and misunderstood. I sincerely regret if what I said caused anyone to misunderstand my true feelings: Our soldiers around the world and their families at home deserve our respect, admiration and total support.”
I just love defensive “apologies” that put the blame on others’ response instead of one’s inappropriate actions. So, let me get this straight, Mr. Durbin: when you said Gitmo was like a Nazi prison camp, you meant that in the most respectful, admirable way toward our troops, eh?
Unfortunately, this is the closest thing to an apology that we’ll get.