Well, Jackie’s birthday was last week. She turned five. She raked in the presents, just like Maggie did last month. But, being older, she got one big present from her Mom and Dad: a shiny, brand-new bicycle — with training wheels. It’s a pink and purple Schwinn, and she loves it.
When I got my first bike, I wanted training wheels, and my dad informed me that training wheels are for girls. He’s the kind of guy who doesn’t get into a pool by slowing wading in the shallow end, but jumping in the deep end. Thus, no tolerance for training wheels. The same thing happened to me when I was 19 and I bought my first car — a stick shift. My experience with a stick shift was limited to a couple times my uncle let me practice on his Honda Accord. I needed a cheap car, and a stick shift helped put the car in my price range. But, silly me, I thought my dad would drive it home and I could practice driving in a parking lot that afternoon before taking it out on the road solo. Nope. I had to drive it off the lot at Jim McComb Chevrolet by myself. For those of you who don’t know, that particular dealership is at one of the busiest intersections in Peoria — War Memorial Drive and University Street. Somehow I survived. I think I probably have more confidence as a result of these experiences.
But, Jackie gets training wheels. I hope that doesn’t stunt her growth. She still figured out how to tip over the bike and fall off regardless.