It was a long meeting tonight (a little over two hours), but in the end the Uplands Residential Association reaffirmed last month’s vote to oppose N1 zoning for the Pi Phi house at the corner of Institute and Main.
Our second district councilperson Barbara Van Auken couldn’t be here tonight since she’s out of town, so at-large councilman Gary Sandberg stood in for her, explaining what could happen to the property if it were rezoned or not rezoned. He had clearly done a lot of research on the issue and his comments were very helpful. Also visiting the neighborhood association meeting was at-large councilman George Jacob, who even brought his wife along.
The meeting was very civil and organized. No yelling or fighting. There were good arguments made on both sides. But when it came right down to it, the majority of homeowners just don’t trust Bradley. They haven’t earned our trust. And that’s largely why the N1 zoning request was defeated.
Bradley has stated that they will abide by the wishes of the neighborhood association, so I expect they will not ask for this property to be rezoned at April’s Zoning Commission hearing or any subsequent hearings (in the near future at least).
UPDATE (3/9): As if to provide final vindication that the Uplands made the right decision last night, the Journal Star published an editorial this morning in favor of institutional zoning for the Pi Phi house. Since they’re for it, we clearly made the right decision by voting against it.
They titled their editorial “Bradley is not the bogeyman.” This from the same company that has launched a massive “Save the Journal Star” campaign. Perhaps I should write an editorial of my own called, “Copley Press is not the bogeyman,” and tell the workers there “to relax.”
They argue that Bradley has been a good neighbor and quote Gary Anna’s assurance that Bradley is “not looking to encroach into the Uplands.” And if you believe Gary Anna, I have a bridge in Brooklyn you might be interested in purchasing. Seriously, I’m sure they’re not looking to encroach right now, but 10-15 years from now, after Gary Anna is gone and a new administration is in place, things will change. We don’t need the precedent.