Royce Elliott to perform at PFT candidates’ fundraiser

From my in-box:

Hedy Elliott and I (Jeff Adkins-Dutro) are running for vice president and president (respectively) of the Peoria Federation of Teachers. On March 8, 2009, from noon – 3pm, at Sky Harbor in West Peoria, Illinois, we will be hosting a campaign fundraiser. For fifteen bucks, you can take in a show by comedian Royce Elliott, eat lunch, drink tea or coffee, purchase beer from the cash bar (which will be running at least one beer special), and support our cause.

You can see what we’re all about by visiting

You can check out Royce Elliott on You Tube:

We are getting tickets printed today! Please shoot us an e-mail or give us a call if you’re interested. All are invited. PLEASE let your teacher friends know! We want to get as many voters there as possible!!! (309) 339-9210.