Welcome to Council Chambers at Peoria City Hall. Everyone appears to be in attendance except, of course, George Jacob. Councilman Sandberg arrived late. Councilman Turner appears to have someone job-shadowing him tonight. WCBU news director Tanya Koonce appears to have someone job-shadowing her as well. I’ll be updating this post throughout the evening, so refresh your browser frequently.
Here’s the agenda:
Continue reading Liveblogging the City Council Meeting 7/13/2010 →
The creditors of Central Illinois Railroad‘s parent company are selling theirs.

Central Illinois Railroad just got $150,000 in taxpayer dollars in May — their price to allow the Kellar Branch rail-to-trail conversion go forward.
UPDATE: The front office of CIRY states that they’re still going to be providing shortline service in Peoria to O’Brien Steel, but were unable to answer any further legal questions. According to published reports, the company only has eight locomotives, and they all appear to be up for sale based on the above notice. So, how exactly they’ll be able to continue providing service is unclear.
News and Comment about Peoria, Illinois