Bloomberg, Parents Television Council, National Organization of Women, Writer’s Guild of America, Free Press, and sixteen other groups have banded together to oppose the proposed Comcast-NBC Universal merger. They call themselves The Coalition for Competition in Media. Here’s a full-page ad they recently placed in the Chicago Sun-Times:

The deal is still being reviewed by the Federal Communications Commission and the Justice Department. More information on the coalition, including reaction from Comcast, can be found in Bloomberg Businessweek (click here).
Here is capitalism at its finest. A corporation that produces nothing, creates nothing and only transports other peoples’ work is now bigger than the producers, bigger than the consumers and bigger than the government that regulates it…
Of course, it is only one of many such ex-patriot entities. These legal persons exist outside of governments and nations and grow more and more powerful even as attempts to control them increase.
Walmart (a middle man producing nothing), Monsanto (selling and spilling chemicals and patenting life, while stealing farms from people who refuse to use their products), G.E. (and the war machine), Goldman Sachs (investments in nothing but air… i.e. gambling), Bank of America (did you read about their $10 billions “oops”?), Halliburton (buying a VP and then receiving billions worth of contracts for faulty armor to the military, etc), et al
No, it’s not capitalism. Capitalism – free enterprise – is about competition and choice. This is about monopoly. Kinda like socialism. No choice. Teddy Roosevelt must be rolling over in his grave.
Capitalism – free enterprise = monopoly. Sort of like Fascism…. try and get your -isms right.
Capitalism and free enterprise are not the same thing… they aren’t even close to the same thing.
charlie sez: “Capitalism and free enterprise are not the same thing”
I say: and this is where the Right gets confused daily.
People who fear this Comcast take over have a simple solution. Don’t subscribe. Nobody seems to mind all the news services and papers News Services owns, like Fox News. Rupert Murdoch is scarier than Comcast.
Capitalism’s ultimate goal is to kill free enterprise.