Liveblogging the City Council 9/28/2010

Hello everyone. Here we are for another fun-filled, exciting evening in Peoria City Council chambers. I think you all know the drill by now, so without further ado, tonight’s agenda:

ITEM NO. 1 CONSIDERATION OF CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS BY OMNIBUS VOTE, for the City of Peoria, with Recommendations as Outlined:

A. Communication from the City Manager and Director of Public Works Requesting Approval to ACCEPT the BID of THREE SISTERS PARK for the SALE of SURPLUS PARKING BOOTHS for a Total Amount of $1,215.00.

B. Communication from the City Manager and Director of Public Works Requesting to Award the CONTRACT to REBUILD the Current HIGH PRESSURE SODIUM FIXTURES in the TWIN TOWERS, JEFFERSON STREET, NIAGARA PARKING DECKS with INDUCTION LAMPS and BALLASTS, to the LOWEST BIDDER, LEVEL SOLUTIONS, INC. d/b/a ECO PARKING LIGHTS, INC., in the Amount of $211,925.00.

C. Communication from the City Manager and Director of Public Works Requesting Approval of a SEWER IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT with the GREATER PEORIA SANITARY DISTRICT for the REPAIR of SEWERS, as a Part of the City of Peoria’s Sewer Rehabilitation (Design Area 1 Sewers, Manhole Rehabilitation Project 6), and Requesting Concurrence in the Award of the CONTRACT for the WORK to WALKER EXCAVATING CO., INC, in the Amount of $48,399.64.

D. Communication from the City Manager and Director of Public Works Requesting Approval of a RESOLUTION in SUPPORT of the LOCAL FUNDING MATCH of the NORTHMOOR ROAD STAGE 4 PROJECT (University Street to Hamilton Road), which has been Approved by Peoria-Pekin Urbanized Area Transportation Study (PPUATS) for Fiscal Year 2017 Surface Transportation Urban Funding.

E. Communication from the City Manager and Director of Public Works Requesting to (1) REPROGRAM FUNDING of $308,300.00 from the Central Business District (Downtown) TIF Project T06003 CDB SIDEWALK/STREETSCAPE, in the Amount of $288,900.00, and Project T09001 JEFFERSON STREET ENHANCEMENT, in the Amount of $19,400.00, to Provide Funds for the EMERGENCY REPAIRS to the VISITORS CENTER at 100 N.E. WATER STREET, and (2) To APPROVE the LOW PRICE PROPOSAL from OTTO BAUM, in the Amount of $66,400.00 for TUCK-POINTING REPAIRS, and (3) To APPROVE the LOW PRICE PROPOSAL from ADVANCED LEAD CONTRACTORS, in the Amount of $56,900.00.

F. Communication from the City Manager and Assistant Director of Planning and Growth Management with Request to Provide $100,000.00 in Unallocated Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Funds as MATCH for the LEAD HAZARD CONTROL GRANT APPLICATION Submitted by the Peoria City/County Health Department, and Request to Commit to Obligate an Additional $100,000.00 in CDBG FUNDS During Each of the 2012 and 2013 Budget Years as Further Match.

G. Communication from the City Manager and Assistant Director of Planning and Growth Management with Request to Concur with the Recommendation from the Zoning Commission and Staff to Adopt the Following:

1. ORDINANCE Amending APPENDIX B of the Code of the City of Peoria Relating to GROUP OCCUPANCY.

2. ORDINANCE Amending APPENDIX C of the Code of the City of Peoria Relating to GROUP OCCUPANCY.

H. Communication from the City Manager and Finance Director/Comptroller Requesting Adoption of an ORDINANCE Amending the CITY OF PEORIA BUDGET for FISCAL YEAR 2010 Relating to the AGREEMENT with OSF SAINT FRANCIS for REIMBURSEMENT of the PROPOSED EAST VILLAGE REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT AREA ELIGIBILITY STUDY, in the Amount of $55,000.00.

I. REAPPOINTMENT by Mayor Jim Ardis to the PUBLIC BUILDING COMMISSION, with Request to Concur.

Kenneth L. Casper (Voting) – Term Expires 9/30/2015


Nancy S. Rakoff (Voting) – Term Expires 6/30/2013
Estella Vallejo (Voting) – Term Expires 6/30/2013


Dr. Kurt W. Field (Voting) – Term Expires 6/30/2013
James F. Hoerr (Voting) – Term Expires 6/30/2013

L. REAPPOINTMENTS by Mayor Jim Ardis to the LIQUOR COMMISSION, with Request to Concur.

Frank R. McCabe (Voting) – Term Expires 6/30/2013
Andrew D. Cassidy (Voting) – Term Expires 6/30/2013

M. REAPPOINTMENT by Mayor Jim Ardis of the DEPUTY LIQUOR COMMISSIONER, with Request to Receive and File.

The Honorable Eric Turner – Term Expires 6/30/2011

The following items were removed from the consent agenda by the councilman indicated: Item D (Van Auken), Item E (Sandberg), Items B and G (Spain). The remaining items passed unanimously.

  • Item B — Councilman Spain wants the savings from this project to go into a revolving fund that can be used for future energy savings. So moved, seconded by Van Auken. Passes unanimously.
  • Item D — Van Auken is abstaining from voting on this item. Why did she pull it off the agenda just to say that? Motion passes unanimously.
  • Item E — Sandberg says he supports this action because it takes the pressure off general tax revenue to maintain a building on which we lose money. We’re using TIF funds instead. He asks Barber if we’re doing the same thing for the Gateway building downtown? Answer from Barber: No. Sandberg says this should be considered especially in light of the 2011 budget talks. Eligible expenditures in TIF districts should be paid out of TIF funds first before touching the general fund. Moves to approve; seconded by Gulley. Passes unanimously.
  • Item G — Councilman Spain wants a report back from Acting Planning Director Ross Black. Motion passes unanimously in separate votes.

ITEM NO. 2 Communication from the City Manager Requesting Approval of an INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT with the COUNTY of PEORIA Regarding the PROVISION of FULL SERVICE ANIMAL CONTROL SERVICES, and Requesting Authorization for the City Manager to Execute the Agreement.

Van Auken speaks in favor of the motion. Sandberg asks what “assets transferred” are. Answer from City Manager: two city vehicles. Motion passes unanimously.

ITEM NO. 3 Communication from the City Manager Requesting Approval to Enter Into a SOLE SOURCE CONTRACT for PROFESSIONAL SERVICES with LAMARSH & ASSOCIATES, INC., to Provide MANAGED CHANGE PROJECT CONSULTING & ADVISORY SERVICES in Support of the REORGANIZATION within the PEORIA CITY GOVERNMENT for a Fixed Price of $39,000.00, Plus Reimbursable Cost.

Mayor Ardis: By “unanimous observation of the City Council,” the Council asked the City Manager to find a way to reorganize the City administration, downsizing department heads and consolidating departments. They solicited feedback from community members, two of which had utilized LaMarsh & Associates. They want to minimize disruptions and protect themselves against lawsuits. City Manager rehashes pretty much what Ardis just said.

Councilman Turner says he’s “not been a fan of this particular process,” “turning it over to a consultant.” He wants to see two things: (1) finish process on time, (2) not spend “one nickel more” than $39,000. Ardis immediately tells him that it will be more than $39,000 because of travel expenses.

Council Member Van Auken strongly defends the fee, saying that making these changes “the right way” will protect the city from lawsuits that would be much more costly than $39,000.

Councilman Montelongo asks the City Manager if the contract with LaMarsh relieves the Council of any legal responsibility. Answer from City Attorney Randy Ray: No. Montelongo also asks who will actually be leading the charge. Answer from City Manager: The group working on the reorganization (City Manager Moore, Fire Chief Tomblin, HR Director King, Finance Director Scroggins, and a couple others). Montelongo doesn’t think it’s worth the money and will not be supporting it.

Councilman Sandberg says the last time the City hired a consultant for wage reclassification was 10-12 years ago. Question: “How many lawsuits initially came out of that consultant-led endeavor?” Answer from City Attorney Ray: One lawsuit with 25 clients with a multi-million dollar judgment. Sandberg says litigation/liability/risk is there regardless of whether we hire consultants beforehand. Sandberg says City Manager didn’t take the initiative on this, the Council did. And the Council “only interviewed one person.” He says the process is bad. This is not to help the City Manager and his team come up with a plan to reorganize, it’s an attempt to minimize/manage the effects/risk of a reorganization that the Council has already decided upon.

Councilman Gulley says he didn’t like the process either. He’s going to vote against it. “From the beginning I’ve always thought this wasn’t the right thing to do,” he said. He thinks the timing is wrong — we’re paying to “facilitate change” when no change has yet occurred. He’s also unhappy that he’s received too little information about the organization and what kind of results they’ve gotten with municipalities.

Turner has a follow-up question for the City Manager: has LaMarsh provided a timeline for having a deliverable to us? Answer from Moore: Not really — 60 days, but it hinges on getting information from City staff. Next question: are we going to have to replace money we took from other funds to pay for this? Answer: no. The money comes from budget reductions from other departments.

Montelongo has a follow-up question for the City Manager: What are the deliverables exactly? Answer: not defined yet. Need to get consensus from the Council as to what they want the deliverables to be.

Councilman Riggenbach says he wants a “date certain” for the deliverables, and he generally expressed support.

Ardis/Ray say this will need a 2/3 majority to pass (7 votes). Sandberg, Montelongo, and Gulley were the only ones voting “nay,” so the motion passed 7-3.

ITEM NO. 4 Communication from the City Manager and Finance Director/Comptroller Requesting Adoption of an ORDINANCE Amending the CITY OF PEORIA BUDGET for FISCAL YEAR 2010 Relating to the AGREEMENT with ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION (IDOT) for the FUNDING of the PRELIMINARY ENGINEERING of WASHINGTON STREET from Hamilton Boulevard to Edmund Street, in the Amount of $1 Million.

Gulley/Van Auken move to approve. Passes unanimously.

ITEM NO. 5 Communication from the City Manager and Director of Public Works Requesting Approval of an AGREEMENT with the ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION for FUNDING of the PRELIMINARY ENGINEERING of WASHINGTON STREET from Hamilton Boulevard to Edmund Street.

Gulley/Turner move to approve. Gulley verifies that a meeting with concerned stakeholders has taken or will take place. Sandberg asks when the “point of no return” is. Do the actions we’re taking tonight commit us to moving the Route 24 designation? Answer from Public Works Director Barber: Yes, essentially, because we’d be proceeding to make the road non-compliant with IDOT standards. Sandberg then points out that there will be no money coming from the state for the $5 million portion of the project covering Washington Street from MacArthur to I-474. By accepting $10 million from IDOT for a $15 million project, it leaves us short $5 million. Where is that money going to come from? It would be “financial suicide” to accept this deal, he says.

Ardis asks if Barber or some other staff member would like to respond to Sandberg’s critique. Barber goes through the history of the project leading up to this point. Basically, he says that he’s just following the Council’s will. He says we have the option of not building the entire project from MacArthur to I-474 if the funds are not available, so we’re not committing ourselves to spending money we don’t have. Length and scope of the project can always be modified as we move forward.

Gulley asks why this jurisdictional transfer is different than others where IDOT would be required to bring the road up to urban standards before the transfer is made. Barber says the roadway is already built to urban standards, and that’s the difference. Martin Luther King Dr. from the airport doesn’t have curbs and gutters, for example, which is why IDOT has to bring the road up to standards before transferring jurisdiction.

Spain asks Barber how much money we’re giving up in the jurisdictional transfer in annual maintenance dollars. Answer: approximately $45,000 annually. Spain says we’re gaining more than we’re giving up. He says he’s voting for it because he believes in the potential of the Warehouse District.

Montelongo asks Barber for clarification on whether we can manage the project in sections. Answer: yes, but not one block at a time; it would have to be larger sections.

Van Auken asks Barber about the state’s maintenance reimbursement — does it ever cover 100% of maintenance? Answer: No, it usually falls short.

Sandberg points out that on other projects, the City is required to bring things up to other jurisdiction’s standards before they will take it. For instance, the sanitary district is requiring the City to bring the sanitary sewers up to their standards before they’ll take them over. The City should require the State to bring the roadway to our standards (completely) before accepting transfer.

Motion passes 9-1 (Sandberg).

ITEM NO. 6 Communication from the City Manager and Director of Public Works Requesting Approval of the PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT with HANSON PROFESSIONAL SERVICES, INC., in an Amount Not to Exceed $950,000.00 for ENGINEERING SERVICES for WASHINGTON STREET Between I-74 and MacArthur Highway.

Gulley/Turner move to approve. Spears questions having an engineering group take the lead on design work instead of an architect. We’re not just talking about narrowing roads and widening sidewalks, we’re talking about making a new place in Peoria. He wants an architect, not an engineer, lead the project. We already did that, didn’t we? Isn’t that what the Form Based Code was all about with all the charrettes and whatnot?

Van Auken asks Barber if this can be accomplished at this point. Barber says we’d have to start the process over and create a new RFQ and move forward. Van Auken so moves, seconded by Spears. Gulley speaks against the motion, saying that it would be too costly and inefficient. Instead, ask the engineering firm to add architects to their team.

Sandberg reminds the Council that we’ve already spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on architects and came up with the Heart of Peoria Plan (followed by the Warehouse District Form Based Code). That’s the design phase, and the engineers should be held to those plans.

Substitute motion passes 6-4 (Sandberg, Spain, Gulley, Turner).

ITEM NO. 7 Communication from the City Manager and Assistant Director of Planning and Growth Management with Request to Concur with the Recommendation from the Zoning Commission and Staff to Adopt an ORDINANCE Re-Establishing and Amending an Earlier Approved, But Not Fully Established, SPECIAL USE Ordinance No. 15,837, for a Single Family Multiple Dwelling Unit Structure in a Class R4 (Single Family Residential) to Allow an Existing MULTI-FAMILY STRUCTURE and PARKING LOT EXPANSION for the Property Located at 1505 N. PEORIA AVENUE, with Conditions.

Riggenbach/Turner move to approve. Passes unanimously.

ITEM NO. 8 Communication from the City Manager and Finance Director/Comptroller Requesting Adoption of an ORDINANCE Amending the CITY OF PEORIA BUDGET for FISCAL YEAR 2010 Relating to the ACTION PLAN to Address the POTENTIAL 2010 BUDGET DEFICIT of $1,200,000.00.

Van Auken/Turner move to approve. Councilman Irving asks about the Trails Edge Hammerhead — says that was completed last year. Finance Director Scroggins says this is the money that was left over from the completed project. They’re just closing it out.

Motion passes unanimously (Riggenbach absent).


(10-068) Communication from the City Manager and Acting Director of Human Resources Requesting Approval to ENTER into an AGREEMENT Between the CITY OF PEORIA and all EMPLOYEE BARGAINING UNITS to EXTEND the JOINT LABOR/MANAGEMENT HEALTH CARE COMMITTEE for (3) YEARS, Effective January 1, 2011, through December 31, 2013.

Motion to defer for four weeks (Spain/Van Auken); passes unanimously.

(10-362) Communication from the City Manager and Assistant Director of Planning and Growth Management with (New Communications) Request to Receive and File REPORT BACK AND Request to TABLE the Following:

A. ORDINANCE Amending APPENDIX B of the Code of the City of Peoria Relating to ZONING EXCEPTION CERTIFICATES for Transfers of Property; and

B. ORDINANCE Amending APPENDIX C of the Code of the City of Peoria Relating to ZONING EXCEPTION CERTIFICATES for Transfers of Property.

Van Auken/Turner move to file report back; passes unanimously. Van Auken/Turner move to table. No discussion. Passes unanimously.

(10-363) Communication from the City Manager and Assistant Director of Planning and Growth Management with Request to Concur with the Recommendation from the Zoning Commission to Adopt ORDINANCE “A” OR to Concur with the Recommendation from Staff to Adopt ORDINANCE “B” Amending Ordinance No. 16,318, as Amended, for a SPECIAL USE in a Class C2 (Large Scale Commercial) District for a SHOPPING CENTER to RELOCATE an EXISTING OFF-PREMISE SIGN for Property Located at 8215 and 8305 N. ALLEN ROAD, with Conditions, with REPORT BACK.

Irving moves to approve Ordinance A as approved by Zoning Commission, seconded by Van Auken. Irving thanks Adams Outdoor Advertising. Motion passes 9-1 (Sandberg).

(10-391) Communication from the City Manager and Assistant Director of Planning and Growth Management with Request to DEFER this Item Relating to the WIRELESS TELECOMMUNICATION FACILITIES Until OCTOBER 26, 2010, AND Request to Modify the MORATORIUM on the ISSUANCE of NEW PERMITS and APPROVALS to Allow the Relocation of Facilities When the Current Location Becomes Unavailable due to Circumstances Beyond the Control of the Applicant. (New Communication)

Riggenbach/Turner move to approve; passes unanimously.

(10-399) APPOINTMENTS by Mayor Jim Ardis to the ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON POLICE-COMMUNITY RELATIONS, with Request to Concur:

William Ordaz (Voting) – Term Expires 6/30/2013
Savino Sierra (Voting) – Term Expires 6/30/2012
Sharon E. Draper (Voting) – Term Expires 6/30/2013
Douglas Lindstrom (Voting) – Term Expires 6/30/2013
Erica K. Baird (Voting) – Term Expires 6/30/2013
Howard E. Williamson (Voting) – Term Expires 6/30/2013
James Bryson (Voting) – Term Expires 6/30/2011
Larry D. Ivory (Voting) – Term Expires 6/30/2012
George H. Azouri (Voting) – Term Expires 6/30/2012
Whitney J. Lawson (Voting) – Term Expires 6/30/2012
Donald R. Jackson (Voting) – Term Expires 6/30/2011
Greg Collins (Voting) – Term Expires 6/30/2011
Council Member Eric Turner (Voting) – Term Expires 6/30/2011
City Manager Scott Moore (Voting)
Police Chief Steve Settingsgaard (Voting)

Turner/Gulley move to defer for two weeks. Passes unanimously.

(10-433) Communication from the City Manager and Director of Public Works with Request to Award JANITORIAL SERVICES CONTRACTS to THE CLEANING SOURCE for Building Group #1, in the Amount of $86,954.92; MAD DOG CLEANING SERVICES for Building Group #2, in the Amount of $59,440.00; THE CLEANING SOURCE for Building Group #3, in the Amount of $440,208.23; and THE CLEANING SOURCE for Building Group #4, in the Amount of $473,379.76, as Outlined, and with Each Covering the Period from OCTOBER 1, 2010, to SEPTEMBER 30, 2013, and with a Provision to Extend the Contracts for up to TWO ONE-YEAR PERIODS Through September 30, 2015, with Prices for the Extension Included in this Award. (Replacement Communication)

Spain/Montelongo move to approve; passes unanimously. No discussion.


Councilman Turner says there will be a community forum on code enforcement issues and processes. The meeting will be October 21, 6-8 p.m., in Council chambers.

Councilman Sandberg asks if we account for monies received for boats docking on the riverfront? Can we get the amount of income produced from that source? Answer from City Manager: yes, he can get that to the Council.

Councilman Riggenbach says October 9 at 10 a.m. they will be having their annual Glen Oak Neighborhood Impact Zone survey. Meet in front of the new Glen Oak School. He also recognizes Barber’s work on the infrastructure around the school.

Councilman Turner says the next breakfast chat will be Wednesday, October 6, with Councilman Montelongo at 7:30 a.m.

Mayor Ardis says the budget hearings for 2011 begin next Tuesday, Oct. 5, at 6:15 p.m., and it will be televised on cable channel 22.


  • Peg Pendell (sp?) — Speaks about hate crimes against persons with disabilities. She got an anonymous handwritten note in her mailbox telling her to clean up her yard and garage “before city condemns.” She says she’s disabled (head injuries), and thus she has an inability to clean up her yard and garage. Thus, the note is a hate crime against her, she says. Asks that the advisory committee on police/community relations include someone who is “sensitive” to hate crimes against the disabled.
  • Savino Sierra — Says he fully supports museum and speaks against the Block the Bonds referendum. Speaks on District 150 issues.


Meeting is adjourned at 8:17 p.m.

Note: I talked to Acting Planning & Growth Director Black and found out that Director Landes is returning Oct. 11. Mr. Black says Landes has been out of the office to care for her mother and her husband — her mother died a few weeks ago, and her husband died yesterday. My deepest sympathies and prayers go out to Director Landes during this very difficult time.

3 thoughts on “Liveblogging the City Council 9/28/2010”

  1. Much discussion over the $39,000. no discussion on admending the budget for a million for studying washington st. or the budget shortfall. Bottom line, City Manager and Dept. heads should be aware how to effectively organize their people, assign job duties and to streamline. This is a waste of money.

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