Several readers have informed me that my site has been infected with some sort of malware. I think (and hope!) that I’ve finally found and eradicated the problem.
I opened up a support ticket with my hosting company, but they told me they couldn’t do anything and suggested I download my subfolder and run a virus scan on it. I did that (and let me tell you, it takes a long time to download everything!) using the latest virus scanning software/definitions from McAfee; it found no viruses. Then I got a plug-in that helps you search your files for malicious code, and it did find one post that had malicious code inserted into it (without my knowledge, of course); that code has been deleted. Furthermore, there was an extra directory on my site that I didn’t create; I’ve deleted that. And I’ve upgraded to the latest version of WordPress and changed my password.
I believe the security issue has been resolved as a result of these actions. I’ll continue to monitor the site. Thanks to everyone who notified me; if you get any more security warnings about my site, please let me know and I’ll take further action to root it out.
Who would want to harm any of us? Shocking!
If the districts website can be shut down for 6 days we certainly know that there are people who have very technical knowledge of computers. Didn’t someone say that they assumed the BOE was reading this blog?
Any news on any governmental agency looking into all the unusual activity in the district?
Works for me now.
CJ: Glad you found it. One thing I dislike is virus hackers. Please, people, most of you don’t give the district the smarts enough to run the school district let alone sneak or hack into a secure site and plant a virus.
I think you might needtocontact google about the in correct alert they are sending people about your site.
Reading is one thing, hacking is another…. and no, I do not think for one minute anyone from Dist 150 Board or Admin would have the time or the willingness to mess with CJ’s site.
Here is an application that has worked for me in the past to locate malware on my system. Malwarebytes Anti-Malware 1.36
The malware problem had nothing to do with District 150. It was a common hack with WordPress sites.
Jared — Thanks for the tip.
Does it matter whether not the brutality on Sterling grounds involved students from that school? Does the school district bear any responsibility for providing any kind of security on the grounds of these new sites with so much green space? If these are to be community schools, the implication is that activities will be occurring on school grounds at night. Doesn’t the district then have to maintain a safe environment day and night? Before making these grand plans, the district needs to calculate the cost of outdoor maintenance and security, right?
Jared: Thank you for taking a break from your busy schedule doing those Subway commercials to help out C.J.
My favorite is their Club on wheat with cukes, olives, lettuce, tomatoe and light mayo. Yum.
diane, we have to do lunch at Subway sometime soon! My sons love Subway and I am becoming a fan. Call me. Your fave sounds awesome without the tomatoes.
Ummm, Blimpies is better, but Quizno’s is THE BEST! Especially their black angus with Bleu Cheese salad. Yum. I have dreams about it. You name the day!