A new bench has been installed outside Charles Lindbergh Middle School:

The plaque on the bench says “Simply the Best” and “Ms. Davis.” Former Lindbergh principal Mary Davis was charged in April of this year with 16 felony counts of official misconduct and theft. She has since been terminated by the District. Some are questioning why a bench is being installed on District 150 grounds to honor this former District 150 employee. I wonder if they will leave the plaque there if Davis is convicted?
Professional, your personal experiences certainly give you the right to be angry about drunk drivers, in general. Yes, I am sure that drunk drivers were penalized when I was younger, but the penalties were not as severe–that comment wasn’t meant to minimize the seriousness of drunk driving. Neither you nor I are in charge of how District 150 handles these situations–and this isn’t the first, so the precedent has already been set–and the legal restrictions, etc. However, there was no cover up–that is my main point. Also, no “crime” was committed while under the influence.
I jump in on just about all blog discussions related to District 150 and I taught in 150 for 43 years; also, I have many friends in the district. I am very glad that I wasn’t an administrator who had to make judgment calls on some of these issues; I wouldn’t want to be in that position. I tried not to make any personal digs directed at you. Disagreeing with your opinions is not a personal dig.
District Watch will meet at Monical’s on Sunday, October 10, at 6 p..m.–remember, however, that the board meeting is on Tuesday (not Monday).
I heart truth. (Facts are the building blocks for truth–Pitts)
Misquotes + word-twisting + mind-reading = divisive
Professional: are you a teacher at Day Treatment or Greeley? I would never post your name or “air your dirty laundry” like you did to Mr. Elliott.Why are you so intent on hurting him and his family? what “payoff” do you get by hurting other people? Just curious
?for anyone- Why would the district post positions for football coaches at PHS that were already filled and then take them off the job postings 4 weeks into the season? Now the district has allowed the release of a coach at RHS after the school year has started. Then named his replacement in the media only to post the position after the media release. With poor communication like this it is no wonder we are broke and have families leaving the district. These mistakes by Distict 150 leadership continue to disappoint me.
Vintage district 150…unfortunately, some things NEVER change!
It seems the posititon was filled, on an interim basis, due to the time constraints. Since it’s filled on interim basis, I would think that others can still apply for the coaching position. At least that would explain why the position is posted.
Sharon sez: “I taught in 150 for 43 years… I am very glad that I wasn’t an administrator who had to make judgment calls on some of these issues.”
And yet, on Emerge’s blog, this same Sharon thinks that teachers should be paid more than administrators.
TR64- That is a logical explanation. Which is why it can’t come from the board or the administration of District 150. If they used logic and reasoning in their decisions we might actually find ourselves in better circumstances.
Well there is a thought… but they don’t listen to their constiuents. Do they?
Professional? : I don’t understand your point. Comments were made after the offense/conviction was listed in the newspaper as part of public information. Would it bother you also that another blog owner, under a made up name, posts the photo and identity of a parent/volunteer and the residential map of a student who stands accused? All the while, staying hidden. It has long been a concern of mine that some adults hold themselves to a much lower standard of behavior than they expect of the students.
Sud o Nym–You have a point! Also, in that same post I believe I went on to say something to the effect that most principals were once teachers (and I hope it stays that way–that principals are pulled from the ranks). Therefore, a principal (before he/she becomes an administrator) goes up the ladder on the salary schedule as a teacher(based on years of experience and further education). Therefore, the bulk of a principal’s salary was earned as a teacher. My only complaint about administrators, in fact, is that they often forget what it was like to be a teacher-as which they earned most of their money.
For those of you who were skeptical about the name plaque on the bench at Lindbergh Middle School, here are some hard facts to consider…
Peoria Public Schools, District 150 4:152
Operational Services
Naming of School Buildings and Facilities and the Honoring of Individuals
The Board of Education recognizes the importance to the School District and the community of naming school buildings and other school facilities. It shall be the prerogative of the Board of Education to name all school buildings and facilities and to authorize plaques honoring individuals for their outstanding contributions to public school education.
In exceptional circumstances, portions of buildings or facilities may be used to honor outstanding individuals for their contributions to public education by attaching a memorial plaque. The portion of the building or facility, however, shall not bear a separate name.
All recommendations for the naming of buildings, facilities and the honoring of individuals with plaques shall come to the Board of Education as a recommendation from the Building Committee of the Board of Education.
ADOPTED: July 18, 2005
Colleen, I’m not sure what message this information should send to us. Some say the plaque was given to honor Lindbergh. Some say it was given to honor Ms. Davis. Of course, this situation is one of those that could be considered an “exception to the rule”–there will always be exceptions. Maybe some names should not be on plaques, at all. Do you happen to know when this plaque was approved by District 150’s board members?
Whoever you are why are you questioning me? Leave me alone…. I don’t teach at Either and I never put Mr Elliotts name on the blog, if you will look back it started with “just sayin” I later learned this person is a friend of Mr. Davis/Stewart and he drank with Mr. Elliott since all names are out…. Mr. Elliott served him at “his” bar and they got to talkin’ just drop it… you are not willing to let it die, and what your stupidity doesn’t realize is that you keep the flame glowing, let it die… dummy. As far as the person, who actually named him have not idea,,,, if your his friend let it die… again, you are trying to have a personal conversation on a public website and I also have no idea what you are talking about about me listing a personal photo identity of a student etc. I was quite willing to bow out and say “night, night” to this bs…. as of last post to Sharon. I am done there are too many people pointing fingers at people they “think” they know are quilty. Sorry but some of you “friends” are hurting your friends more than anyone else is…. I have no idea about posting pics etc. I am done with your petty bs. People get a life. I guess it is nice to talk about someone else instead of yourself… Take care of your kids and your classrooms if you have them. Leave the public along to post comments and quite being unprofessional ty. Let it drop. Hope all goes well for all involved… More professionalism all around is needed. That is obvious.
If EmergePeoria is the “other blog” you are referring to, a couple of things: The parent/volunteer comments AND the photo I posted, came directly from the pjstar. In addition, the address for the drinking party was vague “the 4000” block of whatever street. If you look at the map, it shows no particular address it is equally vague. Perhaps you were able to figure out the name because you know the people. But personally, I don’t have a clue as to the identity of the people/student who live in the house THAT WAS SHOWN ALL OVER THE NEWS.
My guess is D150 board did not know about the plaque, let alone “approve” of it. Probably was just the school and PTO wanting to remember Davis for her time at Lindbergh. Certainly was in very poor taste to have placed this bench with the plaque at the entrance of the building. I would imagine the principal caught some heat from above for this situation.
The Davis saga continues to haunt the district. My quess is the Board wants to distance itself as far as they can from her. It is a shame that her alleged crimes have not only tarnished the school’s stellar reputation but will remain a dark cloud over the district for quite some time.
THE PEOPLE WHO REPORT THE NEWS DO NOT HIDE BEHIND MADE UP NAMES. Also, just because you “can”, doesn’t mean you “should” (IMO, of course.)
OH… so you think news reporters, on radio and TV use their real names?
The “Davis saga” will be quickly forgotten. In fact, I doubt 90% of the people in Peoria could even identify the name Mary Davis. I seriously doubt she will be a “cloud that hamgs over the district” for anybody other than those here and a handful of others.
Why is Whs being used as a conference center for the district? Remember the word SHUTTERED that the board kept using. It’s Blaine Sumner all over again!! Let’s just stuff kids in buildings like Blaine at Trewyn and Whs kids in Phs…who cares about what’s most conducive to learning!! Also,what an insult to the former Whs staff that have to attend meetings at Woodruff..just pour more salt in the wounds.
Ya got me. They do use their real faces though, don’t they? (Please don’t tell me that All-Star Wrestling is staged.)
P.S. As an educator, what are the behaviors that demonstrate the authoritarian attitude, and what is the effect of the authoritarian attitude on academic achievement? I know what I think…but maybe you can cause me to reconsider.
I highly doubt that the “Mary Davis Cloud” will ever go away. Too many people made too many poor choices for far to long for that to happen. However, a little $$$ will help put a SILVER lining around it for the McArdles…..don’cha think!
150 Observer…I’m sorry, you can’t possibly be serious…
The fact that there is still discussion about Mary Davis on message boards like this one a full year and a half after McArdle was terminated speaks to that. The fact that there is still a lawsuit that is commencing against Davis and D150 speaks to that. And if that sucker ever goes forward to public trial…watch the fur start flying. Even the PJStar can’t sit on the sidelines and not report what goes on in court…it’ll be all over TV, print, and the web, and it’ll be a helluva show. And it will certainly be interesting to see how D150 “shapes the message” when that all goes down.
You can bet D150 will pay OUT THE NOSE for a settlement or judgment to McArdle to conclude that whole debacle…and you can bet D150 taxpayers will not forget that come school board re-election time.
when will the depositions be posted or disclosed? Are facts being twisted by all for taxpayer $$$? Didn’t McArdle have contract allowing for no-fault termination? Did she only try blowing a whistle after she knew she was to be terminated? When does this go to court? “And the truth shall set you free!”…….but it doesn’t come with a payoff.
I wonder–I believe that there are facts proving that McArdle started blowing whistles before there was any thought of terminating her. The wheels of justice do move slowly, especially since Davis changed lawyers midstream(I believe). I believe the depositions are moving along smoothly–or maybe a bumpy ride for some. I wonder, are you wondering or speaking from knowledge on the subject?
Most cases of this sort do have financial payoffs–otherwise, no lawyer would take the case. Financial gain does not make the case less just, does it? That said, I always object to the misuse of the quote, “The truth shall make you free.” In context, the statement has nothing whatsoever to do with your truth or my truth or anyone’s version of the truth. The statement is made by Jesus speaking of himself as Truth personified. A more appropriate comment is Shakespeare’s “To thine oneself be true.”
for “I wonder”
Do you think Davis will be convicted of a crime?
I Wonder-
“And the truth shall set you free!”…….but it doesn’t come with a payoff.”
Ask Davis about the large settlement she received from D150 when she worked at Richwoods.
I don’t talk to Ms. Davis. I doubt our SA will take it to trial, but will be interesting. Jim Carrey uttered the quote and it wasn’t “misused”. Would like for Ms. McArdle to “share” her deposition, if possible. She might have been wronged by administrators, but I don’t believe she was “wrongfully terminated”. Big difference. Taxpayer $$$ shouldn’t be treated as a public ATM. Unfortunately, it often is……
I wonder–I am curious as to why you believe that McArdle was not wrongfully terminated. I agree that the district had a right to fire her, but I believe they were not in the right in doing so. Also, I agree that taxpayers have a right to be concerned about lawsuits.
However, my own opinion is that it is the district’s responsibility to be less arrogant and more cautious about making decisions that could lead to possible law suits. Hopefully, the district’s lawyers will begin to err on the side of caution for the sake of the taxpayers.
A former principal (who had a vested interest in the firing of McArdle) and a few disgruntled parents should not be enough to sway a school board to fire a principal with so very little justification. At least, I have not heard anything close to a good explanation for her firing–other than an attitude of “We did it because we could.” I believe that it will be in the best interest of District 150 to settle out of court if that option is offered to them.
I wonder–sorry, Jim Carrey uttered the quote??? The first person to utter a famous saying usually gets the credit and it certainly wasn’t Jim Carrey.
To professional? I am referring to your post on Oct. 10 regarding Brett Elliott and his DUI good job taking the focus off of you and trying to blame it on two very blessed teachers who have absouletly nothing to do with Roosevelt Magnet School anymore. When you point one finger there are 3 pointing back at you.
BTW Professional? Mr. Elliott made the choice to go out and get drunk on St. Patrick’s day (yes that was the day he began his drinking). He had to take the consequences for drunk driving just like his students at RMS do when they misbehave. The consequences included having his name in the paper under the DUI section. NO ONE but Mr. Elliott’s own personal actions hurt his family and he aired his own personal problems when he took the first drink and then got into a car and drove. You of all people should know this as an educator that there are consequences to all of our actions. One of your consequences is trying to take the focus off of your irrational blaming and sticking up for a drunk driver who could have killed someone that night. Now get back to work and know that EVERYONE has consequences when they misbehave even professionals like you who are irrational and drunk drivers like Mr. Elliott.
Julie posted this on her facebook wall:
“Happy New Year! 2011 & it looks as if my case may be resolved soon: criminal trial is on 1-10-11. I received a subpoena, & am hoping MD takes a plea bargain negating a need for me to testify. Given what I know of her, that’s unlikely. Once this ends, the civil side may too. I pray for a speedy & judicious end to this nightmare my family & I have lived for almost 2 yrs! Thanks in advance for your prayers & support!”
Surprise, Surprise!!!!! Mary Davis asked for a continuance. Trial is no set to start March 28th. You would think that if she is as innocent as she says she is, she would quit asking for continuances and such and just get it over and done with.
Does a summary judgement come before or after a trial?
I am completely disgusted. That witch needs to be run out of town on a rail for what she has done to the children of D150 and Julie. SHAME ON MARY DAVIS SHAME SHAME SHAME.
Julie was subpoenaed to be in court next week and today MD asked for a continuance. What a sham! And I believe D150 is paying for part, if not all, of her legal fees!
This was in the Peoria Journal Star in October 2010.
The trial for a former District 150 principal has been pushed back until after the first of the year.
Mary C. Davis, 51, of Dunlap was to stand trial on 16 felony counts of official misconduct and theft on Nov. 15. But the two sides told a judge Monday during an unscheduled hearing they needed more time to gather evidence and develop their cases.
The trial is now set for Jan. 10, 2011. Davis remains free on bond pending her trial. She is accused of taking money several times between 2005 and 2007 while principal at Charles Lindbergh Middle School.
The official misconduct charges all allege Davis “knowingly performed an act which she knows was forbidden by law,” theft of government property. The theft charges carry a range of one to three years or three to seven years behind bars, depending on whether the amount was more than $300.
Official misconduct has a prison range of two to five years. Probation is a sentencing option for all the charges.
Davis was fired during at a School Board meeting in June.
Wonder how that bench is holding up? Hopefully better than her appeals to have her case dismissed.
Yes, she is…..simply the best! The BEST LIAR in central Illinois. The BEST BS artist in history.