According to the latest Liquor Commission agenda, Big Al’s is requesting a liquor license for 414 NE Hamilton. Rumor has it that the Pere Marquette has bought out Big Al’s current location for (pardon the pun) an obscene amount of money. So now, Big Al’s has its eye on this building:

For context, the G.A.R. Hall is two doors to the left, Enterprise car rental is next door to the right, and across the street is the Associated Bank building. I hear tell some tenants in the latter building are opposed to Big Al’s moving in across the street.
Sweet! Just so you ALL know, I am beginning the process to have the old Big Al’s declared an historical landmark. I have placed several calls to Les Kenyon – Historic Preservation GHURU!
So far, Les has failed to return any of my calls.
Who ever said evil profiteth not?
Doesn’t the move kind of … end the grandfathering of the Old Big Als?
Why wouldn’t a bank want to be by a strip club? And to think they probably charge $1.50 to $2.00 per cash withdraw.
You gotta be able to get your ones and twenties somewhere 🙂
Owning nearly an entire block is not enough?
If this is allowed it provides more evidence city planning is asleep
Not sure why Associated Bank Building tenants would care what happens across the street at night when they are long gone for the day. OTOH South Side Bank has a branch right next door and I just imagine unless barricades are installed their tiny parking lot will be abused and littered.
Glad to see the TIF was passed, now the hotels will be able to pay an “obscene” amount of money to Al’s!
I have to go along with Buckethead on this one. Didn’t we go in for the TIF or some kind of subsidy for the Pere Marquette? And now they can afford to pay and obscene amount of money for Big Al’s? Whats wrong with this picture? Could it be laid at the feet of the council?
I don’t think city planning is asleep, complicit more likely.
The city isn’t asleep on the tax dollars Big Al’s brings in. Like the place or not, a LOT of out of town visitors go to Al’s. I had a job where I met a lot of out of town business visitors when they first got to Peoria and Big Al’s was brought up frequently.
FYI, Chapter 3 of the City Code regulates alcoholic beverage sales and Chapter 18 regulates adult uses. Both are administered by the Legal Department. See link:
So they move 1 block over and 1 block down? Maybe getting them in an area all to themselves without other bars next door would actually help the police to determine where the problems are actually coming from…
Yes, thanks peoriaillinoisresident. I’ve been looking at that and cross-referencing It appears that this location would meet code, as far as I can tell. It’s not within 500 feet of a church or school (surprisingly — I was sure it was going to be too close to Riverside Community Church, but I was wrong). It’s not within 750 feet of a residentially-zoned area. Once they get their licenses (which I’m sure will get approved), that’ll be their new home.
” AWESOME! “ I’m glad that Downtown Peoria could get more (new) development. I don’t like TIF’s either, but the City of Peoria might as well gain something good from them since they’re existent. That area of Our downtown, has long-since needed improvement. And, moving the speakeasy and dive bars away from the city’s poshest hotel could further enhance a somewhat-blighted area between the CBD and the booming (Downtown) medical district.
Peorians should be more progressive! Peoria doesn’t get respected as a progressive community because of it’s, largely, negative behavior. East Peorians aren’t SO quick to thwart downtown and riverfront development. And, soon that thriving city will have (2) two new Embassy Suite hotels amongst other significant developments. THIS (Peoria) project, on the other side of the Illinois river, isn’t yet fully-disclosed and some people are already raising a whole host of complaints. Why can’t more of Us, often the same ones complaining because We’re not Chicago-like, be excited instead of cynical about some good news for Downtown Peoria? It’s NOT that hard!
This is a very good thing for downtown Peoria and Main St. I agree with what PEORIA has said.
Big Al’s is not the problem bar downtown anyway. It is some of the other smaller ones that open and close every other month up and down Main St.
Big Als should move to Junction City.
PEORIA, downtown Chicago does not have ANY strip bars.
When did I say Chicago did? When I said ” Chicago-like ” , I was referring to never-ending comparisons of Peoria and Chicago in regards to amenities, attractions, venues, AND services. The strip club has little to do with this issue! Why be so obsessed with It, especially if it’s moving away from our city’s finest hotel?
My buddies and I go out for a couple drinks we usually hit up big als and jager this time we got turned down for dress code, my pats were too baggy to come in. Funny thing is the door guys pants were baggier than mine. It sucks but i guess on the plus side it saved me between 80-100 bucks! Tanks Big Al’s!
Do they ever have good looking girls there? Does anyone even notice? You certainly never hear of anyone raving of someone’s dancing ability, talent or stage presence… just bare flesh? Is that it? What a country!
I am still willing to bet that Big Al’s generates more money for the local economy than a $100 million-plus museum ever will!
I’d love to see Big Al’s move to the Warehouse District and become an anchor for an entertainment zone.