Category Archives: City Council

Essential Services First

The City Council passed a budget that didn’t raise property taxes.

There’s been another murder in Peoria, bringing the total for 2006 to 18… so far:

This is the city’s 18th homicide of 2006, besting a 13-year-old record 17 in 1993. Of this year’s slayings, 11 remain unsolved.

But the City Council passed a budget that didn’t raise property taxes.

We still have an understaffed fire department. Although they’ve moved personnel and equipment from Fire Station 13 over the Fire Station 11 temporarily, there’s no overall increase in personnel or equipment, and some have argued that the city is actually less protected as a result.

But the City Council passed a budget that didn’t raise property taxes.

We can’t seem to get our snow plowed adequately or in a timely manner. As a result, we’ve had to deal with washboard streets and the schools had to close for three days even though there was an intervening weekend.

But the City Council passed a budget that didn’t raise property taxes.

We still have a regressive tax known as the $6 garbage “fee.” This so-called garbage fee actually goes to fund police and is collected on our water bills. We pay handsomely for Illinois American to collect this fee for the city. And it’s one of the two main reasons there was a big turnover on the council last election. And now we’ve also raised the building fees which may cause some to wonder if we’re trying to discourage economic growth in Peoria.

But the City Council passed a budget that didn’t raise property taxes.

Gary Sandberg said it best last night: “Our [the Council’s] job is not to balance the budget without a tax increase.” The Council’s job is to provide essential services like public safety and street/infrastructure maintenance. That’s what we thought we were getting with the “new” council. Instead, we got a council that, it could be argued, considers “holding the line on property taxes” to be the highest public good.

I’m not arguing for higher taxes, per se. What I’m arguing for is the city to fully fund basic public services before they fund anything else — like the Gateway building, for instance. The Gateway building is not an essential service. It’s nice. I like the Gateway building. If the city has a plethora of funds and the citizens want that service, I have no problem with it. But to have this service (and others) funded while at the same time we can’t fully staff our fire stations is about as ridiculous — and irresponsible — as it gets.

I’m sorry to be so harsh, but this budget was a cop out. The tough decisions were dodged. The apple cart was not upset. It’s more of the same. I thought the voters last election made it clear we wanted something different.

There’s another election coming up when we’ll have the opportunity to elect five at-large members of the council. Remember this budget. And remember these three words: essential services first.

CIRY move catches city by surprise; Pioneer offer still on table

I e-mailed City Counsel Randy Ray about the surprising move by Central Illinois Railroad Company yesterday. I wanted to know what the City’s response was, and he had this to say:

We will be happy to share the City’s position with you after it is developed and after the City Council has had an opportunity to consider it. We’ll be happy to share any STB filings.

So, it’s pretty clear that city staff and the council did not see this coming. Pioneer, whom I mentioned would still be interested in running the Kellar Branch instead of CIRY, also wrote the city today: “PIRY’s [Pioneer Railcorp’s] offer to buy and share the ROW [railroad right-of-way] is still open. Does the City want to talk?”

If the City and the Park District really want a trail, they will do what they should have done in the first place — take Pioneer up on their offer. The Park District will get assistance in building a trail side-by-side with the rail line, and the City will get a cool half-million dollars to help them with their new budget. Oh, and the City will also get competent rail service on the Kellar Branch and no more runaway trains.

I’ve e-mailed the Park District to hear their take on the news, but it caught them by surprise as well, so they’ll need a little time to develop a statement. I’ll let you know what it is as soon as I hear.

One last note: David P. Jordan has posted over on Billy Dennis’s blog that another potential rail user in Pioneer Park is “possibly the paper bag manufacturer that is interested in buying the Peoria Plastics building.” I hadn’t heard of that one — it’s not the one I said I couldn’t disclose. So that means there are potentially three more rail users in addition to Carver Lumber and O’Brien Steel. Total potential: 5 businesses.

UPDATE: Here is the response I received from Bonnie Noble, Peoria Park District Director: “Thanks for your inquiry and interest. Randy Oliver and I have been in contact about CIRY’s new request. We are in communication with a number of people to work through all of this so that we all can be winners. When I have something definitive, I or Dave Wheeler will be back to you.”

Community announcements and Chronicle hiatus

It’s just about December, and that means that work duties will be dominating my time. You may remember from last year that each December the church where I work (Grace Presbyterian) puts on a big Christmas concert called “Grace Family Christmas,” and I spend the time between the actual concerts (Nov. 30-Dec. 3) and Christmas Eve editing the concert footage to show on WEEK, channel 25, at 10:30 p.m. Christmas Eve and 12:00 p.m. (noon) Christmas Day. That takes up so much of my time that any free time I have outside of that I spend with my family, and that leaves no time for blogging.

Some things that are upcoming that I want to remind everyone about:

  • Tuesday night (11/28) at the council meeting, the Heart of Peoria Commission will be presenting their position paper on the Glen Oak School siting issue.
  • The next two Wednesday nights (11/29 and 12/6) are the last two public hearings scheduled for 2006 on the Land Development Code for the Heart of Peoria area.
  • Dec. 13 is the Park Board meeting where they will be discussing whether or not to enter into an intergovernmental agreement with the school district to allow them to share Glen Oak Park land for a new school building.

In the spirit of Thanksgiving, I’d just like to say once again how much I appreciate you, the readers of this blog. And a special thanks to those of you who take the time to comment — whether it’s to encourage me, disagree with me, or offer constructive criticism, or whatever. The best part of the blog, for me, is the feedback I get and the discussions we have.

I hope you all have a very merry Christmas and I’ll see if I can’t squeeze in some time to post a couple times this month. You know how it goes… If there’s some big local news story (say, if the STB hands down a decision on the Kellar Branch between now and Christmas), I won’t be able to contain myself and I’ll have to put something on the blog about it. But other than that, it will be pretty quiet around the Chronicle until after Christmas. While I’m out, please check out the other fine blogs that I have listed on the sidebar.

Happy holidays, everyone!
C. J. Summers

Council Roundup: I’m officially disappointed

Another year of the regressive $6/month garbage fee.

Another year of understaffing at Fire Station 11.

Another missed opportunity by the council as they voted 8-3 essentially to finalize a budget that once again does not address two of the biggest issues of the past several years.

I thought this “new” council was supposed to be different. But it turns out the only ones to vote against this budget plan were the vererans: Sandberg, Grayeb, and Gulley.

Evidently, from the discussion last night, it’s a virtue not to raise property taxes, even if “holding the line on taxes” means compromising fire safety in one of the most densely-populated areas of town and hitting the poor and elderly with regressive fees. Yeah, they really took the moral high ground last night. It will look good in political ads anyway.

I was willing to give the council the benefit of the doubt last year. The rookie members needed time to get their bearings, understand the budget process, etc. I bought it. I was willing to wait until the next year for the revolution. But “next year” has come, and things haven’t changed. What’s their excuse this time?

What does it take to get representatives who will do what we elected them to do?

Morris not seeking reelection

It’s been all over the news today, so I realize this isn’t a breaking headline anymore, but John Morris isn’t going to seek reelection to the Peoria City Council.

The reason? He wants to spend more time with his wife and two children. Having a wife and three little ones of my own, I completely understand, and I wish him well.

And now, let the fun begin. Who will the contenders be for all the at-large council seats?

CEO: American Water to be an “aquirer”

The Houston Chronicle reported yesterday that American Water CEO Donald Correll wants to see his company be an “aquirer.” American Water is the parent company of Illinois American Water, which serves Peoria. American Water’s parent company, RWE AG of Germany, will be spinning off the water works through an initial public offering next year — Correll hopes by the second quarter.

They’re certainly big enough to be an aquirer. American Water serves 18 million people and earned over $2 billion in 2005 according to the article. In contrast, the “biggest publicly traded U.S. water utility is Aqua America Inc., which has over 2.5 million customers and $496.8 million in 2005 revenue.”

[The] small pool of publicly traded U.S. water utilities makes Correll hesitant to talk about American Water’s acquisition strategy.

“We will be a consolidator,” he said. When pressed for more details, he said he feared the industry’s makeup makes it difficult not to “name names” when discussing possible deals.

[…] Looking ahead, Correll said the biggest long-term growth opportunity likely comes from partnerships with municipal systems.

Municipalities and other non-private entities control about 85 percent of the country’s water systems. Few have been willing to sell their systems, so such outsourcing deals offer the best opportunity, Correll said.

Once the IPO is complete and American Water is no longer “foreign-owned,” At-large Councilman Chuck Grayeb will have to drop the xenophobia from his perennial pro-buyout spiel. That’s a shame because, from a purely theatrical standpoint, that was the most dramatic part of his performance.

I stand corrected… again

Dang. I tell ya, it would be a lot easier to write these things if I didn’t have to get my facts straight all the time. “The Rest of the Story” is back and had this comment on my last post:

The utility tax/franchise fee would only be placed on water only – no other utility. Currently, Illinois American pays nothing for use of the public right-of-way, however, damages it the most (ie. water leaks, etc.).

Since no one is suggesting a fee to be added to AmerenCILCO bills, I’m afraid I’ll have to retract Van Auken’s award for “most ill-timed revenue proposal” and give it back to the reigning champion, School District 150 (PBC funding). My apologies to Ms. Van Auken.

However, I stand by my previous statement regarding the likelihood of not-for-profits paying this utility tax/franchise fee. “The Rest of the Story” makes a good case:

Approximately 65% of the the properties pay 100% of the real estate tax. This approach would make the non profits particpate in the cost of providing needed services.

I wholeheartedly agree that it makes perfectly logical sense. I just don’t believe it’s going to happen. The three hospitals alone are going to have the council in a pressure cooker on this issue, not to mention all the other charities, churches, foundations, etc.

Winner of “Most Ill-Timed Revenue Proposal”: Van Auken’s 5% Utility Tax Idea

The Journal Star reported Thursday that Second District Councilwoman Barbara Van Auken has an alternative plan to a property tax increase:

Another option for raising revenue comes from Van Auken, who wants to replace the $6-a-month garbage fee with both a 5 percent utility tax and 5 percent franchise fee on water bills.

“My goal in this budget is to get adequate police and fire protection for the 2nd District and to replace the garbage tax with a source that is more fair and equitable,” Van Auken said. “I want to see where my colleagues are on it. The mayor and I have discussed it, and he has spoken favorably of the idea because it spreads the cost throughout the community – not just the residents who pay the garbage tax and not just the residential and commercial, as it is with the property tax.”

I appreciate “outside-the-box” thinking as much as the next guy, but honestly, I can’t think of a worse time to suggest this revenue-raising idea. Surely Van Auken is aware that electricity rates are going up 55% in January. Is proposing the city tack on another 5% a good idea right now?

I’m going to guess that the logic behind this is that, since it would apply to not-for-profits, businesses, and residents, the cost would be spread out more and thus, coupled with the 5% franchise fee on water bills, this whole plan would be cheaper for residents than the current $6 per month garbage fee. Maybe, but I’m not buying it until I see the numbers — with and without not-for-profits included.

Why without not-for-profits? Because we all know the chances of a tax on not-for-profits passing are about 10,000 to 1. Every health-care provider, every church, every fine arts organization, every college and university, and every charity — to name just a few of the institutions affected — will be out in force to put the kibosh on that idea. Of course, there will be exceptions, but I predict if this idea starts being pushed, the push-back will be enormous and the city will back down.

I’ve e-mailed Ms. Van Auken asking for clarification on her plan; when she writes back, I’ll post her response as a follow-up to this post.

Council Roundup: Crime Issues Forum planned

Remember the “Target Peoria” TV special that aired not too long ago that featured a panel of city staff and neighborhood activists (hosted by WCBU’s Jonathan Ahl) discussing crime issues in Peoria? Well, Mayor Ardis promised there would be more forums in the coming months to continue that discussion, and the next one is scheduled to take place on Monday, October 23, 6:00-7:30 p.m., at Riverside Community Church downtown (the old Shrine Mosque building). The public is welcome to attend and join in the discussion.

Council Roundup: Mayor Ardis’s Amtrak meeting

Amtrak LogoCouncilman Manning took the opportunity under New Business to thank Mayor Ardis and Councilman Jacob for attending the Amtrak meeting in Champaign on Tuesday afternoon. He was glad to see Peoria pushing for Amtrak service to be restored.

Ardis reported briefly on his meeting with Senator Durbin and Amtrak President Alex Kummant. He expressed to them the fact that Peoria is the largest MSA (metropolitan statistical area, includes the tri-county) in the state outside of Chicago, that we have Caterpillar World Headquarters here as well as Bradley University, and a whole list of other reasons why Peoria should be considered for passenger train service. He also mentioned that Rep. LaHood and Sen. Durbin both support Amtrak service for Peoria.

Ardis also reported that IDOT will be doing a feasibility study on the costs associated with getting Amtrak service in Peoria again. It sounds like we’re seriously going to pursue the possibility of restoring passenger train service here.

And why not? The state recently doubled its funding for Amtrak from $12.1 million per year to $24.3 million. Besides rail service to 30 Illinois communities for 3.2 million travelers annually, Amtrak also provides 1,800 jobs in Illinois, $88 million in wages, $69.7 million spent annually by Amtrak on state goods and services, and over $250 million invested in high-speed rail. Illinois has shown a great commitment to Amtrak. Ridership is up on all routes the past two years (e.g., ridership on the Chicago-St. Louis route increased by 13.7% in 2005 and 8.3% in 2006), and so they’ve added more trains to accommodate the higher volume.

It’s time for Peoria to be back on-line.