Category Archives: City Council

Free riverfront parking on the council’s agenda

You may soon be able to park two hours for free — during the day — at the city-owned lots along the riverfront.

On the city council agenda this coming Tuesday is a proposal to change the way fees are charged for the Michel/Edgewater/Liberty and Riverfront Village parking lots. Currently, these lots are staffed during the day with parking attendants and you pay a set rate for every half hour you’re parked weekdays during working hours.

Under the proposed fee structure, there would be no gates or attendants and you would be allowed two hours of free parking at these lots weekdays during working hours. If you parked longer than two hours, you would get a parking ticket. (Incidentally, if you don’t pay your parking ticket, the city approved an ordinance at their last meeting that authorizes the city to send unpaid parking tickets to a collection agency instead of through the courts.)

The Peoria Riverfront Association requested the parking fee change as a way to increase patronage of riverfront businesses and save the city money. The city incurred a net loss of $2,235 in 2005 because the cost of staffing full-time attendants exceeded revenues from parking fees. Much of the revenue comes from businesses who pay for their customers’ parking through ticket validation.

The city would enforce the two-hour limit by having a part-time city employee monitor the lots using a handheld license plate scanner from ParkTrak which basically allows the monitor to do “electronic tire chalking.” Barney Fife would have loved this gadget:

With ParkTrak Pro’s handheld License Plate Recognition technology, a flick of the chalkstick is turned into a click of the trigger. Each click records plate, date, time, and location, while simultaneously comparing duration of stay, distance moved (if any), and scofflaw status. Officers are automatically prompted to issue a ticket when a vehicle reaches overtime status. Flexible software allows for an individual license number’s total time duration to be calculated by stall, block face, street, programmable distance or zones. Added benefits include capturing a wealth of parker statistical data, and best of all electronic chalk marks… THAT CAN’T BE WIPED AWAY…

But before you get too excited about that free two-hour parking, it’s only being proposed on a one-year trial basis, so it may not last long. In any case, it will be done away with when the new museum is built. City Manager Randy Oliver says, “This is a short term solution and will not work upon completion of the Museum project.”

WWRD: What Would Ray Do?

U.S. Congressional Representative LaHood is taking time away from representing our interests in Washington to try to broker a compromise between several local units of government and concerned citizens, according to the Journal Star today.

LaHood said he attended a meeting Monday where Mayor Jim Ardis and state Sen. George Shadid asked him to organize a future meeting with District 150 officials. At issue is the specific location for the school.

“I’m going to convene a meeting of all the parties to see if we can resolve whatever problems exist with the proposed project,” LaHood said Wednesday from his office in Washington, D.C.

Why?  I remember going to a debate between LaHood and his Democratic challenger in Metamora several years ago.  At issue for Metamorans at that time was the widening of Route 116.  A local farmer got up and wanted to know which candidate was going to do something to stop them from widening the road and taking part of his farmland.  Both of the candidates, to their credit, said that was a local issue and not within the scope of the office for which they were running.

How is the Glen Oak School situation different?  What compelling reason is there for escalating this to a U.S. Representative? Have we exhausted all options locally?  Are we at such an impasse that we need to bring in an arbitrator?  At best, this course of action seems premature.

City pushes school district to build on current site

Several City of Peoria department heads — including the police chief — met with District 150 representatives to strongly request Glen Oak School stay put, according to today’s Journal Star. Whether they refurbish or rebuild, the school should be in the center of the neighborhood, not on the fringe. The two biggest concerns with the Glen Oak Park location the school district is considering are (1) traffic on Prospect — every walking student would have to cross this busy street and dangerous intersection, and (2) crime at this corner — the convenience store at Prospect and Abingdon/Frye is a hotbed of crime, according to Peoria Police.

I wonder if the school board is getting the message…. The residents, parents, police, Heart of Peoria Commission, etc., all want to see Glen Oak School stay at its current site. It looks like the only ones who want to see it move are the school board members.

One concern I have from the article, though was this:

[Third District Councilman Bob] Manning said officials told Hinton the city is willing to close off streets around Glen Oak Primary School if a new school goes there [corner of Frye and Wisconsin].

Does he mean permanently or just during school hours, like they do near Kellar Primary? Either way, there is no justification for closing streets at that site. At Kellar, they have a split campus and children are crossing the street all day (or so they tell me), but Glen Oak is a unified campus and children only cross the streets when they come to school in the morning and when they leave for the day — and I’m pretty sure they already block off Frye during those times. The speed limit is only 30 mph — 20 when children are present. The school sits at a 4-way stop, and there are crossing guards when children are arriving and leaving. It appears the traffic situation is in control at that site without taking any further action.

Manning also offered to implement a façade improvement plan for the businesses along Wisconsin. That’s a great idea. So far, the current façade improvement plans have been well-received — there are two requests for grants on the council’s agenda tonight.


The agenda for Tuesday night’s City Council meeting has enough business on it to keep the council there until the wee hours of the morning — Thursday morning.  Okay, I’m exaggerating.  But it’s a really, really long agenda.  Of note:

  • The city is providing a little over $3,000 to various neighborhood associations to help with the cost of producing neighborhood newsletters.  The money comes from a HUD grant.
  • The new facade-improvement programs along Prospect (3rd district) and Sheridan (2nd district) roads are getting their first requests for grant funds.  A new “working art studio” on Prospect called “Tittamus-Tottamus” (I don’t make this stuff up, folks) is getting $10,000 and Craig’s Upholstery on Sheridan is getting $14,350.  The funds are for things like replacing glass/glazing, washing/sanding/painting the building exterior, landscaping/fencing, replacing doors/awnings, etc.
  • The Heart of Peoria (HOP) Commission wants to expand the borders of the HOP to include more of the Center and East Bluffs.  All the affected neighborhood associations were in favor of being added to the HOP area.
  • The City wants to change the way parking tickets are enforced, adopting what’s called an “administrative adjudication system” similar to the way Normal, Chicago, Champaign, and other cities handle them.  Basically, it would mean unpaid parking tickets are sent to a collection agency instead of through the court system.
  • Bar Louie and Famous Dave’s are switching places, and Bar Louie wants to be able to stay open until 2:00 a.m. Thursdays, Fridays, and Saturdays.  Just to make things confusing, Bar Louie is currently located in Famous Dave’s old location across the street from the Shoppes.  So, Famous Dave’s is moving back to its original location and Bar Louie is moving into Famous Dave’s current spot in the Shoppes.  Clear as mud?
  • As you probably know, the city has set up “institutional districts” in certain areas, most notably Bradley University.  Institutions like Bradley can do whatever they want within their institutional district, but they’re not allowed to stray outside of it, the idea being that adjacent neighborhoods want some form of predictability and stability — i.e., they don’t want to be worried about the institution taking over their neighborhood.  Of course, that’s exactly what’s worrying the Arbor District as Bradley keeps buying houses in that neighborhood in an attempt to expand westward.  What Bradley is going to ask at some point is for their institutional boundary to be changed, and when that happens the council will have to vote on it.  An item on the agenda tonight would require a 2/3 supermajority for such an expansion to pass.  Expect lots of discussion (or a deferral) on this one.
  • The Seventh-Day Adventist Church on Knoxville wants to build a youth center and parking lot addition, but it encroaches into the adjacent neighborhood.  Staff recommends allowing the parking lot, but not the youth building.
  • Finally, the council will resume arguing about a parking agreement with AmerenCILCO that was deferred from an earlier meeting.

Whew!  And that’s just the “highlights.” If you go to the meeting, bring a pillow.

Pioneer’s offer to buy Kellar Branch and help build trail next to it still stands

After reading the details of Pioneer Railcorp’s offer to purchase the Kellar Branch rail line from the city and help the Park District construct a trail next to it, one has to wonder why in the world the city wouldn’t jump at the opportunity. There’s no reasonable explanation for this offer to be rejected.

The offer, detailed in a letter to the city council dated September 24, 2004, can be read in its entirety by clicking here. I’d just like to bullet out a summary of applicable parts of the offer here. Pioneer is offering to:

  • Purchase the Kellar Branch and western spur from the City of Peoria for $565,000, or accept a long-term lease on the lines;
  • Grant the Park District a 999-year lease on a portion of the right-of-way for the use of a trail;
  • Donate up to $100,000 in in-kind services (railcar usage, train service, equipment use, flagging and other labor services) to the Park District to assist in the construction of said trail;
  • Work with the Park District to provide for joint use of the right-of-way, including the joint use of existing bridges;
  • Provide the labor, materials and equipment to construct a trestle for the trail to traverse the section behind Versailles Garden where the track elevation has caused the Park District the most concern;
  • Upgrade the Kellar Branch track to Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) “Class I” standards;
  • Aggressively seek new business in Pioneer Park and Growth Cell Two;
  • Develop a “dinner train” as a tourist attraction for the city (similar to a successful dinner train Pioneer runs on their Gettysburg & Northern Railroad);
  • Develop, in cooperation with the city, tourist/commuter service from downtown;
  • Pursue the establishment of a “railroad academy” in partnership with Illinois Central College and/or other appropriate partners, to train students in train operation and maintenance, using Pioneer’s equipment and facilities; and
  • Give the city right of first refusal to repurchase the line if another entity wants to buy it from Pioneer.

According to Pioneer Railcorp, this offer still stands. Look at those items above again. The city gets $565,000. The rail line gets upgraded to Class I standards at no expense to the city. The trail is built beside the rail line, so the Rock Island and Pimiteoui Trails will be connected. And Pioneer will agressively seek new business along the line, which could bring in more higher-paying manufacturing jobs to Peoria.

Why isn’t the City taking this offer?

Ideas abound at special council meeting

The Journal Star has an excellent report (it was written by Jennifer Davis, so I expected nothing less) on the special council meeting last night. Last year, new council members Bob Manning and Barbara Van Auken were just learning the ropes of city budget planning. This year, they’re ready to make good on their campaign promises of increased fire protection and elimination of the regressive garbage tax.

Mayor Ardis is helping that cause by starting early to establish budget priorities and communicate them proactively to city staff (in the past, the city manager would write up a proposed budget and the council would react to it). But the big question is, how do you pay for more fire protection and eliminate a $2.4 million revenue source (garbage tax)?

In 2007, Mayor Jim Ardis wants the city to fully restore Fire Station 11 and find a “dedicated total public safety revenue stream.” Exactly what that is, Ardis admits he doesn’t know yet….

One idea is to take public safety funding off the property tax bills and replace it with a separate public safety tax. The difference is that the public safety tax could be applied to everyone who benefits from public safety services. Right now, non-profit organizations like hospitals, churches, and charities don’t pay property taxes, yet they benefit from police and fire protection.

If the protection we all share were paid for through a public safety tax instead of property taxes, the cost of that protection would be shared by all as well. Spreading out the cost would be more equitable, and may actually lower the amount homeowners pay for public safety services while increasing overall revenue at the same time.

Council members Van Auken and Manning also are throwing around ways to help strengthen Peoria’s older neighborhoods:

Van Auken also supports helping stabilize the older neighborhoods by freezing their property taxes so any additional increase in property tax revenue can be reinvested in those areas, somewhat of a pseudo TIF district. […] Third District Councilman Bob Manning suggested a similar “urban renewal” plan to Van Auken’s – freezing property taxes in certain areas to entice people to move back into the city’s core and reinvest.

It should be mentioned that these are just ideas and nobody has run the numbers yet to see how much such a plan would cost. This meeting was more of a brainstorming session. If the cost estimates come back too large, then the whole idea may be scrapped. But I’m glad to see them (forgive me for using this cliche) “thinking outside the box.”

That said, I doubt this plan is going to get off the ground. Whenever you freeze property taxes, you’re taking money out of district 150’s pocket, and they can’t afford any more revenue loss. And the state of the schools is one of the prime reasons people aren’t moving to the older neighborhoods (crime being the other reason) in the first place — not high property taxes. So this plan would seem to be self-defeating.

John Morris had several ideas, including one to make Peoria “a walkable city”:

He suggests $2 million each year from capital for sidewalks connecting Peoria’s neighborhoods to its assets, like the library and parks. “I can’t walk my two children from my home in the heart of the city to the library without feeling I’m taking our lives in my hands,” he said.

Well, there’s a difference between making the “heart of the city” more walkable and making the whole city more walkable.

In the heart of the city, sidewalks will help, but only if it’s coupled with slower traffic and a buffer between the sidewalk and the street. For instance, not long ago I walked from my house in the Uplands to the Blockbuster video store in Campustown. Walking on my street with its on-street parking and 25 mph speed limit was very pleasant. Walking on Main Street was a nightmare. Main Street is five lanes, which means traffic moves much faster than the posted 30 mph speed limit, and the narrow sidewalks abut the street, making you feel very unsafe as cars go whipping past you.

In the newer parts of the city, as you go north, these areas were not created to be “walkable,” but to be accessible only by automobile. Adding sidewalks (other than for recreational walking around the neighborhood) is not going to allow you to walk to the park or the library, unless you’re willing to walk several miles along an arterial road. My dad and I have walked down the shoulder of Route 150 from Charter Oak Road to Glen Hollow and let me tell you, it’s not a pleasant walk on which you’d want to take your family. And when you get to the end, you still haven’t seen a park or library. It would take some radical changes to make these newer neighborhoods “walkable” in the way Morris describes.

There were more ideas that I may discuss in future posts, but this one is long enough!

No council meeting tonight — Blogger Bash instead!

There’s no “regular” City Council meeting tonight, but they are meeting in a special session to discuss council “priorities and goals.”  No final action will be taken.

What’s a blogger to do without a council meeting?  Why, go to Blogger Bash, of course!  Of course, you don’t have to be a blogger to attend.  Come on out, all you bloggers, commenters, and other informed citizens.  We always have a fun time of socializing and discussion.

You can see who all is coming by going to Bill Dennis’s site.  The bash will be at Whitey’s Tip Top Tap in the Sheridan Road Façade Improvement Corridor, 2601 N. Sheridan, at 8 p.m. tonight.

City zoning commission okays grandfather status for unpaved lots

The city council on Tuesday will also be considering a recommendation from the zoning commission that provides some relief to businesses in the older areas of town that have unpaved (rock or gravel) parking lots or loading areas.  Right now, if someone complains about such lots, the city can require that the business pave their lot within a year of receiving notice.  Under new rules proposed by the zoning commission, they would not have to pave their lot or loading area unless there is a change of use or expansion of the business.

The new rules apply only to businesses whose gravel lots were created prior to 1972.  The city established rules requiring lots to be paved that year, so any business that established a gravel lot after 1972 did so illegally and would still be subject to the old rules (requiring pavement within a year).

This is a good example of the city showing some flexibility in their zoning to take into consideration the concerns of long-time businesses in the older parts of town.  This sounds like a good compromise by the zoning commission.

Knoxville and Prospect intersection to be upgraded

Just in case you feel like there’s not enough road construction in your life, IDOT and the city are planning to upgrade the intersection of Knoxville and Prospect roads in Peoria, according to the city council agenda for Tuesday night.  It looks to be rather extensive — they want to change the intersection so that people turning north onto Knoxville from Prospect can have better visibility of traffic coming from the south.  New (“modernized”) traffic signals will be installed, of course.

File this under “I” for “Irony”

On Monday, May 1, from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m., there will be a special meeting of the Peoria Public School Board at Woodruff High School to get input from the public regarding the district’s plans to abandon — and possibly raze to make way for public housing — the current Glen Oak School building, erected in 1889.

May 1 also kicks off “Historic Preservation Month.” A typical proclamation for this month reads as follows:

WHEREAS, historic preservation is an effective tool for managing growth, revitalizing neighborhoods, fostering local pride and maintaining community character while enhancing livability; and

WHEREAS, historic preservation is relevant for communities across the nation, both urban and rural, and for Americans of all ages, all walks of life and all ethnic backgrounds; and

WHEREAS, it is important to celebrate the role of history in our lives and the contributions made by dedicated individuals in helping to preserve the tangible aspects of the heritage that has shaped us as a people; and

NOW, THEREFORE, I, (governor of your state, mayor of your city), do proclaim May 2006, as National Preservation Month, and call upon the people of (your state or city) to join their fellow citizens across the United States in recognizing and participating in this special observance.

I’m not sure what the wording will be for Peoria, but a proclamation for Historic Preservation Month is planned for the Peoria City Council meeting Tuesday night.