Category Archives: Uncategorized
Unplugged until Sunday
I’m going out of town for a couple of days. I leave tonight and return Sunday afternoon. I’ll miss you all while I’m gone! Don’t forget to write.
Still . . . on . . . dialup . . .
But I’m thinking of switching to a faster connection, and I’m seriously thinking of DSL through SBC. Any advice? Recommendations? Cautions? I see from my logs that several of you out there use SBC; are you happy with the service? Thanks in advance for your feedback.
Happy Valentine’s Day
I’m spending the evening with my wife tonight, so I won’t be blogging about the city council meeting. I’ll try to catch the replay tomorrow at noon.
Happy Valentine’s Day!
A guy witnesses an accident….
My dad, not usually one for forwarding on funny e-mails — not usually one for e-mailing anything, come to think of it – sent me a link to this site. I gotta admit, it’s pretty funny. Take a listen.
Today’s Stench Index: 8
Peoria is especially stinky this morning. I walked out my front door to get the paper today and literally gagged. It smelled like a cross between burnt electrical equipment and body odor. I think the radio stations really should warn citizens when it smells this bad outside. Maybe they could develop a “stench index” or “stink factor” with “1” smelling like a meadow of wildflowers and “10” smelling like your head is poked inside an ADM smokestack.
There’s quite a bit of talk about “quality of life” issues these days — mitigating the smell of ADM would be a good one to work on. I understand I live in the city and don’t expect the stench index to ever be “1” where I live. But can’t we find some reasonable middle ground? Aren’t there any emission standards that regulate the smell of these plants?
It’s Groundhog Day . . . again
Punxsutawney Phil saw his shadow today, so there will be six more weeks of winter. Of course, we all know there are always six more weeks of winter whether or not Phil sees his shadow (March 21 is six weeks away), but it’s, um, fun (?) to go through this ritual every year.
As an interesting aside, while it’s still going to be winter here in the states, Canada is expecting an early spring, based on their forecasting rodents. Not to be outdone by the U.S., they get a consensus of two woodchucks with whimsical, alliterative and difficult-to-spell names: Wiarton Willie (Ontario) and Shubenacadie Sam (Nova Scotia).
So, I’m not sure what a city like, say, Detroit should expect. Three more weeks of winter, perhaps?
Rumor Mill
I just heard today that All That Matters Christian bookstore in the Metro Centre is closing, possibly by the end of the week. Can anyone confirm or deny?
Out with the old, in with the new
I’ve decided to take Bill’s advice and leave Blogger for WordPress. However, I’m still getting acquainted with my new digs and I’m not completely moved in yet. I think this setup will be better in the long run. Please bear with me while I’m getting things set up. Thanks!