Election Day 2008

The campaign is finally over, and all the citizens who haven’t already voted early go to the polls today. By tonight at 9 p.m. or so, we should know who our next elected representatives will be.

While we’re waiting, anyone want to venture a prediction on any of the races? If you really want to show off your prognosticating skills, tell us what the percentage spread will be, too.

29 thoughts on “Election Day 2008”

  1. Time to leave town.

    If Obama wins, the commies will be simply insufferable and likely riot.

    If McCain wins, the commies will claim the election was stolen and riot.

    Either way, I think we’re gonna have some dead commies in the next day or so.


  2. popular vote for President nationally will be less than a 2% spread for McCain/Obama.  Obama by a nose.
    Electoral vote:  Obama, 288; McCain, 250.

    Schock by 9%
    Durbin by 13%

  3. On the presidental race, I’d have to agree with commenter James Lansberry.  Interesting how Obama can fill stadiums but only eek out a predicted 2% lead in the popular vote over McCain.  As for Schock, just a mere guess, but a 5-6% lead; Durbin much higher than a 13% lead.

  4. Obama –  350 electoral votes (the only count that matters)
    Schock – only bet here is over/under 60% – I’ll take over (Side bet: can Schafer get more than 5% – I’ll say yes)
    Krupa  – not my district, but I wouldn’t bet on Gordon, even in a    clearly democratic year (Krupa 53.5%)
    LaHood/Lyons – last week I would have said Lyons with 55% but these last few days have been bad for him; I’ll say LaHood by 50.8 (but I wouldn’t bet the farm).
    ConCon – I’m going to say it will pass; just a hunch but I think there is a real anti-politics as usual pent up feeling here that just may show up here.
    Judges – all will be retained
    Referendum to change Peoria city elections – What?

  5. I doubt that Diane although that heavy breathing you hear on your phone line might be some Republican you have voted for. If any rights have been sacrificed, it has been the Bush Administration that has trashed the Constitution more than any administration in history all in the name of keeping us safe. If you can’t see that, well then….FEH

  6. Other races:

    Schock v Callahan v Shafer:  Will be too close to call.  Coattails!!  Edge to the wonder boy.

    5% for Shafer?:  YES.

    Krupa v Gordon:  Gordon wins on coattails and get out the vote.

    LaHood v Lyons:  To close to call.  Edge to LaHood.

    ConCon:  Passes.

    Judges… retained

    City Elections:  No idea

  7. I find the above scarcasm/commies discussion to be very disheartening–even scary.  It is definitely time for this election to be over.  I think this might be a year when everyone I voted for might win.  Might, might, might–no over-confidence here.

  8. Hey Emtronics, relax, we won.  Time to stop trashing Bush/Cheney.  It’s old news.  Remember how the Republicans kept trashing Clinton long after he left office.  It really was annoying.  Lets just make sure that the Obama administation doesn’t give into a tempation to keep some of these things around.   

  9. Time to start bashing Barry now, EM.


    kcdad – chill out.

    Diane: Yeah maybe the thought-crime squads deploy starting tomorrow.

  10. BTW kcdad, what about your fellow travelers who’ve been saying the blood will run in the streets if Barry loses???????????

  11. LOL  Barry?  Well when Obama is sworn in I will stop with the Bush bashing.  There is still time for Bush to screw something up before Jan.20th,  I just wish that they’d make him walk back to Texas.  Yes I remember the sore losers (Republicans) on Clinto for his entire eight years in office and guess what? It will happen to Obama.  The Republicans will start Jan 21.  (Gosh I hope not)

  12. 2:54 P.M.

    Hannity already claiming “voter fraud” and “voter intimidation”.

    4 years ago the same claims made by the other side were dismissed as “whining”, “quit crying we won”.

    Interesting how things change.

    Vonster, the “thought-crime squads”?  Where did you hear/read that one at?  the “drive by media” or from a “feminazi”?

    You would think if Obama was elected we might get attatacked by terrorists or our financial system would collapse…..whoops, never mind.

  13. if “ifs and buts”were chips and nuts…

    The only way Obama could lose this election is if the Republicans steal it again.  Fortunately the margin will be too great to flip the vote through the electronic hacking they used in 2004.

    I also find it interesting that the radical right wing mouth pieces of the Republican party started accusing the Democrats of voter fraud…in heavy black and urban areas… duh?!?!?!

  14. When all is said and done, regardless of the outcome…

    • Instead of the unity which was promised, people will still be  full of anger and hatred towards one another for no other reason than they have different views.
    • Third party candidates at all levels will still have no hope, regardless of the validity of their ideas.
    • Congress will spend more money than it could possibly collect.
    • After the 2010 census, the elected officials will still pick their voters using creatively drawn districts.
    • Whatever the crisis that arises, politicians will spend more time assigning blame than taking responsibility.
    • And all the real problems economic problems of our country will just get passed to the next generation.

    Happy Election Day 2008.

  15. Remember kcdad….if the right says their is voter fraud, it must be true.

    If the left makes the same charge, it’s “whining”.

  16. Precinct,
    Obama destroys the coal industry?!?!?!?  There were times [a few] when I actually thought you were making sense.  Now…I must challenge you to a duel.

    What in the HELL is wrong with Obama advocating “CLEAN COAL?”  Don’t take Biden’s words out of context…we all knew what he meant.  The next thing you will be ranting about is that Obama wants to close down Ameican auto manufacturers because he wants to ‘push’ them into producing cleaner/fuel efficient cars in AMERICA! 

    Please limit yourself to one doobie a day.

    Thanks for your support.

    – Not ‘Ameican’ [a small tribe of pygmies in South America unsullied by human or Republican contact.]

  18. Poor Colleen, she could’t convince the voters that their lives were in danger if that terrible Aaron Schock is elected. Daisy commercials from the 60’s just didn’t work. Back to slopping the hogs and feeding the chickens.

  19. Colleen got 42%…  AMAZING for such a  short campaign…  Schock better not think he “won” anything… 52%… even had it been 62%… This is Peoria after all.

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