There’s a press event planned for next Tuesday regarding fundraising efforts for the proposed downtown museum. The event is sponsored by the CEO Roundtable and sports a new catchphrase and logo to replace the old “Circle the Square” campaign: “Build the Block.” Here are the details directly from the press release:
Tuesday, September 2, 2008, 10:30 a.m.
On the patio at Martinis, 212 SW Water StreetThe CEO Roundtable, a Heartland Partnership Organization representing Peoria’s business leaders, will announce a new effort to raise needed funds to help build the Peoria Riverfront Museum Block. The new museum block will be a component of the overall development of one of the most important properties in Peoria’s downtown. The Caterpillar Experience, retail/commercial offerings and park-like green space are also planned for the site.
Speakers include:
Michael Bryant, Methodist Medical Center
Mike Everett, Illinois Building Trades Councils
State Senator Dave Koehler
State Representative Dave Leitch
Peoria Mayor Jim Ardis
Jim Owens, Caterpillar Inc.
Brad McMillan, Museum Collaboration Group
It’s encouraging that they’re not putting all their eggs in the new-county-tax basket. I can’t wait to hear what their new plan is. It’s also encouraging that they’re still calling it the “Peoria Riverfront Museum,” evidently backing off plans to remove “Peoria” from the name.
Yawn. Wake me when it’s over.
Finally!!!! These people come up with a catch-phrase that makes me want to donate all of my money!
Geesh…it took them long enough. Now all of the museum plans can finally go forward!!!
Sorry. Drinking this early in the day makes me write/say funny things.
I see that no one from Peoria County is a speaker. Also no one from OSF.
Put Ken Hinton on it. He is good with money.
These same people were leading the charge for Renaissance Park. Has that been such a smashing success that they can move on to this project?
Ah schucks – the PBC’s bonding capacity/authority is already committed to D150.
(laughter) THIS is another ploy to build the museum…. on the East Peoria riverfront…. like nearly everything else that’s done ” while We’re still young “!