News 25 Today now in HD (UPDATED)

I’m not sure when they started this (I don’t normally watch early-morning TV), but I just noticed this morning that WEEK’s “News 25 Today” local show with Garry Moore and Sandy Gallant is now being broadcast in high definition. It looks really good! There were very few technical glitches this morning, too.

UPDATE: All of WEEK’s news shows are evidently in 16:9 HD. I’m watching News 25 at 10 now. They also have some new computer graphics, including “pillars” that fill in the side margins of (some of) the 4:3 footage they’re still using for national news stories. Their shots and CG are composed so they can use a center cut for standard def broadcasts (i.e., no letterboxing on older 4:3 sets — the picture appears full frame). Their ad bumpers are still standard def. Still, they’re the first local news to broadcast in HD.

16 thoughts on “News 25 Today now in HD (UPDATED)”

  1. We need someone who can physically tape the Bd. of Ed. meeting tonight. We have the equipment and will set it up. You just need to be present to work the camera. It is very simple. If you can do this please call diane at 645-8608. THanks.

  2. Wouldn’t it be nice if we had a superintendent who, would prefer that BOE meetings be open like they used to be instead of all of this Pravda way of doing things.

  3. Why Pravda? The Continental Congress wasn’t open to the public.
    Most of what our government does isn’t open to the public.

  4. It’s open to the public. You just have to get off your ass, dump the Cheetos and go there.

  5. Say something negative (although true) about the D150 Super and BOE and the bloggers who are usually criticizing them too until someone else comes along then they “circle the wagons” to defend the BOE ignorance.

    You people deserve exactly what you get from the D150 BOE.

  6. Truth is that the super is not in charge of the board, they are in charge of her. She can not switch their decision(which was made before she got here) and nor should she be scorned for what the board decides.

  7. Ummmm, how did we go from HD at WEEK 25 to BOE? Is it just an acronym thing or what?

  8. Dennis wrote: “They need to get rid of that awful looking set next.”

    Amen, my brother. Then how about WEEK management change that OLD TIRED A**ED MUSIC which they have been using for all its newscasts since 1996? 1996! 14 years of this stuff! God, it’s like Pesci sticking an icepick through the back of my head when I hear it any more. This has to be classified as some sort of abuse. Children watch these programs. Maybe it is a form of child abuse. Or maybe there is some code transmitted that alters humans to “vote for the museum”, “vote for van Auken”, think that “the garbage tax does not need repeal”, that “mayor Ardis is a good leader of the people because there was no one else to vote for but Gen. Parker”, or that “peoria anti-pundit is a bean and cheese burrito with saurkraut, bean sprouts, some beef and a lot of bullspit which is delicious if you’re a Venezuelan marxist on a diet that includes drinking Alka Seltzer with your meal”, etc., etc.

    Click the WEEK links to the mind-fracturing, thought-fissioning music we have been listening to for all these years. You can not have heard enough yet. Please click the link to hear more. It is the music labeled “newswire”.

  9. “until someone else comes”

    You think that your comment is above criticism? It was inaccurate and borderline Fox News hysteria.

    I am curious about your “Super Superintendent” reference… what motivated THAT?

  10. Oh Mr.Emtronics I’m just ribbin’ you. I know you aren’t really a burrito.

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