66 thoughts on “Open Soapbox”

  1. Lead paint and asbestos, both chronic health problems plaguing older homes. A new chronic problem on the horizon…. Drywall?


    Read closely… yeah its primarily focused on imported Chinese drywall but the article indicates these toxins exist in most drywall, albeit in lesser amounts. News to me. I thought drywall was straight Calcium Sulfate (ie Gypsum) but I guess not. Also learned drywall is widely manufactured as byproduct of power plant emissions (coal?). For years now, this country has had rising asthma and allergy problems. Plasticizers have been blamed for some of it…. drywall? This could be something to watch.

  2. Anyone know if Peoria will be getting any town hall meetings with congresspeople any time soon? After all the hullabaloo in Florida, I could use some entertainment in these parts.

  3. Anyone read the JStar article:

    “How will Peoria patch budget?”

    Lets ADD a sales tax and build a new museum!!!

    Now the people of Peoria City/County can pay even MORE!!

  4. New Voice — Why isn’t the council just raising the sales tax? There’s ample evidence that the public (voted for tax increase) and businesses (charging HIZ tax even though it doesn’t apply to them without any complaint) couldn’t care less how much the sales tax is. Like the museum folks said, it’s such a tiny amount, who cares? We can afford it! Let’s add two or three more percent to it. I’m sure PAAR and the Chamber of Commerce would approve.

  5. obama is american…i made good money this month…question progress…nuff said…

  6. “When the details come out on this, people are going to be shocked by what really happened..”

    Not as shocked as the realization that the grieving parents are attempting to make nearly a half million dollars from this.

  7. “When the details come out on this, people are going to be shocked by what really happened..”

    “Not as shocked as the realization that the grieving parents are attempting to make nearly a half million dollars from this.”

    Or that these were the parents that stood in court and asked the judge to be lenient on them because they didn’t want to destroy all of the families. They stated that they fully supported those boys to have a life after this. I believe they were even there when the boys were released from jail.

  8. Kcdad: I just read your link–I agree. Speaking of making money–Sarah has found “her voice” and her way to pay her bills and there are way too many people willing to help her pay those bills.

  9. What;s the deal with Randy Emert? You have to be an “invited person” to get to his blog now; his is the of the most interesting columns, but if he is going to be selective, the hell with him.

  10. Do you ever wonder if the Dahlquist family stood in front of the judge and pleaded for mercy for the boys, yet knew they would be exacting their own set of justice/revenge through a civil trial? With friends like that…

  11. I must have missed something regarding the Dahlquist tragedy and apparently PI knows something he isn’t telling. It was my understanding that the night before the boys shot fireworks into Danny’s room, he was shooting fireworks into at least one of their rooms. I had never heard of this college prank until it made the front pages here in Peoria.

    I don’t know how I would react if this had happened to my son, but I believe as time went by, the pain of losing him would be too excruciating for words. Whose to say that if your son was killed that you wouldn’t sue also? My prayers go out to that family.

  12. I don’t know if I would sue, but, if there was even a slight possibility that I would, I don’t know that I would stand by their side in court and beg for leniency. My best friend lives across the street from there and her SO was one of the ones holding the boys back from going inside.

    I think the parents should also take into account that Danny was doing the exact same thing the night and weekend before. It could have been their son that went to jail and now faces a lawsuit.

    There is no easy answer for this, I just know that it is breaking me heart all over again. IT just seems like this tragedy keeps growing.

  13. JV: For two children (1 middle school / 1 high school) I will spend approx $175-$200 for school supplies (includes 2 backpacks). Not sure how low income families with many children do it. The expectations are a bit crazy. I should add that I buy extra notecards, paper and a few other things b/c they’re cheap now and I know we’ll use them throughout the year.

  14. “Whose to say that if your son was killed that you wouldn’t sue also? My prayers go out to that family.”

    Your prayers… Do you pray for all the front page families that lose a child? Do you know how many parents in Peoria area lost children to violent or sudden and unexpected deaths this year?

    Me. There is no “value” one can put on my child that has anything to do with $. Nothing. OMG! That is so American… If something has a value it MUST BE IN MONEY TERMS. And then we say what value to society is someone with no money… what use are they… We can’t even talk about health care or war or education without quantifying everything in terms of money… “Yes, 5000 soldiers have died, but look at the cost benefit analysis”.

    “better gas mileage, less pollution… sure but at what cost?”
    “maybe it isn’t worth it to have that extra, expensive procedure Mr. Jones, you are only prolonging your life and after all… think of how many better ways that money could be spent.”
    Look at all those old folks with pensions and retirement accounts… let start a retirement village industry… did we not have old people before? Sure, they just didn’t have such wonderful bank accounts.

  15. KC, why do you question my prayers? You have a way about you that turns the simplest statement into negativity. Shame on you…

    You’d be surprised who I pray for…. but that’s between me and the Universe..

  16. I don’t question your prayers, I question your integrity. If it is front page news you have to deal with it, but if there are 20,000 children with names and families that starve to death everyday… why aren’t you praying for their families? So, you can’t pray for everyone, only those that make the news?

    You are like those that say they “support the troops”. It costs nothing and sure sounds good to the average person who only half listens.
    Tell me what this means :”My prayers go out to that family.” You think God cares or intercedes any more for them because you say their name? You think they feel any less loss?
    YOUR prayers…

  17. well said Billy! Evidently some believe that have more of a right to “it” than others….just a thought…

  18. KC, like I said before, you have no idea who is included in my prayers.. and I missed where I said I only prayer for those who make the front page… Interesting you should question my prayers…. you should be worrying about your own.

  19. Really…the first amendment is why Sarah Palin is on Fox News???? Why aren’t you on Fox News? Why are only conservative Roger Ailes robots on Fox? Freedom???? So you know, The First Amendment guarantees that Congress shall pass no law abridging the right to freedom of speech… it doesn’t guarantee some ideologue like Rubert Murdock can say whose voice is broadcast over the airwaves and whose isn’t?

    “you should be worrying about your own.” Why? God knows all already… what is the point of prayer? Do you really think God is “persuaded” or bribed by your pleas to change the order of the universe one iota? Don’t you remember what Jesus said: NOT ONE IOTA OF THE LAW WILL BE CHANGED. (He wasn’t talking about just written rules…)
    Come on MAWB, You used that meaningless platitude to make yourself sound sympathetic … in reality it only made you look pathetic. If you really care, go sit and hold Danny’s mother’s hand and listen to her. Save your breath and your prayers … or in other words, shut up and listen.

  20. Can idiots be blocked from posting? I used to enjoy reading this site until kchasnodad hijacked it.

  21. kcdad: Because the same 1st Amendment that gives Sarah Palen to say what comes out of her mouth is the same 1st Amendment that lets Foxnews decide who to interview on the air. If FoxNews (or CNN or MSNBC) decided for some reason to give me a platform, I’d probably takle it too.

    Again, thanks for the input.

  22. School supplies will cost us approx. $75 for two primary school age children in D150. That included two new backpacks which came with lunchbags. That does NOT include the D150 registration fee, which runs $55/child through October or $110/child after.

    Can someone tell me why there is so much variation in registration fees throughout the Tr-County? The lowest I found was $35, the highest was 150’s “after deadline” rate. Are 150’s textbooks really that much better?

  23. Is this pick on MAWB Day? Mention a little thing like prayer and I get accused of not praying for the whole world. I, personally, do not believe prayer is useless. In fact, I talk to dead people all the time!

    kc, you don’t know me… I very well could have lost children or have children with disabilities. (both, of which are true) Most people know my sister is disabled. Read my blog and then talk to me about integrity.


  24. Yes, it is frightening that Palin gets any media attention at all and MAWB, pray all you want. It comes from the heart, screw kcdad.

  25. By all means, pray all you want… I’m sure it makes YOU feel better. It does absolutely nothing for Danny or his family. Of course you know that.

    justme: “but, I’ll pray for you anyway…..” That’s rather self centered and insulting, don’t you think? I just got finished writing that intercessory prayer is useless. Why would waste your time on something that is supposed to be for my benefit, when I don’t want it, don’t need it and think you are naive to think you would have any idea what I want or need.
    AND… what does that mean: “I’ll pray for you”? In place of me? or… On my behalf?

  26. kcdad — Can you tell me why I shouldn’t consider you a troll?

    In Internet slang, a troll is someone who posts controversial, inflammatory, irrelevant or off-topic messages in an online community, such as an online discussion forum, chat room or blog, with the primary intent of provoking other users into an emotional or disciplinary response or of otherwise disrupting normal on-topic discussion.

    If you want to discuss the efficacy or psychology of prayer on an open thread, that’s fine with me. But that doesn’t give you the right to personally attack and badger other commenters. And I think you know that. Knock it off.

  27. CJ—

    As someone who knows Kcdad, he doesn’t usually say things just to be mean. Most of the time he is tryong to get people to see things froma totally different perspective than they are used to. It is a great technique to use in a college classroom, as it expands horizons, but not all adults appreciate that.

    Just wanted to let you know. He isn’t as bad as he sounds.

  28. Bam: Good observation about Kcdad. Kcdad, you could probably reach more people by not attacking them personally–just our ideas. However, I do appreciate your forcing us to hold our own viewpoints up to the light.

  29. Tonight’s BOE committee meeting of the whole is open to the public. The agenda: 3. Discussion of current proposal on high school repurposing
    4. Discussion on public comment at school board meetings

  30. kcdad: Have you ever read … The Anatomy of Peace by Warner at the Arbinger Institute? Is your style of communication related to encouraging people to get out of their various ‘boxes’?

  31. Who would have thought that, by stating my opinion, I would have a couple of friends decide to not be my friends. I always thought it was better to have friends that had differing opinions so that you had a better and broader view of the community and world that you live in.

  32. I guess it depends on what you are stating that would cause some friends to no longer want to be friends – if you favor child pornography, for example, or like to torture small animials, or know kcdad…:)

  33. Jon–

    Actually, I am quite proud to call kcdad a friend. He makes me think about my stated beliefs. He makes me consider whether they are my own beliefs or beliefs of others that I have adopted. Yes, it makes me uncomfortable at the time, but, in the long run, I am more comfortable in my stated beliefs.

  34. bam: Puts me in mind of a Dr. Suess quote relayed to me several years ago by a then nineteen year old missionary …. a wise young man he was ….

    Suess’ quote:

    “Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind.”

    kcdad does have a talent to help us to encourage thinking about our beliefs. I think sometimes it makes people uncomfortable to take action to do that personal and intraspective thinking.

    So, kcdad, sincerely, thank you for sharing your talent! 🙂

  35. AmerenCILCO is making the rounds and replacing meters with the new satellite meters. Just knocked on my door and replaced mine. Took about 30 seconds for him to do it. Wish they had been about 12 months earlier. Had to replace my meter last summer due to a storm that fried the line and the meter. So that was a waste of $200. Oh well such is life. Now Big Brother can watch me from the sky and tell when I use my lights, etc..

  36. Is it hypocritical to have one of those popular “Co-Exist” bumper stickers and others that demonstrate disrespect toward a religion?

  37. Oh, I understand the effectiveness of kcdad’s methods. Case in point: I have certain beliefs on the way he does it. I wasn’t sure if they were my own beliefs, or if I adopted the beliefs of others who comment here. So I continue to read what kcdad writes and the way he communicates with people, and yes, he convinces me that my beliefs about what he does are true. I have similar beliefs about what Sarah Palin, Rush Limbaugh and Dick Cheney do and I’m glad that they, along with kcdad, are allowed to express their own beliefs. I visit kcdad’s blog, though I am reluctant to be the first to comment there.

    (Incidentally, thanks CJ. I had never heard of the internet slang term “troll” before.)

    It kind of reminds me of house training a dog. The dog craps on the floor, so its master pushes the dog’s nose in the crap. It may be uncomfortable for the dog, but it encourages him to be introspective and to question why it took the crap in the first place. If only we could treat everyone like a dog.

  38. Labeling kc’s acerbic cynicism and bitterness a “teaching method” should be up for euphemism of the year. I do admire your tolerance.

  39. CJ, on a more serious note, do you (or anyone else) have a copy of D150’s 2005 Master Facility Report? I searched for it on your site (and read many interesting articles from years past) and found links that took me to the D150 website, but I can’t seem to find it there.

  40. Jon,
    I think I have it. Let me look for it. If I don’t have it, I know several people that do.

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