Peoria Chiefs On A Roll

Chiefs lose again tonight, 14-2 against Wisconsin. Sure am glad they brought in the Cubs affiliate…. All that winning the last couple years was a real drag. This is more like it!

Yeah, that was me

In case you’re wondering if I was the “Chris Summers” mentioned in Phil Luciano’s column today, yes, that was me. He did a really good job on the article. The “pal” I was out with was my wife and two other couples from our church, but he didn’t know that. Still, it was kinda funny … Continue reading Yeah, that was me

Disgruntled Cardinals Fan

Well, the Peoria Chiefs baseball team has switched affiliations from the Cardinals to the Cubs this year. You can tell they’re a Cubs affiliate now because they lost their season opener, their home opener, and last night they made four errors. I don’t understand why, when you’ve got a franchise that won the Midwest League … Continue reading Disgruntled Cardinals Fan