The heretofore “silent majority” wants the Park District to know that, although they never said anything all last year while the controversy was going on, they really want a school in Glen Oak Park. Now, after the decision has already been made, they are mobilizing their forces — all 30 of them so far.
They have such nice things to say about their neighbors, too:
Lance Sperry, who has joined [Teresa] Larson in the cause, said the people that attended meeting after meeting to oppose the site aren’t the majority.
“It’s just a few that have the time to go to every (City) Council meeting, shake their fists at every Park Board meeting. A lot of us just don’t have the time to do this,” Sperry said.
Oh, sure. Five neighborhood associations, the Heart of Peoria Commission, Councilman Bob Manning, et. al., are just a few lazy bums with all kinds of time on their hands and nothing better to do than to go to every council and park board meeting. They don’t have job commitments or families or social lives like the vaunted “silent majority” who “just don’t have the time” to participate in civic affairs.
That means this “majority,” if we are to believe Mr. Sperry, is too busy to make a call, write a letter, or attend a meeting; no, political action is evidently at the very bottom of their priority list, and they consider that a virtue. Teresa Larson (the apparent leader of this petition drive) says she “just assumed that the Park Board would make the ‘right’ decision.” Well I guess she and her johnny-come-lately petition signers have learned a valuable civics lesson.
30 already – that’s a ground swell??? Even if it climbs to 300 which I seriously doubt will happen I’d still say “so what?” Signatures from 3,000 residents in that area would make me listen. The only thing that surprises me is the PJS hasn’t published a page with a mail in ballot! After all they still want the King Hinton Legacy Temple & School built next to the park. ^oo^~
The people that went to the meetings “just don’t have the time to do this”, they created the time to do it. They took time away from sleep, family activities and chores. They made the time to go to meetings because it was important to them. Now, Mr. Sperry will have decide how important it is to him, will he just talk and blame others for finding the time to say what was important to them to the governing bodies of our city, school district and park board or will he be one of those whose makes the time to go to meetings.
Didn’t the poohbahs at the Propaganda Star just get done telling us that we needed to make decisions and move on? “Things take too long in Peoria”, remember?
I guess their elitist friends don’t think that applies to them?
The things men, women, and children believe in are the things they do….
M. Frazier — Right on — civic engagement usually requires sacrifice and the people who attended many of these meetings did create time or used their time to that end…
For me, it shows the continued need to have as many (perhaps messy) meetings as it takes to make our community decisions to be an inclusive process at the onset each and every time …. rather than having to ‘man’ the rampants after exclusive bureaucratic decisions have been enacted.
Think Charleston and think about that city’s transformation during the last 30 years — Peoria could/would experience a similar turnaround when we decide inclusive public process is the soup du jour.
Where do I sign the Petition?
Emtronics: Just turn on your police scanner on Saturday and listen for the big traffic jam — that’s where the silent majority will be lining up to sign.
I am not underestimating any effort. The effort to keep Glen Oak in the center of the neighborhood started with a few individuals and then the neighborhoods got together to support one another. If these folks are late and want to have a petition drive, it is their right to do so, late or not. I won’t be signing. 20+ neighborhoods voted against the park site, etc, but let’s not demean their efforts. Not too long ago, we were there.
I do agree that the people who fought this battle worked long and hard and sacrificed much. It can be very frustating to those that worked on that project that anyone wants to change the results.
I also agree that many of the same people stand up for what they believe and that the leaders do attend a lot of meetings, because they represent people who expect their leaders to be informed. I believe that the same folks are the ones making the efforts and this has to change. It is frustrating that more people will not become involved. Again, much complaining in this city, huge amounts of fingerpointing, name calling,posturing, etc, but little action. If %50 of the moaners would be doers we’d have more volunteers than we can handle.
I am concerned that the leaders who know what is happening and stand up and do the work are not getting any younger. No one has any more time than the other, but some of us believe that in order to effect change we have to do more than just complain, we must act and act wisely. This has required a great deal of sacrifice by several individuals.
We need to include new people, new leaders, even if we disagree, to share ideas. We really need members from other groups, organizations, race, creed, color, and any other diverse populations to stand up and participate together.
Projects other than the Glen Oak site may not be as divisive and then we can combine our efforts. There will always be emotional projects to one group or another, we need to be supportive of others efforts to positively change our community, even if we disagree with the particular issue. Additionally there is something in being both a gracious winner and a gracious loser.
We do need messy meetings Karrie, we need to have open discussions on the issues no one wants to address for fear of getting labled by those who fear positive change as a loss of power. We must move toward the future without forgetting our past. This last state election was very divisive because of the ugly tactics utilized and strained some great friendships and working relationships, lets learn from that in our interactions with those from whom we disagree. I hope the council election is not along the same caliber. I think there is a possiblity to make positive changes there as well.
Paul Wilkinson, President
Neighborhood Alliance
The petition is probably a good idea even though the organizers will only reach a small sample of the population. Hopefully this sample will be representative enough to give the community some idea as to the level of support for the GOP/GOS site and we may all be enlightened as to the position of the “silent majority”.
It’s too bad the BOE/Dist 150 Admin didn’t undertake a survey before committing district funds to the purchase of properties.
CJ: ouch!
Prairie Celt:
Here is the last sentence of the March 8, 2006 – 6:50 pm Executive Session Minutes from the PPD …..
“As this is still a preliminary plan, Director Noble requested the aerial photo handout provided to trustees for reference should remain in strict confidence.”
Why would that action be necessary?
Hum, survey from BOE/D150 Adm or from PPD Trustees/PPD Adm…. it never happened and it would have been nice….
As many messy meetings as possible to discuss these issues with all constituents adjacent to any given project and all the constituents aka the taxpayers who are being asked to pay for the project PRIOR to the commencement of a project….. Just like President Cassidy has been quoted…. without community support he did not feel that the school in the park issue would be successful.
You know why the aerial photo handout is to remain confidental? It would expose the secret satellite the Park District has in high orbit.
Emtronics: So what type of information does the PPD secret satellite collect?
Karrie: The will of the silent majority, no doubt. That’s how Jim Stowell was able to discover they were all for the school in the park.
Emtronics: it is unfortunate that you of all people would push for this plan. This is the type of thing that has destroyed the south end. One government project after another, with always the explination that this is the one that would fix it all. I have heard you claim that the south end is a great place to live, and if you think that way, great for you. Most folk on the east bluff do not want to see their neighborhood become the south end. Government projects like campus town have already hurt. Glen oak would just be the next round. If you like living in the ghetto Emtronics, great for you, now stop trying to force the ghetto on the rest of peoria.