The City Council’s redistricting committee voted to recommend Map #12 to the full Council for discussion:

I was out of town and unable to attend the meeting. But the Journal Star reports the map was approved by a 3-1 vote. Voting in favor were Barbara Van Auken (2nd Dist.), Tim Riggenbach (3rd Dist.), and Bill Spears (4th Dist.). Dan Irving (5th Dist.) voted against the map, and Clyde Gulley (1st Dist.) “was absent from the vote.”
As mentioned in a previous post, this map would move the West Bluff into the first district (from the second), and move downtown Peoria — including the Warehouse District — to the third district (from the first). The second district boundary has moved to the north. And north Peoria is more evenly divided between the fourth and fifth districts.
Spears, the chairman of the redistricting committee, reportedly said that the map, “if it’s approved by the council or not, will return to the committee for further public discussion,” after it’s discussed by the full Council.
What are your thoughts on the proposed new boundaries?
I believe that these new boundaries would place Bill Spear’s home within District 2 under the new boundaries…and that’s BVA’s turf. Anyone know what is going on? Am I having a senior moment and missing something? I can’t believe that they would approve a redistricting plan that forces two incumbents to face off when there are plenty of opportunities to gerrymander the map to meet everyone’s needs.
CJ – can you work your magic and create a map that places current Councilmembers residency on the proposed new redistricting map so we can see how they took care of themselves?
This is a shameless plug to encourage ALL West Bluff residents to attend the West Bluff Council redistricting forum on Monday, July 18 7:00 pm at the Bradley University Student Center. Our position is that the neighborhoods of the West Bluff need to stay together on one Council district. We encourage our friends and neighbors to come out and speak out! Thanks for your support.
Conrad, map 12 maintains the physical intregity of all the West Bluff neighborhoods, the only change is the West Bluff neighborhoods become part of the First District. Unfortunately, neighborhoods that developed concurrantly chronologically but separated when I74 ripped thru Peoria in the late 50’s will now be joined with neighbor hoods west of Sterling and South of I-74 there which were developed in the 1980s, not the 1880s. Paul is correct, Spears and vanAuken will now be in the Second District. Spain, Turner, and Weaver will be in the 4th District, and I, Sandberg, will be moved to the 3rd District along with the latest State of Art McDonalds in a curious bump of the 3rd district to the west of Knoxville. Beth Akeson also in the 3rd District. Ends up with only Irving in the 5th District and Gulley only incumbant in the 1st
I think Spears just announced he isn’t running in 2013
There are a lot of smart people in the West Bluff that would make good councilmen. For that reason, I’d love to see the Bluff split between three districts so there’s a better chance of getting some good representation on the council, but apparently I’m in the minority on this.
I’ve heard rumors that Van Auken is not running in 2013. Is there any truth to this? Anybody? One can only hope to be so blessed.
Except those in the 2nd. They re-elect her so they must love her votes and rants and poking cops.