In case you were wondering why I haven’t been blogging lately, I’ve been busy vacationing. Last night, my wife and I saw Conan O’Brien’s “Legally Prohibited from Being Funny on Television” show, and it was terrific. Special guests were Bears player Brian Urlacher and actor John C. Reilly. Reilly sang a little off-script number that went like this:
Missed Jay Leno last night
His jokes just make me snore
Awfully different without you
Don’t watch the Tonight Show anymore
His jokes just make me snore
Awfully different without you
Don’t watch the Tonight Show anymore
And the crowd roared. It was surprising to hear a blatant anti-Leno joke, considering that Conan is prohibited from making fun of Leno or NBC under terms of his severance. But as Reilly explained, he (Reilly) isn’t prohibited from saying anything. I’ll share more later. It was a fantastic show.