Kent M. Tomblin is listed as the sole owner of 1120 N. Maplewood Ave. in Peoria (PIN #1805304013) and the joint owner with Laura L. Tomblin of 13104 N. Duggins Rd. in Dunlap (PIN #0815300023). Both homes are listed as “owner occupied,” giving the Chief a property tax exemption on both houses. Both the Recorder of Deeds office and the County Assessor office verified that, legally, a homeowner can only receive an owner-occupied exemption on one residence — that is, a homeowner in Peoria County can only have one primary residence. The County took the information on these two properties and said they would look into the matter to determine which residence is the primary one.
If the Dunlap residence is found to be primary, it would cause further problems for Mr. Tomblin since the Fire Chief is required to live in the City of Peoria according to City policy. When asked about whether the Chief is breaking the City’s residency requirement, City attorney Randy Ray said he would have to research it.