Voter turnout low despite “early voting”

The Journal Star reports today that “Area voter turnout for Tuesday’s election was the lowest in years, with about 47 percent of Tri-County registered voters casting ballots.”

Yet the establishment of “early voting” was supposed to increase voter turnout. Perhaps the expense and extra staffing incurred by the County to offer early voting can be put to some better use in the future.

20 thoughts on “Voter turnout low despite “early voting””

  1. Yes, Steve, here’s the link for the rest of y’all (I might have posted it yesterday, here or at Billy’s place)

    And Von, the Republicans already stole two elections, 2000 and 2004 – they couldn’t take the risk again, no matter what Blackwell ranted in Ohio.

  2. I thought the guy in the grassy knoll stole the elections, with the help of the alien from Roswell…

  3. Katherine Harris certainly did. I was there (in Tallahassee). I can attest. I read about all the voter roll purges leading up to November 2000.
    Ohio in 2004, still some unanswered questions.

  4. I can attest I was across the street from the grassy knoll with the Roswell Alien the day Kennedy got shot. And there are still some unanswered questions surrounding the death of Jim Morrison…

  5. Vonster, do you post the same thing on people’s websites, even if they have nothing to do with the subject at hand?

  6. I am afraid I am with C.J. on this one, the Republicans did not steal any elections. Take, pinch, pilfer, filch, lift, purloin, thieve or rob, but not steal!

  7. Unfortunately, Von, it’s going to take our government, and many, many people, years to get over the destruction BushCo hath wraught – stolen, pinched, pilfered, robbed, etc. They have gutted so many human service agencies (FEMA tops the list) that rebuilding former infrastructure is going to take years.
    The one thing that we shall all benefit from are all the changes Republicans made in congress, to give heavy duty power to the majority. The now Republican minority now has to retreat to the back offices, while Democrats can bring Democracy back to this country. May they start by raising the minimum wage and giving every hard working low-income citizen some dignity!

  8. When you come up with some legal proof (convictions, for instance) that the Republicans stole any election, you let me know.

    As for the Democrats “bringing democracy back to this country,” all I can say is bahahahahahahahahahahaha! I’ll believe that when the 17th Congressional district gets un-gerrymandered.

    Oh, and the minimum wage will help some hard working low-income citizens. The rest will get laid off.

  9. TEHRAN (Reuters) – Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei on Friday called U.S. President George W. Bush’s defeat in congressional elections a victory for Iran.

  10. For all those who think Republicans steal elections. Must you forget Chicago Mayor Richard Daley in the 60’s and 70’s when he instructed police cars sit in front of polling places to keep non-union and blacks from voting. Proof? I lived across the street from Midway airport and saw it. Oh, yea, forgot, his son managed Al Gore’s campaign in 2000. Don’t throw stones.

  11. To be sure, gerrymandering and the power of the political machines is part of our history. Both Dems and Reps have reaped their ill-gotten gains. The Daly info from Scott is good [and true], but in the 60s and 70s I am willing to bet that this treatment of minority voters was not uncommon anywhere, not that this makes it right.

    It is damned odd though that the governor of Florida happens to be the brother of the man who stole the 2000 election! Just because the act was not caught on instant-replay, does not mean it didn’t happen.

  12. Demo controlled county…..? In a state with a Bush at the wheel? That is like saying LaHood has no idea what ‘gerrymandering’ means.

  13. Vonster, Vonster.

    We forget ourselves. The issue at hand was the low voter turnout this year. Despite the fact that LaHood has gotten nothing but bad press the last year, he still wins by a ‘landslide.’ Illinois voted for Democratic presidential candidates in the last four elections. John Kerry easily won the state’s 21 electoral votes in 2004 by a margin of 11 percentage points with 54.8% of the vote. On the whole, Illinois is the most Democratic state in the midwest.
    What is Peoria’s frigging problem!!! Are they that conservative, so into their little social/political circles? They all complain about how Chicago politics always dictates policy. Lets all vote Republican and send the boat away again!!

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