Well, that was . . . terrifying

Whew. I appreciated the opportunity to be interviewed on TV, but boy am I glad that’s over! I was so nervous. I feel so much more comfortable writing, where I can meticulously craft exactly what I want to say and how I want to say it — rewriting several times in the process.

I was impressed by how nice everyone was to me. I was impressed because, if I were they, I would have been totally annoyed with someone like me hanging around. They took the time to answer my questions and let me stick around and watch them produce the 10:00 news. I was interested in that because, of course, I do a little bit of TV production in my job at Grace Presbyterian. Their production is much faster-paced than ours, which is to be expected since they don’t spend a lot of on-air time praying, and we don’t spend any on-air time giving the weather or lottery numbers.


  • Mac and Mike wear real suits; Lee Hall just wears the jacket, tie, and shorts.
  • All the news personalities edit their own news clips.
  • Gary Sandberg is a fan of mine!
  • Jenny Li really is even cuter in person than she is on TV.
  • Neither Mac nor Mike get to decide which stories run or in what order (I always thought the anchor got that privilege). The producer makes those decisions.

I asked Mike if they were going to interview any anonymous bloggers, and he mentioned that one may be “coming out” on the air in the future. That made me raise an eyebrow….

Thanks to everyone who watched tonight. And now, back to our regularly-scheduled program.

Civil Discourse on the Web

I had lunch today with Kevin Reynen, who is going to be leaving Bradley University to take a job with the University of Nevada, Reno. He’s going to be “working with the graduate students and faculty at UNR’s [Journalism] School to create a next generation news ‘portal’ for the Lake Tahoe area. The idea of the project is to convert the ‘people formally known as the audience’ into content contributors.”

In other words, he’s trying to create a blog-like site where citizen journalists and professional journalists would be treated as equals, each posting stories (either “letter to the editor”-type or researched reports) and having an on-line conversation about those stories. Sounds like a fun job — and a beautiful place to live!

Kevin and I don’t always agree on things (like the Kellar Branch issue or Muni Wi-Fi), but we can still be friends and discuss things without insulting each other. Unfortunately, on blogs and especially with anonymity, you can easily end up with verbal slug fests like, say, this argument on Bill’s site. Thus, one of Kevin’s biggest hurdles in his project at UNR is going to be figuring out a way to promote civil discourse without any heavy-handed moderating/censoring. People aren’t going to want to blog and have any meaningful conversations if there’s always someone in there doing nothing but making fun of their points of view, or insinuating they’re on drugs.

The problem is magnified in Kevin’s case because what he’s promoting is not just people being able to comment on posts like they do here on the Chronicle, but to write the posts themselves. So, for instance, imagine my site being open to Bill, Polly, Eyebrows, Vonster, Tony, Anon E. Mouse, et al., to write any post they want and have it show up on my front page. I think you can see the potential for that to turn into a cyberspace version of “Lord of the Flies” pretty quickly.

Kevin suggested some form of collaborative filtering, like Reddit’s “karma” system. There, each user gets to vote on each post by either promoting or demoting it (moving it closer to the top or further to the bottom of the page). “When a particular item is promoted or demoted, the user who posted it is either rewarded or punished — a system of editorial karma. In the same way that popular submissions are voted to the top, the individuals who post them get increases in karma.” Those with more karma have a better reputation and thus, presumably, will be read more, while those without karma will be ignored and hopefully go away.

The karma system sounds good, but it might be over the heads of less tech-savvy users. Yet that’s the only technological solution I can envision. So I’m afraid I wasn’t much help to Kevin. I really don’t know a way to make people be polite or understand where “the line” is that they’re not supposed to cross. It seems to me that there would have to be a moderator, no matter how you look at it.

But then I thought maybe some of you, dear readers, would be able to offer Kevin some better insights. Any ideas on how to promote civil discourse and meaningful conversations without making people feel overly-moderated or censored?

District 150 tries to co-opt Heart of Peoria Plan

One thing I didn’t mention in my previous post about last night’s school board meeting was the sudden use of New Urbanist rhetoric when talking about the Glen Oak Park site for a new school. One school board member suggested narrowing Prospect and putting diagonal parking in front of the new school to improve safety and reduce the need for such a large parking lot, which is not a bad idea in a “when-life-gives-you-lemons-make-lemonade” sort of way. Another board member went so far as to say that Andres Duany himself recommends putting schools on the periphery of a neighborhood. Duany is the author of the Heart of Peoria Plan, which (if the board would read the plan) actually advocates renovating the current school buildings.

In one sense, it’s encouraging that the Heart of Peoria Plan is on the district’s radar now. But on the other hand, they seem to be trying to co-opt it for their own purposes. Instead of a plain reading, they’re trying to manipulate the plan to fit their preconceived idea of where the school should be sited. When the plan clearly contradicts their ideas, they look to the larger body of New Urbanist writings to look for justification for their plan.