Well, that was . . . terrifying

Whew. I appreciated the opportunity to be interviewed on TV, but boy am I glad that’s over! I was so nervous. I feel so much more comfortable writing, where I can meticulously craft exactly what I want to say and how I want to say it — rewriting several times in the process.

I was impressed by how nice everyone was to me. I was impressed because, if I were they, I would have been totally annoyed with someone like me hanging around. They took the time to answer my questions and let me stick around and watch them produce the 10:00 news. I was interested in that because, of course, I do a little bit of TV production in my job at Grace Presbyterian. Their production is much faster-paced than ours, which is to be expected since they don’t spend a lot of on-air time praying, and we don’t spend any on-air time giving the weather or lottery numbers.


  • Mac and Mike wear real suits; Lee Hall just wears the jacket, tie, and shorts.
  • All the news personalities edit their own news clips.
  • Gary Sandberg is a fan of mine!
  • Jenny Li really is even cuter in person than she is on TV.
  • Neither Mac nor Mike get to decide which stories run or in what order (I always thought the anchor got that privilege). The producer makes those decisions.

I asked Mike if they were going to interview any anonymous bloggers, and he mentioned that one may be “coming out” on the air in the future. That made me raise an eyebrow….

Thanks to everyone who watched tonight. And now, back to our regularly-scheduled program.

3 thoughts on “Well, that was . . . terrifying”

  1. Great job. Mr. McGee and I enjoyed it. We even got 59 to come in really well on our TV! You looked a little bit nervous at the beginning (your eyes were ever so slightly deer-in-the-headlights!), but you didn’t SOUND nervous. And I liked the sport coat. 😀 Excellent wardrobe choice.

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