No philosopher-kings for President

Until philosophers are kings, or the kings and princes
of this world have the spirit and power of philosophy . . .
cities will never have rest from their evils . . . .

I listened to the Democratic candidates for President debate each other on CNN Sunday night. Suffice it to say none of them have the “spirit and power of philosophy,” as Plato phrased it.

They spent a good portion of their precious on-air time imprecating President Bush. You’d think they were running against him. They spent the rest of their time trying to differentiate themselves from each other — unsuccessfully, for the most part. There are some subtle differences, but they’re largely indistinguishable.

I have a sneaking suspicion that the Republican debate on Tuesday will be no better.

It’s too bad there aren’t more confidence-inspiring candidates out there today. But my guess is that those best-qualified to be President just aren’t electable in a country that elevates image over depth, witty retorts over reasoned dialogue, and one-dimensional sound-bytes over nuanced policy discussions.

I suppose it’s always been that way to some extent, but it’s worse than ever now. Consider the fact that a candidate can get knocked out of the race by simply shouting “Yeeaah” on camera. There were lots of reasons not to vote for Howard Dean, but showing exuberance at a political rally wasn’t one of them.

42-year veteran of the Postal Service retires

Joel D. Summers, June 2, 2007

When my dad, Joel Summers, began working at the U. S. Post Office in Peoria in 1965, a stamp only cost five cents, the mail was hand-sorted, and a letter carrier was known as a “postman” or “mailman” because that’s what they were at that time — all men. Now a stamp costs 41 cents, the mail is largely sorted by machine, and many letter carriers and most of the supervisors are women. On Saturday, June 2, Mr. Summers cleaned out his locker and punched out for the last time, completing 41 years and 11 months of service with the post office. He plans to stay in Peoria for his retirement.

Things were different then

Like most new employees of the post office in 1965, Dad started as a “sub,” filling in for the “regulars.” The post office was then located in what’s known now as the Federal Building at Main and Monroe. Soon after starting, he moved to the parcel post area. Ever heard of parcel post? If you’re my age or younger, I bet you haven’t. Today, all the letter carriers have their own trucks and all the mail is delivered at the same time once a day, but it wasn’t always that way.

In 1965, letter carriers would start their day by sorting the mail so it was in the right order for delivery. Then they would load it into three or so mailbags. The carrier would then ride the bus (yes, the bus!) to his appointed route carrying the first mailbag with him. The mailbag got him on the bus for free. Since carriers were on foot and had no truck, they only carried letters and flats (e.g., magazines), but no parcels. The parcels were delivered to homes separately by parcel post carriers, who were the only ones with trucks.

In addition to delivering parcels, the parcel post drivers would also deliver the rest of the carriers’ mail to them by leaving the extra mailbags in what were called “relay boxes.” Relay boxes looked just like big mailboxes you’d see on a street corner, only there was no slot for putting the mail in, and they were painted green instead of red and blue. After a carrier finished delivering his first bag of mail, he would go to the relay box and open it with his key to retrieve the next bag of mail that was left there by a parcel post driver.

So, my dad would deliver mailbags to relay boxes in the morning, and large packages (parcels) to businesses and residences in the afternoon. He did that until he became a “regular” and was able to bid on a route and become a letter carrier. His first route was in the East Bluff, delivering to homes on McClure, Arcadia, and the surrounding area. He had that route for about two years. At that same time (about 1968), the post office did away with parcel post deliveries and went to the current system of each carrier having his own truck and delivering letters and parcels together.

Finding a wife and a home through work

Shortly before he got his first route, my dad met a girl named Lorena Roberson who was working at the post office as a clerk. Three months after their first date, they got married on December 30, 1967, and they’ve been married ever since. I came along about two and a half years later. My mom quit the post office immediately after getting married to take care of her new family (my dad had a four-year-old son from a previous marriage, so my mom was not only a new wife, but a new mommy, too).

At the end of 1970, Dad got a new route delivering mail in a neighborhood called Sherwood Forest on what was then the edge of town — off War Memorial Drive just north of where the Glen Hollow shopping center is today. It was while he was delivering that route in 1971 that he found the house on Big Hollow Road where I grew up and my parents still live today. He carried that walking route — through rain, snow, heat, and gloom of night — for 22 years before finally getting a “mounted route” (meaning he could just drive up to the mailboxes instead of having to walk up to each house) in the Edgewild subdivision off north Knoxville fourteen and a half years ago.

Vehicles and uniforms are different now

Some of the changes I’ve noticed through the years: Dad’s mail truck used to be a Jeep with the steering wheel on the right side — that was the best-looking mail truck the post office ever had. Now they drive a Grumman Long-Life Vehicle, or “LLV” for short. That’s the vehicle you see in the picture above.

The uniform has changed significantly, too. When I was growing up, Dad wore a hat with a badge on it that made him look like a policeman (at the time), a necktie, polished leather shoes, and a chain with lots of keys on it connected to his belt. His shirt was always pressed and tucked in, and he looked very spiffy. Today, the uniform standards have really gone to pot. The hat has been replaced with a ball cap, the leather shoes have been replaced with black tennis shoes, no tie is required anymore, and many of the letter carriers I see walking around town don’t even tuck in their shirt, which looks pretty sloppy, if you ask me.

A faithful worker

When my dad started working at the post office, I mentioned that he worked at the building at Main and Monroe. After that, he worked at the “annex” which is right next to Kelleher’s today. Then he worked at the West Glen station for a long time — that’s at Glen and Sheridan next to the Red Carpet Car Wash. When he worked at that station, he would ride his bike to work. One morning, his hat started to fly off as he was coming down the hill toward the station. As he reached up to catch it, he applied the front brakes too hard and tumbled over the handlebars of his bike and was quite a mess. He came into work bleeding yet tried to convince them he would be alright and could work. As it turned out, he had to get stitches in his upper lip.

But that’s the kind of worker he was. He very, very rarely called in sick, and the post office lets you accumulate your sick time from year to year up to, I believe, a year’s-worth of sick time. He had that much in reserve because he was always there; he had to be practically on his death bed to call in sick. He worked a lot of overtime, a lot of days off. But he wasn’t all work and no play. He took four weeks of vacation every June and would take the family on vacation. Those were a lot of fun. Although my behavior on a certain trip to Florida when I was three convinced him not to have any more children, so I guess they weren’t all as much fun for him. 🙂
The future

Since he always took most of June off for vacation anyway, things don’t seem too different right now for Dad. But when July rolls around, he says it will probably start to sink in, since he won’t be going back. He doesn’t have any big plans for retirement. He’s not moving to Florida or Arizona. He’s not buying an RV and roaming the country. My parents will spend more time with their grandkids (they see my kids often enough, but their other grandkids — my nieces and nephews — live in Ohio), work on their garden, visit friends, travel, and just do what they enjoy. Dad says he’s going to play it by ear.

I think he’s earned it. Congratulations on your retirement, Dad.

Glen Oak landmark designations to be deferred again

The City’s Historic Preservation Commission voted to recommend landmarking nine items in Glen Oak Park. On April 24, that recommendation came before the City Council and was deferred until June 5 to give the Park District time to develop their own historic preservation policy. The Park Board has asked that the city defer this item two more weeks — until June 19 — because they are scheduled to take action on this issue at their June 13 meeting.

My only suggestion: If the council approves the request to only meeting the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month, better defer this item to the 26th instead.

Council members may be able to phone in their participation

teleconferencing phoneAnother big change that’s on the council agenda for Tuesday night is an amendment that would allow council members to attend meetings electronically (e.g., via telephone or internet connection) and vote electronically as well. So, for instance, if Eric Turner is going to be out of town on business for Caterpillar, he wouldn’t have to miss an important vote. He could call in, attend the meeting via telephone, and cast his vote with the rest of the council.

Under the proposed plan, electronic attendance would only be allowed if the council person can’t attend in person due to (1) personal illness/disability, (2) employment purposes or city business, or (3) because of a family or other emergency. Also, a quorum will have to be physically present, so you couldn’t have the whole council meeting electronically.

My guess is we won’t see this utilized a whole lot, but it will be entertaining when we do.

Council agenda misleading regarding HOPC request

Here’s the item as it was presented to the council on the agenda for June 5:


A. Communication from Mayor Jim Ardis with Request to Provide More Focus and Maximize Resources for the Implementation of the Heart of Peoria Plan Concepts by Adopting the Following:

  1. ORDINANCE Amending Ordinance No. 15,571 Pertaining to the HEART OF PEORIA COMMISSION Changing the STATUS of the HEART OF PEORIA COMMISSION;
  2. ORDINANCE Amending CHAPTER 23 of the Code of the City of Peoria Pertaining to EXPANSION of the PLANNING COMMISSION by FOUR POSITIONS; and
    • Beth Akeson (Voting): Planning Commission – Term 6/6/2007 – 6/30/2008
    • Joe Richey (Voting): Planning Commission – Term 6/6/2007 – 6/30/2009
    • Dick Schwebel (Voting): Planning Commission – Term 6/6/2007 – 6/30/2008
    • Christopher Summers (Voting): Planning Commission – Term 6/6/07 – 6/30/2009
    • Nancy Biggins (Voting): Zoning Board of Appeals – Term 6/6/2007 – 6/30/2009
    • Patrick Sullivan (Voting): Traffic Commission – Term 6/6/2007 – 6/30/2009
    • Bill Washkuhn: Commission Assignment to be Determined.

B. Communication from Director of Planning and Growth Management with Recommendation from the Heart of Peoria Commission to MAINTAIN the COMMISSION’S STATUS Based on the HEART OF PEORIA COMMISSION’S MISSION STATEMENT, VISION, and CORE VALUES and the CONDITION that the Commission Develop a Work Plan by July 30, 2007, to Complete the Work with the Planning and Growth Management Department to Achieve those Goals.

The way this has been communicated to the council is, unfortunately, misleading. This makes it look like the choice is between the mayor’s proposal (all changes) or the Heart of Peoria Commission’s proposal (no changes). That’s simply not true.

What the Heart of Peoria Commission (HOPC) clearly voted on at their last meeting was their preference for option A above, but without subsection 1. In other words, we strongly agreed with the expansion of the planning commission and the appointment of Heart of Peoria commissioners to various commissions as outlined, but we do not want the status of the Heart of Peoria Commission changed (i.e., we don’t want HOPC decommissioned).

We looked at the pros and cons of continuing as a city-appointed commission versus as a private advocacy group, and we decided we could be more effective as a city-appointed commission. However, we also decided that, in order for the principles of new urbanism to have the most impact, we needed the dual appointments of HOPC commissioners on other commissions — especially the planning commission, since they oversee the city’s comprehensive planning process.

So it was a little surprising to read the council agenda and see the options set so starkly opposed, all-or-nothing. Hopefully, the council can get things sorted out on the council floor Tuesday night.

Council reverses course, votes to eliminate fees

I’m really confused. The city needs revenue. There are fees on the books to bring in revenue. The council voted to increase those fees last year. Yet, inexplicably, the council reversed that decision and is now eliminating those fees. What happened?

You may recall that last August a large property management company bought the old Commercial National Bank building (now used by National City), and they wanted the city to eliminate their annual fees for encroachments of their underground vaults on the public way. It came to light that the city had not been collecting the fee for something like 30 years, but no accounting was ever given for this gross oversight.

Well, last October, the council decided by a vote of 8-2 (Nichting and Ardis were the only nays) “to keep the existing ordinance and modify and update the fee structure regarding underground vaults.” Case closed, right?

Nope. City staff sent letters to the affected property owners and, lo and behold, they complained about the fee. They said it wasn’t fair. They said it would increase the cost of doing business downtown. City staff complained (again) that they’d have to go out to the businesses and inspect them in order to verify the proper fee. So the issue came up to the council again on May 22, 2007. This time, the council voted 9-1 (Manning was the only nay) “to eliminate the current annual fee as provided in the existing Ordinance.”

So, the multi-million-dollar company that owns the Commercial Bank building downtown won’t have to pay that extra $500 annual fee that was apparently of grave concern to them. City staff will get to save a couple of days of looking at building vaults. And the rest of Peoria’s citizens will continue to pay the regressive garbage fee.

Hey, as long as we’re eliminating fees and work, why not get rid of parking fees? After all, since the city is so spread out and there isn’t adequate public transportation, citizens are forced to drive to do business downtown, and thus forced to find someplace to park their car. Hence, using the city’s logic, it’s unfair to charge them for something that’s out of their control. All parking violations have to be verified and ticketed by city employees (meter maids). It raises the cost of doing business downtown. And it’s unpopular with citizens and businesses alike. So who will argue for the elimination of this fee? Anyone? Anyone?

*chirp* *chirp*

Let me guess: the $60,000 the underground-vault fees would bring in to city coffers isn’t worth the trouble, right? I’ll keep that in mind as the city works on the budget again this year.

Changes coming to Council meetings

The city council may only meet half as often if an ordinance amendment is adopted at Tuesday’s council meeting. The amendment would cut back council meetings to twice a month — the second and fourth Tuesdays. Currently, the council meets the first four Tuesdays of every month.

Another part of the amendment requires citizens wishing to address the council to sign a card and restrict their comments to City of Peoria issues. It’s not clear whether the card would have to be signed before the meeting, as is the County Board’s policy, or just before the person speaks.

Hundreds of new manufacturing jobs coming to Peoria

Globe EnergyWhile Firefly Energy’s six-million-dollar loan guarantee from the city and county is getting all the press lately, there’s actually bigger news that has gone unreported.

On May 15, the City quietly approved as part of its consent agenda a business development fund loan of $150,000 to Globe Energy “for renovations, equipment, and operating expenses for their project located at 1610 W. Altorfer” in Pioneer Park.

Why is that big news? Because they’re going to be bringing 105 jobs paying an average salary of $50,000 to Peoria in the next 12-18 months, and plans to increase the number of employees to 600 within five years. For comparison, Firefly is planning to employ 65 people.

Here’s some details on Globe Energy from the council communication:

The owners/founders of Globe Energy, a female owned business, have spent 32 years developing a unique, world-patented technology that not only reduces the costs of heating large industrial buildings by 75%-91%, but also can reduce the environmentally harmful emissions caused by burning fossil fuels. The related company in England has a 25-year successful track record of installing high efficiency energy-saving systems across Europe for many large industrial customers including BMW, Dublin Airport, Renault, British Airways and Caterpillar. The U.S. Company has been granted full global rights to the technology by the founders and their U.K. entity and has recently successfully installed new heating systems in two Caterpillar facilities in the U.S.

Globe Energy has invested $3 million in the Peoria location thus far and owns intellectual property valued at $3.5 million. During Phase I of their project, which will be over the next 12-18 months, Globe Energy will renovate its building, purchase additional equipment, set up the manufacturing plant and add approximately 105 new positions with an average salary of $50,000. Phase I will require investment of $7.85 million.

Globe Energy plans to base its global business center and world manufacturing plant in Peoria to service the North American Market and then the rest of the world markets.

Within five years the Peoria operation plans to increase to 600 employees, adding positions in manufacturing, training, sales and marketing with a projected annual payroll of $32.75 million. This phase (Phase II) will involve additional investment of approximately $17 million which will be used to purchase property adjacent to their current location and to construct and build-out additional manufacturing space.

Pretty impressive track record, don’t you think? Here’s a world-class company locating here in Peoria, and yet there’s almost no coverage. Here we have a manufacturer bringing 100-600 jobs to the area, and still people talk as if manufacturing is dead and we should just put all our focus on med-tech jobs. (I’m not saying we shouldn’t go after med-tech jobs, mind you; I just think we need to have a diversity of jobs in Peoria, and manufacturing is an important part of that mix.)

Interestingly, Globe Energy may be needing rail service in the future, and since they’re located in Pioneer Park, that brings them into the whole Kellar Branch debate. For more on that, see David Jordan’s blog. Also, a big hat tip to Mr. Jordan for bringing public attention to this development through his blog.