This hit my inbox at lunchtime:
Members of the Peoria news media:
The law firm of Hall, Owens & Wickenhauser, LLC recently filed suit on behalf of the Bradley chapter of Sigma Nu Fraternity against Barbara Van Auken, Andrew Rand and Sid Ruckriegel [Peoria County Case 09 LM 329]. Soon after the suit was filed, members of the media and concerned Peoria residents inquired about video shot during the incident that gave rise to the suit. In response to these inquiries, we are today releasing a portion of video and two stills from that video.
Attached please find an approximately nine second segment of video shot during the incident September 20, 2008 at Sigma Nu fraternity involving City Councilperson Barbara Van Auken, then County Board electee Andrew Rand and Sid Ruckriegel. Also attached are two stills from that video.
From left to right in the video are Mr. Ruckriegel (standing behind and to the right of Ms. Van Auken), Ms. Van Auken (foreground), and Mr. Rand. On the far right is a member of Sigma Nu.
In the distant background is the Fiji, or Phi Gamma Delta, fraternity house. The lettering is illuminated. Please note that the sound of crickets is audible.
Aaron T. Wickenhauser, for the Firm
Hall, Owens & Wickenhauser, L. L. C.