37 thoughts on “Open Soapbox Thursday”

  1. The endorsement of Mr. Riggenbach over Mrs. Akeson made a lot of sence to me. Both very capable people interested in the City.Tim is an experienced finance man, which the City council needs with loss of councilman Manning and his budgetary and financial expertise, Beth is a super volunteer who will work extra close with the neighborhoods. What we need now are economists to drag us out of the crisis we are in , city, county and nation. Read the editorial in todays newspaper endorsement and you will see the difference in the candidates, it is laid out pretty well. I don’t know either of them, but Mr. Riggenbach seems to stand out as a consesus builder, which Mr. Manning was. We Third District folks will miss him greatly, and may the best candidate win with the loser being willing to still help us out.

  2. So PJS spends so much complaining about E/Z, TIFS, ETC. Finally they get a canidate who says I am willing to saying “No” to the developers who create mostly relatively little in exchange for tax dough. Unlike Manning who said he was not necessilarily for business subsidies but then again not really against them she is willing to stake out a firm position.

    Now that she embraces PJS position the paper says she is too rigid. Who are these people, that One News Plaza uses to make the claim that Akeson takes the “my way or the highway” mentality?

    Ardis and crew may hold hands together but they also embrace anything a developer brings along. There attitude is who cares about the details lets push this through. Akeson is willing to slow the process down to ensure things are done right verses just doing them.

    Hope you don’t dissapoint Beth.

  3. Well, it did not make sense to me – especially the ultimate reason that they didn’t think she’d agree with the council on every proposal (e.g. fixing private organization roofs instead of southside sidewalks) that comes down the pike. I think they are concerned that she’ll be another Gary Sandberg. That the typical 10-1 council vote turn into a 9-2 council vote. Let’s find some more Gary Sandbergs to run in two years. Mr Riggenbach has not presented any evidence, any proposals, anything of substence to suggest that he will be an independent voice for the 3rd district and not just another lockstep yes vote.

  4. I found it interesting that the two forum letters for Tim Riggenbach were from politicians and that the three for Beth Akeson were from people that live in the East Bluff. I think that speaks volumes about the type of City Council representatives they will be.

    If you want someone that is a part of the political machine, that will continue the status quo and not ruffle any feathers on City Council…then vote for Tim Riggenbach.

    If you want someone that has been showing up to meetings and advocating for the 3rd District for years, who realizes that the status quo is unacceptable, and who bring a much needed fresh perspective to City Council…then vote for Beth Akeson.

  5. Has anyone noticed the boarded up windows at the old CUBS store? I thought it was against city codes to be allowed to board up windows with plywood?

    I understand wanting to protect the empty store from vandals but I know for a fact you are not allowed to board up windows on a house. You either have to replace the broken glass or fill in the window with something permanent.

  6. Yes she does. And she appears to have a substantial interest and concern for the older parts of the 3rd district/East Bluff. Mr. Riggenbach seldom fails to mention that he lives in a 1950’s neighborhood (Bournedale).

  7. just asking- don’t be so sensitive.

    I’m sure she can relate to how the rest of live.

  8. I find it curious that Mr. Riggenbach just committed himself to the County last November and its’ constituents and now he’s jumping ship and abandoning them and going to the city council race. What does this say about his loyalty to those he agreed to represent for several years? Will he do the same with the city council and run for another higher office if it comes available in a short time? Where do his loyalties lie?

  9. No, i’m somewhere in the middle. I have a Riggenbach sign in my yard.

    speaking of Willie, anyone seen him lately?

  10. There are five members of the city council from the 5th district. I never hear anything about how they do not understand older neighborhoods.

    Can anyone explain how the 5 from the 5th district can relate to older neighborhoods. They all hold themselves up as being “so concerned about the older neighborhoods.”

  11. They may hold themselves up as being concerned but look at their votes – not so concerned.

  12. peoriafan – just because someone lives on Grandview Drive now doesn’t mean they always lived in the same style. And what does that have to do with anything anyway?

  13. The endorsement of Riggenbach is of course, great news for Beth Akeson. The PJS is notorious for being out of touch with Peoria residents.

  14. Riggenbach believes that a RAINFOREST CAFE and an ESPN Zone will revitalize our downtown (not a joke)…. AND he supports the Toxic Waste Dump Expansion??? Riggenbach is out of touch… That is not the type of person Peoria needs on the Council. Its a no brainer. VOTE AKESON.

  15. Well put, Rayman!

    I met Beth Akeson when she was out walking in my neighborhood. She is such a genuine person. Riggenbach, on the other hand, hasn’t reached out to me. In fact, he has yet to reach out to any of the citizens of the 3rd district on a personal level. Sounds like he cares more about his own interests, than the interests of the people.

    BETH AKESON is just what we need. Lets get her elected!!!

  16. I’ve heard the Rainforest Cafe and ESPN Zone comments too (roll eyes). I’d like the 3rd district councilman to be a little more focused on helping the 3rd district residents – as mentioned before there are 5 District councilmen – it wold be nice for the 3rd district seat to be filled with someone concerned with the 3rd district. He has no ideas for e.g. revitilizing the MidTown Plaza. Mr. Riggenbach also works “Globe Energy/Mapleton Bioenergy/Firefly” into many answers. What are they doing for the 3rd district?

  17. Open, inclusive, transparent government.

    Riggenbach (TR) chairman of Peoria County Finance & Legislative Study Committee since 2005 in his conversation with me.

    KA: Mar 21, 2009 — Asked about the yet-to-be approved minutes from this committee:
    Minutes from 2008 — October 30 and December 30
    Minutes from 2009 — January 14 and March 4

    TR: Was I sure that the minutes from Oct 30 and Dec 30 were not already approved and on the website?

    KA: Yes, I am sure.

    TR: It must have been an oversight. He would talk with the secretary about it. He gave me his card when I asked for it and that I would send him an email to follow-up.

    Please note that all these minutes were approved Mar 31, 2009. There were intervening Finance Leg. committee meetings which had other minutes approved which were interspursed in this time period.

    That is not the type of leadership we need to get Peoria back on its feet.

    Beth showed leadership when she attended numerous meetings to help her neighbors in the East Bluff with the Glen Oak School siting issue. When it was unpopular to do so, she advocated for the people regardless of the difficulty of the task. And as a Heart of Peoria Commissioner and ….. and she cares about the people of the Third and will help to unite them with their voice and their vision and their talents to make the Third great.

    Please vote Akeson.

  18. Hey peoriafan – thanks for asking where Beth lives. I always wanted to know. Beautiful area, she has good taste. She also seems to deeply care about the future of Peoria and her desire to serve is just that — a desire to serve the community and this is apparent by some of the above comments. Many that seem to step forward to “serve” only seem to be serving up themselves, either their ego or a future career in politics.

  19. Serenity-
    I challenge you to justify your statement. Hard isn’t? Unless you also support expanding the TOXIC WASTE DUMP??

  20. i choose to vote for Riggenbach. It’s my right. I will not put myself at risk on this site to tell you why I will not be voting for Beth. But I promise you I have good reasons. Period.

  21. It wasn’t exactly a grand slam endorsement. It was kind of like they were thinking out loud and gave it to Riggenbach, but only just. If I lived in the 3rd , I’d vote for Beth.

  22. Serenity-

    at risk on this site? Unless your full name is Serenity, i do not think you are at risk on this site.

  23. I am not going to vote for Riggenbach… I can’t tell you why but I have very very good reasons.

  24. Tim is the County Board cheerleader for the museum. When asked how often he visited Lakeview Museum he answered that he saw the Rembrandt Exhibit but did not take his kids. When asked how often he visits Lakeview each year, his answer was once a year. Tim was not and is not concerned about all the facts garnered that make the museum the large risk to the community it is.

    Tim, Adminstration and the majority of the board want the referendum to pass so that the county can own the museum building, which they will for 20 years and also use the surplus generated after the $40 million for the museum for other county spending.

    Tim and the County Administrator went to Springfield with Leitch, Koehler, et al, to get the law passed that allowed the referendum to happpen and is pushing hard for a yes vote. He appears to believe everybody above him and never goes against the majority.

    Even his yes vote for the landfill expansion was more highly qualified than PDC could have accepted.

    Working with Tim for two terms, I have a firsthand knowledge that Tim is not highly steeped in finance and that he has no qualms about spending other people’s money. Two years and 4 months ago Tim supported Tom O’Neill for board chariman because he wanted to be on the winning side. O’Neill lost to Prather. I convinced Chairman Prather to make Riggenbach Finance/Legislative Chairman. There was no one else on the board qualified and I did not want any Chairmanship. When O’Neill was elected four months ago, he reappointed Tim.

    For more than 7 years I have attempted to take action against negligent homeowners and landlords in the county. The only board member who has taken a real interest in finding out where the bottlenecks are and in taking hard legal action is Limestone area board member Pat Hidden. No help from Tim at all.

    Tim is a nice guy. Not one to rattle cages and get the job done for the little guy. He has taken a passive attitude on the unrealistic situation in the Property Assessors office and apparent acceptance of the counties unrealistic Board of Review.

    My assessment is that Tim has always followed instructions from others higher up the social ladder than he.

    Beth will shake, rattle and roll some of the members of the City Council and may not be a consensus builder. My appraisal is that consensous building and following the leader, they are following Hollings because he was and is part of big Yellow, is part of the problem at city hall.

  25. Hey Merle, remember that time you made that school bus pull over on the interstate cause some kid through something out the window.

    Ya, your man Merle.

  26. PeoFan,

    Does Merle rattle your cage so much because YOU know he is right [at least about this museum business]?

  27. Yes, and I followed a IVC High School bus yesterday for five miles while kids spewed everthing from pop containers to bags, napkins to all stypes of garbgage out the bus window. Talked the the bus driver and monitor and told them what was going on, told them the area where the garbage was beiong spewed, got the bus number and liscense number and drove to the High School and reported to authorities who said they would handle the situation.

    If you. Peoria F, would do your civic duty we would have a lot less litter. I care about the community I live in.

  28. Merle, what are your financial and museum-based qualifications.

    (Please note: I’m not saying you don’t have any, I’m just curious. The only thing I’ve seen you say about the matter is that you’ve written more than 17 blog entries.)

  29. Peoria is a wonderful city. It is a unique and distinct city that is the cornerstone of Midwestern values and work ethic. What makes Peoria special is that it is made up of dedicated professionals from educators to small business owners to multinational CEOs who all share one common bond in forming a strong community. In recent years, Peoria has missed the historical mark on what makes the heart of Peoria. There is evidence that our strong school system is crumbling and small business owners are struggling. Beth Akeson understands these deficits and passionately advocates for what makes Peoria, Peoria. She campaigns daily for the betterment of our city, weather it is to make your neighbor a safer place or build a community that is sustainable for our future generations and she continuously opens her ears and heart to the struggles of each individual she encounters. Beth Akeson is a progressive individual and is willing to think outside the box. As a current educator and alumni of Woodruff High School, Beth Akeson has earned my greatest support. Please vote for Beth Akeson on April 7th.

  30. Whitney: If this is the kind of “sunshine” Beth Akeson is peddling, I may switch my vote.
    “It is a unique and distinct city that is the cornerstone of Midwestern values and work ethic. What makes Peoria special is that it is made up of dedicated professionals from educators to small business owners to multinational CEOs who all share one common bond in forming a strong community.”

    OMG get me some insulin.

    And talk about an understatement:
    “There is evidence that our strong school system is crumbling and small business owners are struggling.”

    So, Whitney, how do you reconcile those totally divergent statements?

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