City getting grant for police officers

From this week’s Issues Update:

Senator Dick Durbin’s Office contacted the Peoria Police Department on Thursday, September 30, 2010, to inform them that the City of Peoria had been chosen to be one of the cities awarded funds under the 2010 COPS Hiring grant. Peoria was awarded funding for the entire request of 10 sworn officer positions, at a total cash value of $2,721,400. This grant will fund the salary and benefits of 10 officers for a period of three years, with the City being responsible for funding a fourth year. The application was for the hiring of 10 new positions, however, once the City has received and signed off on the formal documents, we will have the opportunity to request a modification to the grant wherein it will fund 10 current positions, thereby preventing layoffs. [emphasis added] It is worthy to note that Peoria received the largest allotment of all Illinois cities with the next highest being Waukegan at $2.2 million. It is also interesting to note that all applications from across the country were scored and Peoria finished with a score of 94.49 (out of a possible 100) placing Peoria at the 99.86 percentile. A meeting will be scheduled next week with Chief Settingsgaard and his staff to sort out the details.

So the City is going to take this grant and try to use it to pay for current officers instead of using it to add officers. And we may still have a net loss of three officers, according to Word on the Web’s coverage of last night’s City Council meeting:

Mayor Jim Ardis talked about the city’s operations budget. The 5 percent budget reductions would mean 13 fewer police officers, 15 fewer firefighters and two fewer employees in public works. The impact of fewer police officers, presumably, would be lessened by a federal grant.

Can we afford to keep cutting police officers?

Candidate Forum planned for Oct. 16

From a press release:

League of Women Voters Invites the Public
To Candidate Forum on Oct. 16

PEORIA – The League of Women Voters of Greater Peoria will host a candidate forum for three important races, at 9 a.m. on Saturday, Oct. 16, 2010, at the Weaver Ridge Golf Club, 5100 N. Weaver Ridge Blvd.

The candidates who have agreed to attend are:

  • For the 18th District Congressional Seat: D.K. Hirner, Democrat, and Sheldon Schafer of the Green Party. (Republican incumbent Aaron Schock is unable to attend the event.)
  • For Peoria County Recorder of Deeds: Evonne Fleming, Democrat and Nancy Horton, Republican.
  • For Peoria County Board District 3: Lynn Scott Pearson, Democrat and Karrie Alms, Republican.
  • For Peoria County Board District 13: Randy Stevens, Democrat and James Fennell, Republican.

The candidates will make statements and answer questions from the audience. The event is free and open to the public.

An optional light breakfast for $7.50 will be available for purchase at 8:30 a.m.

Reservations will be appreciated, and can be made by calling 309/691-2167.

The Journal Star has one less subscriber

I canceled my subscription to the Peoria Journal Star today.

It wasn’t an easy decision, although it should have been. I guess I’m just a sentimental sort of guy. My grandfather worked at the Journal Star until he retired in 1974. I grew up in a household where my dad read the paper every day and was always well-informed of what was happening in the City. When I got to be a teenager, I started reading the paper a little myself. Then in adulthood I started reading it every day.

So why did I cancel? Two reasons. The biggest one will come as no surprise since I’ve complained about it many times before on this blog: The content is available for free online. This is the reason I should have canceled a long time ago. What a waste of money to pay the Journal Star $200+ a year for content that anyone can get on the Internet for nothing. It’s their prerogative if they want to take their hard work and give it away, but I’m not going to continue to subsidize everyone else’s access to it. If they ever decide to add value to buying a subscription, I’ll consider resubscribing.

Second reason: As if to add insult to injury, they’ve continued to raise the price while shrinking the size of the paper. First they gutted most of the sections (many of which were reduced to only four pages); now they’re converting the paper to a smaller format this month. Pretty soon it will be too small to wrap fish with, and then what good will it be?

Of course I’ll miss all their exciting “first in print” content — like articles on deer mating, do-it-yourself dialysis, and Disney-on-Ice ticket giveaways. I’m not sure how I’ll survive.

I was surprised at how easy it was to cancel. When I canceled my cable TV, the Comcast customer service rep asked me why and if there was anything she could do to keep me as a subscriber. She was insincere, of course, but at least she asked. The Journal Star didn’t even do that. They apparently have no interest in keeping me as a subscriber. So be it.

Note to Morris: Better start downsizing now

According to Word on the Street today, County Board member Steve Morris said, “As long as I’m on the County Board and as long as I’m on the construction committee, I’m absolutely committed to bringing this thing [Peoria Riverfront Museum] in on budget. If material or labor costs go up so much that we can’t, then it’s going to be a smaller building and the plan is going to get scaled back.”

Of course, the budget is based on the museum group meeting their private fund-raising goal, which is still short by several million dollars. Morris might want to start scaling back now.

Oh, who am I kidding? They’re not going to scale back anything. They’re just going to come back to the taxpayers to make up any shortfall, just like they’ve done all along. If the County tries to scale it back, Caterpillar will send them another threatening letter and they’ll fall into line once again. I’m sure the Journal Star has an editorial already written defending putting more taxpayer money into the project, ready to be deployed at the right moment.

“Commitment” from the County Board has a short shelf life.

Bench honors indicted principal

A new bench has been installed outside Charles Lindbergh Middle School:

The plaque on the bench says “Simply the Best” and “Ms. Davis.” Former Lindbergh principal Mary Davis was charged in April of this year with 16 felony counts of official misconduct and theft. She has since been terminated by the District. Some are questioning why a bench is being installed on District 150 grounds to honor this former District 150 employee. I wonder if they will leave the plaque there if Davis is convicted?

Journal Star Editorial Board has easy time pummeling straw man

The Journal Star Editorial Board has submitted this fallacy-filled essay about the Block the Bonds initiative to its readers today.

They begin by saying “it was one tall if not impossible order, trying to acquire almost 10,000 signatures in a month’s time to force a referendum on the ballot,” but then later state, “From where we sit this was not too high a bar to climb.” Really? Almost impossible is not too high?

Then they say, “we weren’t surprised that their attempt to give voters a second whack at the museum fell well short of the mark.” Here’s where readers need to beware of a straw man the editors are erecting. No one was trying to get a “second whack at the museum.” This petition drive was a separate issue regarding the type of bonds that would be issued. The editors acknowledge this in some parts of the editorial, and in other parts ignore it, acting as if we were trying to put the sales tax referendum of April 2009 back on the ballot for a “second whack.” More on that later; first, let’s dispense with a couple introductory critiques:

First, to hear some museum critics talk, they represented the silent, seething majority out there, with this petition drive their chance to prove it.

None of the organizers of this petition drive ever said it was a chance to prove we represented some “silent, seething majority.” The editors’ characterization is pure fiction. We said that many people were asking us what could be done about the County Board’s broken promises, and our answer was that this petition drive was the only avenue of protest. We had no idea how many people would be motivated enough to circulate or sign the petition.

They were required to get the signatures of just over 8 percent of the county’s nearly 121,500 registered voters, about 5,000 fewer people than said “no” to the museum a year and a half ago and ostensibly should have been in lockstep here. They managed less than 1.5 percent.

This ignores obvious and significant differences between voters going to the polls and citizens circulating a petition. Let’s start with the fact that votes are secret, but names on a petition are public. Many people refused to sign or circulate the petition, not because they were against the effort, but because they feared retaliation or social stigma. Then there’s the short time frame (30 days), large area to cover (all of Peoria County), high number of signatures required (nearly 10,000), and limited resources (couldn’t launch a half-million dollar media blitz). These and other hurdles are dismissed by the editorial board in the next paragraph:

Some petition passers would have us believe the odds were unfairly stacked against them. From where we sit this was not too high a bar to climb, but in any event second-guessing the will of the electorate isn’t easy and should not be. If it were no referendum could stand, with the disgruntled minority stalling the march of democracy from here to eternity through an endless series of do-overs.

Now, back to the straw man. The electorate voted for the public facilities sales tax in April 2009 based on the commitments and promises made at that time. It is presumptuous to assume the electorate agrees with the significant changes that have been made since that time. Putting one of those changes — the type of bonds issued — on the ballot would have been a way to ascertain the will of of the electorate, not second-guess it.

What in the world do the editors mean when they say, “no referendum could stand” or “an endless series of do-overs”? No referendum would have been overturned or redone. This wasn’t a rehash of the April 2009 referendum; it was a totally separate issue. The editors know this, but they deliberately muddy the waters. Why? Because it’s easier to argue against a straw man than the actual issue. They were all for direct democracy in April 2009 for the sales tax, but are against it in October 2010 for the bond issuance; misrepresenting the issue makes it easier to conceal their hypocrisy.

This group labels itself “Citizens For Responsible Spending,” but “responsible” can be in the eye of the beholder. In fact you can make a case for both types of borrowing proposed for this project.

The case made in April 2009 by the County was for revenue bonds.

No doubt in detractors’ minds they were doing local taxpayers a favor by insisting on revenue bonds because those provide a greater level of protection that local government won’t dip into their pockets should the project fail.

Note that this was the same case the County made in April 2009.

They’re [CFRS] certain this museum is doomed. Our crystal ball isn’t that clear, so we don’t dare presume.

You don’t need a crystal ball to see that this project is doomed. You just need eyes to see. Read the museum’s own pro forma. Read the White Oak Associates master plan, commissioned by the museum group. Witness the fundraising failures of the past decade right up to today by the museum group. You don’t have to be Warren Buffett to figure out this project is a stinker.

Of course revenue bonds also come with a higher interest rate than general obligation bonds, which is what makes the latter the preferred method of borrowing here.

Here’s the problem with this explanation: it doesn’t explain why the County committed to revenue bonds in the first place. Revenue bonds came with a higher interest rate in April 2009 just like they do today. That hasn’t changed. So, if the interest rate were the only criterion, the County would have been touting G. O. bonds all along, right? But they haven’t. They very clearly stated — verbally and in writing — that they were committed to issuing revenue bonds because it was in the best interests of the taxpayers to put the risk on the bond holders, not Peoria County taxpayers. The editors want to ignore this fact and have us accept a simplistic answer.

Even if the CFRS group prevailed, it wouldn’t kill the project.

Here they acknowledge that the referendum would not have stopped the museum, despite their earlier implication that it would have “stall[ed] the march of democracy.”

It would merely force the issuance of a different type of bond that likely would be more costly to taxpayers, not less.

It’s “more costly” only in the sense that having insurance is “more costly” than being uninsured.

Ultimately, there’s no such thing as risk-free, but if past is prologue, the sales tax revenues dedicated to this project – and not dependent on the museum’s performance – should comfortably cover the debt service without tapping taxpayers further.

Interesting that their crystal ball is remarkably clear on this issue, and they’re more than happy to presume a rosy outcome.

Beyond that, should local leaders hold to a rigid course of action even if a better option emerges? One man’s “bait and switch” can be another’s wise and flexible stewardship.

Again, this assumes that a better option has emerged. The option of issuing general obligation bonds has been with us the whole time. If it’s so clearly superior, why was it not promoted in April 2009? Why has this never been asked by the esteemed Journal Star editorial board? In fact, why have the editors never asked any tough questions of the museum group or Peoria County on this issue?

[T]his group [CFRS] has some members who can be mighty unforgiving, holding others to something of a purity test that arguably no one can pass, themselves included. For example, in early September one CFRS leader told this newspaper that some 3,500 signatures had been gathered at that point and “we’re still gaining momentum.”

They’re talking about Brad Harding, who tells me he was misquoted by the Journal Star. He says he only told the reporter how many petitions had been distributed to circulators (350 at that point), not that they had been completed or that 3,500 signatures had been gathered. The reporter evidently misunderstood and drew some erroneous conclusions. Leave it to the Journal Star Editorial Board to use their own paper’s mistake to take a cheap shot at CFRS members. After calling Brad a liar, they try to sound magnanimous by saying “We’d be inclined to give him the benefit of the doubt….” Sure, whatever you say.

We, too, sometimes get frustrated with the actions of our public officials, become dissatisfied with the direction in which they’re taking the community. That doesn’t mean you should demonize them, question their integrity or intelligence or independence, proclaim them part of a conspiracy, accuse them of acting illegally or unconstitutionally.

Flashback to June 11, 2007, from the high-minded Peoria Journal Star Editorial Board:

Peoria Mayor Jim Ardis made news of his own last week in chastising Peoria media for casting local events – such as the city’s record-pace murder rate – in too negative of a light. He believes it – the coverage as well as the crime – is harming the community. He wants it to stop, pronto, or else.

“I’ve always considered myself an optimist,” he wrote recently in a local business magazine. “I’m the person who tries to look at the glass as half-full instead of half-empty .”

While we might take issue with hizzoner on a couple of his comments and criticisms – we tend to believe that news is news, a deviation from the norm, and that you get “good” news when unusually “good” things happen – he may be on to something with this glass-half-empty, glass-half-full thing.

So today we launch a new feature, “Through the Mayor’s Looking Glass” – not that we’re suggesting he’s an Ardis in Wonderland, heavens no. We’ll take various subjects and do our media duty, which is look at them from both perspectives: Glass half empty (the negative left) and glass half full (the positive right). Maybe we can change the mayor’s mind.


What’s half empty : Clearly Peoria’s fit-to-be-tanned mayor owns tissue-skin thin, even relative to former city chiefs who endured their share of media sunshine, too.

What’s half full: Thankfully, many locals seem to prefer an independent press, not PR appendages of the privileged or of government. See: U.S. Constitution, Amendment One.

The Journal Star’s advice appears to be, “do as we say, not as we do.” After all, to do otherwise would be to hold them to “something of a purity test that arguably no one can pass,” right? Back to today’s editorial:

It really is possible to be well-informed on a subject and arrive at a different conclusion than others. Just because someone disagrees doesn’t mean he or she isn’t listening. As newly elected officials inevitably discover, it’s much harder to govern than to yell from the sidelines.

True. Of course, to the best of my knowledge, “Journal Star Editor” is not an elected position, and the job description of an opinion page editor is to, well, “yell from the sidelines.” So I guess all us unelecteds are in the same boat, eh?

Yet this group’s resentment was palpable, regrettable and, from this vantage, not really justified. Who are the “elites running the city”? Certainly those occupying seats on the City Council and County Board weren’t elected by just “elites.” The initial museum referendum didn’t pass with the votes of 15,305 “elites.”

This is a reference to this article, and a quote attributed to me. From that article:

So is Citizens for Responsible Spending a localized tea party? Summers believes there might be similarities, even though he wouldn’t call the Peoria group a tea party extension.

“(Tea parties) talk about wanting to take their country back,” he said. “To some extent, there is a small group of elites running the city, and there is a sense that we want to take our city back.”

My comments were set in a larger context — not speaking just of the museum project. I was speaking of the frustration voters feel when deals are made in secret, then rolled out to the public at the 11th hour without any opportunity for meaningful input. One example I gave was the downtown hotel project, which was kept under wraps for months, then rolled out to the public on a Friday and voted on the following Monday night. Then we were all told that this was in our best interests and not to worry about it.

The museum issue went forward because Caterpillar bullied the City and County into compliance. Notice that the County was trying to protect taxpayers by insisting that private funding be raised before construction would begin. Then came the letter from Cat that they were going to pull out unless construction began this year. Remember that? Suddenly, all taxpayer protections were thrown out the window and the project proceeded full speed ahead.

Going back a few years, the City did its own independent study on whether Mid-Town Plaza would be good for the City and concluded that it wouldn’t. Then David Joseph brought in his own “study” showing it would be a wonderful benefit, and the City Council went along with it. Now it’s sitting there with no major tenant, sucking general funds away from basic services into its failed TIF. That project’s failure was clearly predicted and never should have gone forward, but it did. Now there’s a new TIF being pushed by OSF St. Francis Medical Center for the East Bluff — with the studies being funded by OSF, to be repaid from the TIF when it’s established.

Now, you’re telling me there isn’t a small group of elites running the city to a certain extent? That developers and large employers don’t get what they want from the City when they want it? There’s nothing democratic about these back-room deals, and it’s not resentment about things “not going [my] way.” It’s outrage about a process that excludes the citizens our elected officials are supposed to serve.

I might add that there was a time when newspapers were interested in exposing such back-room deals and advocating for transparency in government. It’s a shame that Peoria’s only newspaper of record apparently approves of such dealings and instead castigates those who question them. Perhaps that’s why readership is down and the paper keeps shrinking.

Such attitudes are counterproductive. Some folks stay in the minority for a reason. Substance matters, but style and tone do, too. When we endorse for political office, as we soon will, we look not only for a knowledge of the issues but an ability to work with and persuade others; for those who ask “to what end?” before they act; for the maturity and perspective that recognize democracy is worthwhile even when it doesn’t go your way.

Thanks for the advice. It might be worthwhile for the editors to reflect on the fact that democratic decisions are not always the right ones, as has been proved many times in our nation’s history, and that persistence in advocating for what is right is also worthwhile.

County Clerk throws out petitions without challenge

There’s an article in the print edition of the Journal Star today that I can’t find online. The headline is “Peoria County tosses ‘Block the Bonds’ petition,” with a subhead, “County Clerk rules Citizens for Responsible Spending failed to comply with Election Code.” Here’s what it says:

There will be no referendum on the issue of the bonds to pay for construction of the Peoria Riverfront Museum.

On Friday, Peoria County Clerk Steve Sonnemaker ruled the petitions filed to place the question on the ballot to be in “nonconformity of the Election Code.”

About 1,700 signatures were filed with the Peoria county Clerk’s Office on Monday requesting a referendum, far short of the 9,849 signatures the Citizens for Responsible Spending needed to withstand challenges to getting a question on the February or April ballots in Peoria County.

In a news release, Sonnemaker said the petitions “on their face, lack the required number of signatures and, therefore, do not comply with the Election Code.”

“The change in policy at this time is due to recent court cases that appear to require that the clerk has a duty to examine petitions to determine whether upon their face they are in apparent conformity with the Election Code. The State’s Attorney has this week addressed these court cases in a letter to the county clerk and advised that the clerk should examine for apparent conformity of the petitions based on the requirements of the Election Code and therefore, no referendum issue should be placed on the ballot,” the release states.

“Previously the clerk did not examine petitions for apparent conformity but relied on petition challenges that would be resolved by a three member Electoral Board as in keeping with policy set by the State Board of Elections.”

But Sonnemaker also said, “any action taken by the county clerk regarding petition conformity may be subject to challenge.”

Citizens for Responsible Spending mounted a monthlong petition drive aimed at halting the issuance of $41.6 [sic] million in bonds to help pay for the construction of the $140 million museum project shortly after the City Council and County Board approved redevelopment agreements allowing for construction to commence.

The group also was concerned that the project’s scope has changed since voters endorsed an April 2009 referendum, pumping $40 million of local sales taxes into the project. Some examples of the changes included the possibility an IMAX-brand theater might not be part of the project, the use of general obligation bonds to finance the project instead of revenue bonds and that state grants to move forward with construction have not yet been received.

The relevant statute is 10 ILCS 5/10-8, which states in part, “petitions to submit public questions to a referendum, being filed as required by this Code, and being in apparent conformity with the provisions of this Act, shall be deemed to be valid unless objection thereto is duly made in writing within 5 business days after the last day for filing the … petition for a public question.”

In court cases People ex rel. Giese v. Dillon (1914), North v. Hinkle (1998), and Haymore v. Orr (2008), Illinois courts have consistently found that the County Clerk has the authority to make certain judgments about whether petitions are “in apparent conformity with the provisions of [the] Act.” One of those judgments has to do with whether enough signatures have been gathered. The Haymore decision states:

[T]he Illinois Supreme Court explained that the responsibility for determining whether an election petition apparently conforms to the law rests with the town clerk. Dillon, 266 Ill. at 275-76. Specifically, the clerk’s duty is “to determine whether, upon the face of the petition, it is in compliance with the law.” Dillon, 266 Ill. at 276. If the petition on its face appears to comply with the statutory requisites, the clerk may not look outside the petition to determine whether in fact it does comply; he must submit the question to the voters.

For example, the Clerk cannot determine on the face of a petition whether the signatures are valid, or whether the person circulating the petitions met the legal requirements to do so.

However, the court continued, had the petition not appeared on its face to have complied with the statutory requisites, the clerk would have had no duty to submit the question to the voters. Dillon, 266 Ill. at 276. For example, by examining the face of the petition, a clerk can determine whether it contains the requisite number of signatures. Dillon, 266 Ill. at 276. If it does not, the petition is not in apparent conformity with the election statutes and the clerk has no duty to certify the question for the ballot. Dillon, 266 Ill. at 276.

So, based on that case law, the State’s Attorney has apparently instructed the County Clerk to throw out the petitions. It’s really a moot point because the petitions couldn’t withstand a challenge anyway. Still, it’s interesting that this is apparently the first time the Peoria County Clerk has made this kind of decision, since the State’s Attorney had to tell him to do it, and the Clerk felt it necessary to publish a press release about it.

Dimke leaving District 150 Oct. 8

There’s only one mainstream news source I could find that covered this, and it was WCBU News:

District 150’s Director of Human Resources resigned earlier this week. District spokeswoman Stacey Shangraw says Deb Dimke resigned for personal reasons.

Dimke started with the district in July 2009, replacing Thomas Broderick who had resigned. WCBU reports that her last day will be October 8.

IMAX coming to Rave

The Journal Star has the not-so-surprising scoop that IMAX is coming someplace other than the Peoria Riverfront Museum. Oh, IMAX “may” still come to the museum says perpetually poker-faced Dave Ransburg. Now we know it’s not going to happen.

“Build it for me,” she pleads about the “big-city” prospect of getting an IMAX. The PRM won’t build it for her, but Rave will. And without a dime of taxpayer assistance. Imagine.

Karrie Alms is running for County Board, not City Council

Apparently there’s a rumor going around town that renowned activist Karrie Alms is circulating petitions for an at-large seat on the City Council. Not true, says Alms. She’s running for County Board and only County Board. She’ll be facing incumbent third district Representative Lynn Pearson in the November election. Pearson is the Democrat candidate; Alms is running on the Republican ticket. The third district’s boundaries, according to the Peoria County website, are “Downtown and northeast along the river, with boundaries of Knoxville, Nebraska, and Glen Oak Park.”