4 a.m. liquor license proposals flawed

I’m not inherently opposed to expanding the 4 a.m. liquor license area, which is on the council’s agenda for tonight. But the two proposals on the table — one from the liquor commission and one from the police department — have flaws.

The proposal from the liquor commission is a transparent attempt to grant 4 a.m. liquor licenses to two bars that cater to African American patrons. The reason is because black patrons perceive they are being excluded from current 4 a.m. bars by those bars’ dress codes. To me, if there is discrimination taking place, then the city should deal with that issue head-on, rather than try to resolve it through de facto segregated liquor licenses.

The proposal from the police department almost makes sense, except that it excludes the area bordered by Kumpf, Adams, Oak, and the river for no apparent reason. If you’re going to extend the area and make it easier to patrol, why not make the area contiguous? Is it to exclude certain bars that are located within the excluded area? The other flaw is that, if the whole point of extending the liquor license area is to include two African American bars, and those bars are not included in the police department’s proposal, what is accomplished? Nothing.

I recommend rejection of both proposals. The 4 a.m. area should be left as is for now. And I further recommend a full investigation into whether there is racial discrimination occurring at current bars with 4 a.m. licenses. If so, those bars should have their licenses revoked.

17 thoughts on “4 a.m. liquor license proposals flawed”

  1. I see no reason for a 4 a.m. bar ANYWHERE. 2 o’clock should be the absolute LATEST, no matter where it’s located. Expanding the craziness is stupid.

  2. The 4:00 AM should be obolished. Do we need to drink until 4:00 AM? How much will the taxpayers have to pay for extra police with expanding it? Moreover, as soon as we expand it for two, we will have to expand it for others. If we eliminate it, everyone is treated the same.

  3. So, as a restaurant worker who has waited on fellow Peorians until late at night or wee hours in the morning, then do final clean-up, I’m not deserving of enough time to go out and have a few after work drinks with my co-workers? How about second shift workers?

    That said, I think the cut off should be at 2 am and maybe expand it until 4 on the weekends.

  4. What about the hospital workers that get off at 4:00 or 5:00 or 6:00?? do they not deserve to be able to have a few as well?

  5. No, they don’t. For every one of those folks, there’s a half dozen nut-jobs out there till that time… trying to tie one on once and for all.

    No one forced them to take on that type of a job… they chose their profession… go home when you get off work and down a couple Miller’s there. The sun does not rise and shine on bars and pounding down alcohol. The sooner we all realize that, the better off society will be.

  6. Wow, prego, a few “nut-jobs” spoil it for the rest of us? Using your thought process, there are people in this city that swill a couple of bottles of wine with dinner and “drive” home. What if one of those “nut-jobs” kills someone? We outlaw alcohol with dinner?

    Yeah, nobody put a gun to our heads and forced us into the restaurant business. Seems hypocritical that those who will be voting on this can have a drink or several after work, but won’t allow those of us serving it to them the same courtesy.

  7. My feelings are documented on my blog. I agree, the 4am thing should be turned down completely. They are trying to fix a squeaky wheel by oiling the other wheel. (sorry for my shameless plug CJ)

  8. I agree with those who suggest doing away with 4:00 am bars altogher. There is just no good reason anybody needs to be at a bar at 4:00. Blather on about your rights, etc., etc., but nobody is imposing prohibition, just reasonable restrictions. Allowing drinking through most of the night just promotes drunk driving, and other social ills, and everybody knows it.

  9. Yeah who needs 4am closings, that is why after hours parties were invented. Then you have the after after hours party to go to. As many of us learned in college, nothing beats a good sunrise and a cold beer.

  10. Chef Kevin, just because 3% of you work past 1 a.m. doesn’t mean we should have to put up with the nut-jobs who like to stay up late sousing it. Remember, we’re talking about BARS here, for cryin’ out loud!

    “I have my rights to drink at a bar, damn it, no matter what damned time it is.”

    Heck, what about those poor souls who work till 5 a.m., and they REALLY want to hit a club downtown after work… heck, why not just keep ’em open 24 hours, Chef? Why stop at 4 a.m.? If we’re trouncing on YOUR rights, we sure as hell would be trouncing on the rights of the poor guy who works till 6 a.m., too… and HE wants a BREW in PUBLIC, for cryin’ out loud! Heck, I can’t drink my beer at home, I wanna do it in PUBLIC… that’s more fun. Shoot, 24 hour bars would sure be a boon, wouldn’t they?

    A BAR! Geez… what’s happened to our priorities?

  11. A BAR! Geez… what’s happened to our priorities?

    Another right-wing nut who thinks that we all have the same priorities. Chef Kevin, thanks for having some common sense!

  12. Bucket-Head, you must also be a Bucket-Brain. Using your dumb-arse reasoning, then let’s go with the 24 hour bar plan. Anything wrong with that? Hell, let’s make sure there’s a bar on every corner, just like the good old days, and let’s get ’em to serve around the clock. Next time, put some chicken in your bucket, pal, and get real use out of it.

    And for your info, I’m about as right-wing as Ted Kennedy. It’s just that I don’t drink as much as he does.

  13. Prego man, using your reasoning would mean none of the bars should open up until 5 pm when the majority of the people have just gotten of work. Heck, maybe the restuarants should only be open 7am-9am, 11am-1pm, 5pm-7pm. Thats the only time the majority should be eating, before work, lunch hour, and after work.
    Also, not all people who go to the bars late at night are nut jobs out looking to get soused. If you think drinking in a bar in public while perhaps playing a game of pool or darts, or having a bite to eat and socializing isn’t more fun than sitting at home and drinking then some people might call that a problem.

  14. Prego, I believe Judges Chambers close at 4am and then open back up at 6 am. I know of a few 2 am bars that do the same to capture the 3 rd shift CAT employees. Although this may have changed as it’s been several years since I’ve frequented the downtown bars.

  15. When Cat was really strong in Peoria back in the seventies I believe you could drink 24 hours a day between downtown and East Peoria, there may have been 1 hour in 24 (4-5) that bars were not open. I don’t recall it being much of a problem then.

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