A couple cool things I found on the Web

Here are a couple of interesting sites I thought I’d pass along:

  • Complete Broadcast Day, September 21, 1939. All 19 hours of broadcasting, unedited, was preserved by radio station WJSV in Washington, D.C. on 9/21/1939. The whole day is here at this site in mp3 format (fortunately in separate files so you can easily sample it). You may recall that Germany invaded Poland on September 1, 1939, setting World War II into motion. This broadcast includes President Roosevelt giving an address to a joint session of Congress explaining how the U.S. was going to remain neutral. Also included is the last regular season baseball game between the Cleveland Indians and Washington Senators that year. And a little after 12:30 a.m., you can hear the Bob Chester Orchestra play that smash hit, “Shoot The Sherbert To Me, Herbert.” (It makes me laugh every time I see that title.) It’s really a fascinating time capsule.
  • Select a Candidate Quiz. My parents forwarded this to me. It’s a short quiz you take identifying your position on certain hot-button issues, then your answers are compared to the stated positions of the presidential candidates. The candidate with the highest score is the one that shares your positions the closest. I took it; Duncan Hunter and Fred Thompson tied for the highest score (43) based on my positions. I’m not quite sure how to feel about that. Bottom of the list: Chris Dodd. He and I disagree on almost every issue, apparently. Who tops your list?

6 thoughts on “A couple cool things I found on the Web”

  1. Who the fudge are some of these people.
    I am not shocked that Hillary was at the bottom of my list (of people I know of).
    Hunter topped my list, but I had never heard of him. McCain was a close second, which surprised me a little bit.

  2. Hmm, looks like Duncan Hunter is my candidate…too bad he ranks so low in polling among all of the other candidates. Fred Thompson is second. Dennis Kucinich is at the bottom of my list, Second from the bottom is Chris Dodd. Neither surprise me.

  3. Interesting quiz….looks like Giuliani is my man, closely followed by McCain and Romney. Not surprising, Ron Paul was way at the bottom!

    If I could only get the big G to change his position on two positions, it would have been a clean sweep.

  4. make sure you mark the importance carefully. the only importance rating I gave was on immigration (accidentily) & it matched me with Trancredo who matched on 2 other stances

  5. Richardson was #1. 5 people tied for second. I disagreed on Iraq with everyone except 1 and that was Brownback. Ron Paul was last and if he walked into my life today, I would have no clue who he is.

    My problem with these surveys is how lopsided they all. Some of my answers in real life is a combination of 2 or more of these answers. I also fall in the gray area of a lot of these questions. That being said, it is not a true survey of my views.

  6. Richardson also #1 for me. I agree that surveys are lopsided, but it was a good list of issues, several with “yes, but or no, but” answers. Interesting though!

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