Aaron Schock’s moment in the sun

Tonight, Illinois State Representative Aaron Schock addressed the Republican National Convention. In case you missed it, here it is:

[flashvideo filename=http://peoriachronicle.com/wp-content/uploads/Video/Schock.flv /]

29 thoughts on “Aaron Schock’s moment in the sun”

  1. I will bet anyone that A-Rod wrote that speech himself!! At least I hope he didn’t PAY anyone to write that….what is a synonym for crap? Was he actually referring to himself as an “inner-city Republican?” At least he admits that most “inner-city” residents where never “accustomed to seeing a Republican candidate.”

  2. From sponsoring bills dealing with acupuncture, to speaking at the RNC. What is wrong here? At least Diane has come out of the closet.

  3. That’s essentially all it was, a long collection of boring soundbites. I am not even going to comment on the beauty queen wave he gave when he initially walked out…

  4. Diane,
    I cannot speak for everyone [of course]. I have nothing against Schock. I don’t care for his politics, but I have nothing against him. What I REALLY dislike is Peoria, and this idiotic obsession it has with him. Peoria has its fair share of problems [and then some]. Now IS NOT the time to show the rest of the nation how cute and novel we are here in the Mid-West!!!!! Can we in Peoria stop this ‘we are sending our favorite son to the capital’ bull? GET REAL!

  5. This guy braggs on the % of votes he got from the African Americans in Peoria. He got some votes because he promised them dollars for their churches, money for the neighborhoods and money for the schools and their organizations. He delivered on nothing. Not only that no one saw him in the AA community after the election. I can’t imagine that he will get thoes votes again.

    He is not about hepling he is about building himself. He has totaly forgotten about the schools. His votes on school funding legislation and others issues dealing with schools was dismal at best.

  6. Aaron will win and he is GREAT! It appears there are some folks jealous of his success in life.

  7. Aaron will win, because the vast majority of Peoria and gerrymandered district is white suburbanites. He is proof of the adage that Howdy Doody could win in the 18th Congressional District.

  8. Serenity?

    Your real name wouldn’t happen to be Aaron Schock would it?

    After listening to his bogus speech…this sounds exactly like something HE would say [about himself no less].

  9. Jacke writes: “He is not about hepling he is about building himself. He has totaly forgotten about the schools. His votes on school funding legislation and others issues dealing with schools was dismal at best.”

    Are you kidding about this statement? Aaron voted for SB2477 and at least Peoria is funded with $79-80 plus million for new school construction via the PBC. It would seem that he brought home the bacon on that bill.

  10. SB2477? Are YOU serious? You are going to credit Schock with $79-80 million for new school construction in Peoria? Give me AND yourselves a break from the cheer leading squad.

  11. Oh he gets credit for it, but I don’t think Karrie meant that as a compliment (Karrie please correct me if I’m wrong). Schock and Shadid’s half truths to the General Assembly regarding the bill are chronicled on this site. CJ has some really good stuff on it. Just go to down to the Public Building Commission category link.

  12. Bean Counter: You are correct in what I meant — the problem is that Aaron actually lied about SB2477 that the Peoria City Council was in full support of this bill. No proof when I talked to several council members. No proof when I asked Mary Haynes, the Peoria City Clerk, if there was any formal resolution adopted from the city council to be spent to Springfield. No proof that this bill was supported at the annual Mayor’s legislative breakfast (either year) as Aaron personally told me. Aaron never supplied the ‘proof’ for his statements.

    And they were not half truths — they were lies — just go to the ilga.gov website and listen to the proceedings. Barbara Flynn Currie stated on the House Floor that she knew of no known opposition to this bill. Well, so much for me talking to her for 15 minutes in opposition to this bill.

    And please remember that new school buildings do not guarantee improved academic performance — Ernestine Jackson publically made that comment at a School Board meeting in reference to the closure of Longfellow being replaced by Lincoln school. Unfortunately, this building mania usually gets the old school off the watch list and gives a time cushion before the new school (several years down the road) gets on the watch list.

    Insanity and expensive largesse (again) of wasted taxpayer dollars when other productive methods which have been discussed on this blog (and others) could be implemented with higher academic success for the students involved.

  13. Karrie,

    I should have known better. I was reading ‘Serenity’ into everything! My mistake.

  14. Which is always a good reason to vote for someone…not. Serenity, be careful perhaps you haven’t read some of CJ’s other posts but the Peoria police are going to start posting pictures of users on its website so I’d ease off whatever your smoking unless you want to get your mug online.

  15. Geesh. Thats pretty severe. I just happen to think Aaron is the best candidate and will serve us well. I think a lot of other people do to.

  16. sounds like you are describing a frozen hungry man microwavable dinner. I wouldn’t categorize mashed potatoes and gravy or Salisbury steak as redneck food. Redneck food is like fried spam. potted meat. deer meat. tuna casserole. Sheppard’s pie. stuff like that. (i know three rednecks… nice people but this is what they are accustomed to eating) fried and beer battered vegetables and meats. eat baked chicken instead of fried if only for better health.

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