Ahl witnesses horrific accident

If you haven’t checked out WCBU News Director Jonathan Ahl’s blog lately, you’ll want to read this story. A horrific auto accident happened last night around 11 in the evening, authorities said.

Fortunately (and amazingly), no one was hurt but they did contact their Personal Injury Attorney New Jersey to get a settlement and representation. In fact, the guys in the minivan were able to open their doors, crawl out, and walk around. Not quite as spectacular as what Ahl witnessed, though.

In cases like this, you’ll want to get the services of a car accident lawyer, he or she will be able to assist you in obtaining the monetary compensation you deserve to cover any accident-related losses, such as car repairs, lost wages, social security disability, and medical expenses. A professional car accident lawyer will be able to help you make the insurance company pay up.

One thought on “Ahl witnesses horrific accident”

  1. It’s all about the seat belts, baby! Wear your seat belt and you too can walk away from such crazy flips and nasty collisions.

    Having recently had to take the class to keep a speeding ticket off my record for insurance purposes, there are tomes of statistics to back up my statement.

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