Another D150 administrator put on paid leave

District 150 Director of Technology and Library Media Services Mary Ward has been put on paid administrative leave as the district performs an internal investigation. If past is prelude, taxpayers may be paying her to do nothing for a long time. The last administrator to be put on paid administrative leave, Mary Davis, has been getting paid for nothing since September 2009 — a full six months and counting. Granted, if she’s found guilty, she’ll have to pay it all back. I wonder if that will include interest.

Despite how slowly the process is going, I’m happy to see District 150 doing all these investigations. It’s about time.

97 thoughts on “Another D150 administrator put on paid leave”

  1. good luck getting it back if she’s found guilty. Of course she might cut (has cut?) a deal. Perhaps the little bird is singing?

  2. Pay it back… ha ha ha !

    The District will be so relieved to be rid of her they won’t spend a nickle trying to retrieve it.

    No, the bird isn’t singing, but I bet she is threatening to.

  3. Time is running out on Mary Davis. Hopefully she is indicted very soon. I am also happy to see the district investigating these situations. It appears that Norm D. is serious about ridding the district of the alleged corruption. Unlike his predecessor he did not wait several months before putting an administrator on paid leave. if others have concerns about the district they hopefully will come forward.

    Keep up the good work Norm 🙂

  4. I wish I could be on paid administrative leave… where I work we call that “vacation”.

  5. CJ says: “Granted, if she’s found guilty, she’ll have to pay it all back.”

    Advise not holding your breath on that one.

  6. Pay it all back unless she files bankruptcy and writes it off. Since she won’t be working and have an income she can do just that.

  7. Dist 150 is a huge, huge mess. they are always in the news, and it never seems to be about anything good. the amazing part is, dist 150 leaders still cant comprehend why people continue to flee out of the dist like scalded cats.

  8. Mary Ward has been in Iowa City for awhile. Her husband is very ill with cancer. Maybe you dicks will wait until she is charged, if at all, before you hang her in CJ’s front yard.

  9. emtronics: I am sorry to hear that her husband is ill. However, that does not excuse her behavior. Many of us have heard from employees at Roy Ricketts all about her “management style”. She should not be giving away district property to friends and family for “wink wink” favors. D150 needs to realize that the taxpayers are fully aware that “the emperor has no clothes”. They need to clean out and clean up their messes. The people that have lost out because of these situations are the CHILDREN.

  10. Hey Emtronics, maybe you should come clean before you are found out as well. No one is above the law.

  11. If I have the story correctly, these “gifts” were given to the district as part of some other deal. I would like to know if there’s more to the story–something that could be considered “kickbacks.” I just suspect–with no proof, at all–that many of the programs and materials purchased by 150 are deals involving kickbacks (and who profits from them).

  12. To Sharon Crews and other interested persons:

    Once Hinton was in power along with Cahill they eliminated the centralized purchasing department which provided centralized bulk purchasing for sake of buying in bulk, bidding and controls. Any business with a $140 million annual budget of which at least $30 million is for services and material needs to control “who is buying what and from where” or the business is asking for corruption! In place of Purchasing they implemented a program of “go get what you need and send in the bill” for some director to sign off after the fact. Is it any wonder how such a “loosey goosey” lack of control of spending nearly $30 million could attract wolves? Again we have the double talking King Hinton to thank for the damage he was permitted to do to District 150!

  13. I honestly was led to believe–and believe(d)–that Dr. Royster was, also, involved in purchases (or proposed purchases) with possible kickbacks involved. There was something about Palm(?) Pilots that were to be distributed to employees or students (can’t remember which). I believe that at one of her next jobs Palm Pilots became an issue, also. I suppose that scrutiny might prove that questionable deals went on in previous administrations, also–it seems to be the nature of big business, and academic institutions don’t seem to operate on any higher plane. However, I do agree that eliminating the centralized purchasing department was certainly an invitation for corruption.

  14. Sharon,
    sorry, but your brain has short circuited your memory! Purchases, kick backs, whatever did NOT occur with Luke and Marilyn, nor their support staff. The supposed Palm Pilot and computer thing was the PJS relentless pursuit of her in St. Louis. It’s a shame that no one with a back bone at PJS will scratch the surface of the Hinton years like they attacked Kay Royster from the get-go – but I have to bet they will once the corruption to be proven in all the law suits against Hinton while at 150 will show.

  15. Honestman: (if that is your real name) I think it is Innocence until proven guilty. I have seen this “investigation” before and nothing has happened. Time will tell though but I find it amazing that before any charges, before any investigation is finished, 90% of people posting find her guilty or up to something and yes, you got me. I fly the black helicopter.
    As for her management style, yes I have heard the inside stuff also but that doesn’t make her a criminal and if it does, then my boss is Jack the Ripper. In District 150, I have found that when someone makes people actually work, they get pissed. Some of this District’s perceptions have been created and fostered on the blogs.

  16. Emtronic:In past investigations the guilty went free but know there is a new sheriff in town so watch out.

  17. Emtronic: This statememt (In District 150, I have found that when someone makes people actually work, they get pissed) tells me that you are or was a Custodian on Maintenance worker.

  18. Shout it out without malice. We should still be in power. Enhance your credibility by carrying my torch. By the way, got a line on another District? I’m looking, but thanks for your continued support.

  19. Emtronics (if that is really your name)
    “presumed” innocent.

    For the purposes of a fair trial. It is a legal concept, not a social one. We are neither a court nor in the position to enforce law.

  20. Honestman: Emtronics is a postal worker. So he’s an expert on people who get paychecks but don’t really work for a living.


  21. Billy: 2035 is all I have to say. Thanks for blowing my cover and join me some day…some cold day in January when it’s 21 below. All I am saying is if you think someone is going to be charged with a crime in District 150, then you have a long wait. I have hung out in District 150 schools for years, as a volunteer, and I know when it comes to actual work, people are few and far between with the exception of teachers.

  22. Emtronics writes — “Honestman: (if that is your real name)…”. LOL!

    Emtronics — Such a schmuck. Always with the “if that is your real name”.

  23. I thought the new board policy on paid leave was 10 days maximum–but I can’t find it on the D150 site. Does anyone else know/remember the details for paid leave? What’s up with principal contracts on the BOE agenda for Monday? Anyone know?

  24. All but one of the principals are being returned to teacher status due to downsizing. They are allowed to re-apply for a job, if there is an opening. Mr. Thomas is being returned to teacher status due to an incident at Trewyn.

  25. I don’t think it’s all principals. For instance, I believe the Richwoods principal has, at least, a three years’ contract. The agenda item reads:
    Proposed Action: That all Principal Contracts with an ending date of June 30, 2010 and all Principals’ Contracts which have rolled over from previous years for an additional year(s) be terminated effective June 30, 2010. Further that the
    Superintendent shall give notice of such termination to all affected Principals.
    However, Thomas and Warr at Trewyn (another agenda item) are to go back to the classroom.

  26. BAMCDANIEL: I think she was referring to the terms of the “pinkslipped” central administrators–they are the ones who have to reapply for their jobs.

  27. Now I’m hearing that I may be wrong and BAMCDANIEL may be right–it could be all principals. I guess now would be the time for all of them to establish an e-mail relationship with the new superintendent. 🙂 That does disturb me. A new superintendent should have power over some personnel changes. But there is both an advantage and a big disadvantage in a new superintendent choosing people she doesn’t know at all. Fruit basket upset might not be the best way to go for a superintendent completely unfamiliar with the district. Oh, I forgot–there is the mentor.

  28. It is my understanding that ALL of the principal’s contracts (with the exceptions of the ones following) that end on 06/30/10 or have been on one year extensions will be terminated. They can then choose to reapply for their jobs or choose to return to the classroom, although they will have to reapply for those positions as well.

    In regards to Duke (VHECEC) and Thomas (Trewyn), their contracts are being terminated due to job performance (I believe). Thomas’s termination is part of the You Tube video incident along with other incidents, as well. I have heard that Duke was not well-liked by her staff. I know of one aide that left because he disapproved of the way she was running things and thought it better to get out rather than have a poor performance review because of an ethics/personality conflict.

    Anyway, that is just what I have heard. We shall know more on Monday.

    I more curious about the REMEDY.

  29. Thanks for the feedback. Do you know what, if any, reductions are made to the salaries of principals who go back to teacher status?

  30. TR64-

    Not sure about about the financial ramifications of returning a principal to teacher status. I THINK that if they return a principal to teacher status they should reduce their pay accordingly, but the BoE has shown that they don’t always use wise judgment. Not sure how I feel about salary status for principals that lose their jobs due to school closings. I do believe they should have to apply and go through the interview process, just like everyone else, BUT what do I know, I’m just a teacher.

  31. Hopefully they will reduce Doug Obergfel’s salary over at Von Stupid. He is the third highest paid principel, married to a Hoerr sister and a huge fan of AAron.

  32. With the consolidation it sure makes you wonder why we gave an unknown from Centralia a three year contract so he can take time off to become certified as a super. just ridiculous and mind blowing….nice job Jimmy S.

  33. district150 parent2-

    Not sure who you are referring to. If it is Steve P. he has a four year contract. A very generous one at that!!

  34. I think Ptacek (sp?)is doing a good job. Ruffling feathers comes with the turf. I have spent time with him and like the direction he is going. Whats the beef dp2? I wish we had more principals who actually worked towards becoming a supt. than just plopping somebody in the position because they were local and it seemed like the politically right thing to do (Hinton was brought in by our congressman, wasn’t he?).

  35. Funny how Julie McArdle was not afforded the same “chances” that Mr. Ptacek has been given, even though she has been in education AND an administrator TWICE as long as him. HMMMMMMM. Obviously ruffling feathers is OK if you are a MAN?

  36. “I wish we had more principals who actually worked towards becoming a supt.”

    I wish we had more principals who actually worked towards being a better principal.
    I like what I know about Steve, but if he really is going for his Superintendent certificate, he just lost ALL of his creds with me.

  37. he is and I don’t know a teacher at RW who isn’t longing for the days of the past Admin.

  38. McArdle has no ambitions to be a superintendent, although she would be great. She wanted to remain in the schools, with the students. Their education is her true passion…

  39. “I like what I know about Steve, but if he really is going for his Superintendent certificate, he just lost ALL of his creds with me.”

    Trying to better himself is certainly deplorable. We should all aspire to the status quo.

  40. This is off-topic a little but a few days ago we had our childs Parent Teacher conference. We were given a “school evaluation” form. The parent is expected to fill it out, and return it to the teacher. Who would be so stupid to express concerns and then return it to their child’s teacher? If School Admin were really interested in a factual snapshot they would have an anonymous drop box set up where parents can leave the evaluations. Of course, that would require common sense, a rare commodity these days. And this is not to say we have complaints, but if we did, this would not offer a satisfactory way in which to express them. And, I hope they don’t use the results to make claims about how great they are performing.

  41. nontimedum: “Trying to better himself”

    He is a public servant. HIS JOB (his VOCATION) is to better his student’s lives, and therefor society. NOT HIS.

    Better himself… like ANYONE who has ever sat in the position (superintendent) was a better person for it, than when they were teaching.

    Oh… you mean make more money, do less and have people kow tow… gotcha (wink)

  42. District Watcher–you are right on the money! Have a concern? Research and documentation are key. Take your concerns up the ladder: teacher, principal, asst. supt., supt., board members, and ISBE if necessary. Be persistent and keep your expectations realistically low. Do not expect anything constructive to come from the evaluations. Ineffective leaders only want your praise and money. If you have a “concern”, you may be accused of criticizing and complaining by leadership. Persistence may be rewarded with retaliation.

  43. Charlie, in my comment “better” and “himself” should be read as common English words. Sorry to have confused you.

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