Best addition to sidebar ever

Thanks to Billy Dennis, I found this site, which let me add “Recent Comments” to my sidebar (look a little to your right).

Now, you won’t have to go searching through all my old posts to find out if there are any new comments there! This has been one of my favorite features on Billy’s site, and now I’m pleased to be able to offer the same feature to my readers.

4 thoughts on “Best addition to sidebar ever

  1. Wow….spokesman for the Upalnds? Nice.

    Are you being paid by Pioneer Railcorp to badmouth the Bradley expansion?

  2. Ha! Good one, Mazr. Just to be clear, though, I was not officially speaking for the Uplands. I was speaking for myself as an Uplands resident. Bernie Goitein spoke for the Uplands as president of our neighborhood association. I’ll have a post on this soon.

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