
I’ve been blogging for about two years, and I’ve noticed that I go through cycles where I’m really into it for a while, then I get completely burned out. I’m in one of those burned-out parts of the cycle right now. Frankly, I just don’t feel like blogging. I’m sure I’ll snap out of it; I usually do. Until then, feel free to use this as an open thread to discuss whatever you wish.

5 thoughts on “Burnout”

  1. I am sorry to learn that you are taking a break, but I completely understand. I live out of town and read the PJS online. I rely on your column to expand on the issues that I am interested in, particularly Peoria School District No. 150. I am sure as close as you are to the issues that it must be frustrating to watch the Peoria Community, which really has a lot to offer as a whole, repeatedly muck things up. That is why I am living out of town for a while, I needed a break from things as well.

    Enjoy your time away.

  2. CJ – after the recent flurry of your blog posts you obviously cleared the blockage! Perhaps you can package it as Bloggers-Ex-Lax and make a fortune! ^oo^~

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