9 thoughts on “Bye Bye”

  1. You had me a little worried when I saw the title of your article on my RSS feed. With all the talk of you cutting back your posts, I thought you might have stopped blogging all together!

    I was much happier to see this instead!!!

    I have read some things on Pat Quinn and he seems like he will be much better than Blago. However, that won’t be too hard :).

  2. Is my memory failing me–or do I remember people advocating a change in the state constitution so that the governor could be ousted? I guess the old constitution was sufficient.

  3. Sharon —

    I’ll believe the new leadership and old Constitution are sufficient when I see the district maps after next year’s census. If the Gen. Assembly is still allowed to choose their voters instead of the other way around, I’ll continue to advocate for a new Constitution.

    I do see Mr Quinn being much more reasonable than either of our last two governors. It will be enlightening to see what comes from his “ethics reform agenda” and his plans for fixing the many issues facing the state right now.

  4. Now that the corrupt Gov. Blago is gone we am hearing the voices of the spendocrats in the Illinois Legislature calling for new revenues to solve the state’s financial crisis. I heard last night Blago commenting that now he has been removed we should watch for tax increases which I believe he has opposed in the past causing some of the rancor with state General Assembly Dem. leadership. What a bunch of miserable politicians we have to go from one crisis to another to another. It is almost enough to make a feller want to move to another state.

  5. Congratulations, everyone! I ditched Blago by moving out of state, but I’m glad y’all don’t have to deal with him any more, either.

  6. Ed,

    I’m thinking Blago’s warning was just rhetoric, and it’s a bit hypocritical on his part. After all, Blago himself proposed a gross receipts tax seemingly minutes after his 2006 re-election. Most in the legislature, and even Pat Quinn, opposed it. The idea died pretty quickly, as I recall.

  7. David, Yes I agree that you cannot believe anything that Blago has said. But I have heard rumblings from various Democrat state politicians that they need new revenue sources. Hang onto your wallet!

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