Category Archives: City of Peoria

Would “pay as you throw” make Peoria dirtier?

We have grave reservations about charging Peorians a fee for garbage pick-up, and we think City Council members should, too.

Non-payment will be a problem. Littering will increase. So will illegal dumping: on county roads, in commercial Dumpsters, even on city streets and parking lots. Garbage very possibly will accumulate, indoors, out of sight of inspectors…. Peoria will be a dirtier city if garbage isn’t picked up at every home, every week. It will be a dirtier city if streets and gullies become dumping grounds for people who quit paying their trash collector.

While these dire warnings may sound like they just came out of today’s paper, they didn’t. They were published in the Journal Star on June 24, 2003. The reason? Peoria was considering implementing a $6 per month garbage fee.

I wonder if anyone had the foresight to quantify how much illegal dumping there was before the fee went into effect so we can compare it to how much there is now. That might give us an accurate picture of how much there will be if Peoria goes to some sort of “pay as your throw” system next year. While there have been reports of illegal dumping since the garbage fee went into effect (one even appeared on this blog), it doesn’t appear to be the widespread plague of filth we were warned would happen.

I can’t help but think that maybe — just maybe — concerns about “pay as your throw” causing Peoria to degenerate into some kind of Lord of the Flies scenario might be similarly overstated. Nevertheless, I understand the drawbacks — specifically, the “pay” part of the proposal.

But the truth is that you’re going to pay no matter what. It’s not a matter of paying or not paying; it’s just a matter of how you’ll pay. If it’s not “pay as your throw,” how shall we pay for it? Raise property taxes? Sales taxes? The garbage fee? Pick your poison. Costs are going to go up even if we didn’t change a thing. Adding recycling is going to raise costs more. Property taxes would be a progressive way to pay for it; raising the garbage fee would be regressive. Putting the extra fee on the user would hit large families pretty hard, and in that sense could also be seen as regressive. Raising the sales tax… well… we have to save that for necessities like museums, civic centers, and hotels….

There are no easy answers, only more questions. But I doubt “pay as you throw,” if ultimately adopted, would turn Peoria residences into mini-landfills. Whatever the reason is for rejecting “pay as your throw,” it shouldn’t be that.

New HIZ tax being collected all over Peoria

Are Peoria businesses charging you too much sales tax? If they are, good luck getting them to fix it; you won’t find any help from the city or state. Check your receipt. For general merchandise, you should only be charged 8% in most of the City of Peoria.

My dad knows that, which is why he was surprised when some clothes that my mom bought at Northwoods Mall today were taxed at 9%. He wrote me to ask when the tax rate was raised, and how he could have missed the news. My dad has been reading the Journal Star cover to cover every day for the past fifty years, and he pays particularly close attention to financial information, so it would be very unlikely he missed big news like the sales tax going up a whole percent city-wide. And I have some experience exposing businesses that charge too much sales tax.

I checked the city’s website and confirmed that it was still 8%, broken down as follows:

  • 6.25% State of Illinois
  • 1.50% City of Peoria
  • 0.25% County of Peoria

He called the store and told them that information, and they said “it went up July first in Peoria to 9% from 8 1/4.” Dad said it was never 8 1/4% ever in Peoria, and the salesperson said “it is all done from their corporate offices in Minnesota,” and gave him the phone number for their corporate office. Oh, and by the way, they added, you’ll have to sit through a long automated voice-activated system before you get to talk to a real person. That’s customer service for you. So the local business isn’t taking action to fix the error.

Well, I called up the finance department at the City, and they told me that the tax rate did go up July 1st in Peoria to 9%, but only within the boundaries of the Hospitality Improvement Zone, or HIZ. You may recall that the City imposed a 1% additional sales tax on a small area downtown that includes the Pere Marquette, Holiday Inn City Centre, and Mark Twain Hotel; that money is to go toward building a new Marriott next to the Pere Marquette, so the other hotels get the pleasure of contributing to their competition and put themselves out of business. But I digress.

The City’s finance department went on to say that they’ve gotten several calls about this problem (i.e., businesses outside of the HIZ charging 9% sales tax), and that there appears to be some confusion among the city’s businesses as to what tax rate they are supposed to be charging. The person I talked to said one man called in saying he got charged 9% at a North Peoria gas station, and that the station refunded the overage when he went back to complain after talking to the city. I asked if the city could do anything to correct the problem, and they said all they can do is refer me to the Illinois Department of Revenue, and they didn’t have the number, but I could get it by calling information. So the City isn’t taking action to fix the error.

I called the Illinois Department of Revenue and they verified that the correct tax rate is 8% outside of the HIZ. It’s even on their website at — you just click on the Tax Rate Finder link on the menu to the left and follow the prompts. The HIZ rate of 9% is listed first, which may be part of the confusion, but it also provides a list of the individual business addresses that are affected by the HIZ tax (there are only about 46 of them), and the next rate says “OUTSIDE ABOVE DISTRICT(S)” and lists the 8% rate.

I asked the representative what could be done about businesses overcharging, and she said that the correct rate is preprinted on the tax remittance form the businesses send to the state. She said the business can call Central Registration at 217-785-3707 with their Illinois Business Tax (IBT) number and verify the correct rate. But she said it probably wouldn’t do any good to report them to the “cheat line” (1-800-243-2811). As far as the state is concerned, as long as the business is remitting the total amount of tax they collect, they’re okay. It’s only tax fraud if they collect, say, 9%, but only remit 8%. As long as they remit the whole 9%, the state doesn’t care and is happy to keep the money. So the state isn’t taking action to fix the error.

Apparently no one is looking out for consumers in this town. Businesses can charge any additional tax amount they want and the city and state don’t give a rip. It’s up to you, the citizen, to take matters into your own hands and convince the businesses and/or their parent corporations that they’re overcharging us. There’s no penalty, no law against overtaxing. You have to take action to fix these business errors, and good luck doing it.

Liveblogging the Peoria City Council Meeting, 7/28/2009

Hi everyone. I’m here at Peoria City Hall, Council Chambers, typing on my new laptop on the city’s wifi connection. I’ll be updating this post throughout the evening, so check back.

The agenda is here.

Fair warning: This is a really, really long post because it’s a really, really, really long meeting.

Continue reading Liveblogging the Peoria City Council Meeting, 7/28/2009

Recycling should be incentivized

Recycle SymbolRight now in Peoria, there is an incentive to throw everything into the landfill and recycle nothing. You all know why. We pay for garbage collection through our property taxes. Then we pay again through the $6 monthly “garbage fee” (actually a regressive tax) on our water bills. Then, if you want to recycle, you pay yet another bill directly to Waste Management of a little over three dollars a month. When confronted with a choice between throwing away paper and plastic in the regular garbage for which they’ve already paid twice, or paying a third fee to recycle, most people (reportedly 91% of Peoria households) not surprisingly choose the former.

That needs to change.

Recycling is the ecologically responsible thing to do. Plastic, copper and metal recycling are some of the activities that can be done by everybody that can help not only our community but the world as a whole. And with single-stream recycling (where you can throw all your recyclables into the same bin), it couldn’t be any easier. The experts say that 80% of what Americans throw away is recyclable, and I believe it. Since we’ve started recycling, my family of five only has one can of regular garbage a week. Everything else gets recycled.

In light of that, some sort of modified “pay to throw” system would be reasonable and relatively easy to implement. The idea I’ve heard that has the most promise is this: Unlimited recycling pickup every other week; one can of regular garbage pickup every week; and a fee (per bag or per can, perhaps) for any additional regular garbage. This would incentivize recycling without being punitive. After all, we’ll always have regular garbage; not everything is recyclable. It’s only fair to provide some level of regular garbage hauling without an additional fee.

There are some who are worried about illegal dumping. I think there’s a way around that, too. Instead of requiring residents to buy stickers for additional bags of refuse and refusing to pick up non-stickered bags (the system used in some other communities, like Morton), waste haulers would still pick up any/all garbage left at the curb or alley side. Any applicable additional fees owed by the household would be included on that household’s next water bill. This makes it convenient for everyone. If the current $6 garbage fee hasn’t led to illegal dumping, using the water bill to collect additional fees won’t either — especially if the council decides to adopt Councilman Turner’s suggestion of rolling the current $6 garbage fee into the property tax bill.

The council will be discussing the garbage contract at its regular meeting tonight (July 28) at 6:15.

Will these projects ever become reality?

I had a strange sense of deja vu last night.

I attended an open house meeting Wednesday at the Gateway Building to look at plans for Washington and Adams Streets (Route 24) from I-474 to Hamilton Blvd. There were lots of artist’s renderings of how it could look in the future, with wider sidewalks, on-street parking, street trees, shorter crossing distances for pedestrians, etc. But I got the distinct feeling I’d been through this exercise before.

Oh, that’s right — I have. I remember seeing the same thing at the Sheridan Triangle open house meetings. I see a pattern emerging here. The city gets finished with the feasibility study for these projects, then they don’t appropriate money for the engineering or construction of them, so they wither on the vine.

There’s $10 million in state construction money earmarked and set aside for Peoria to use. This was money that was secured years ago to move the S-curve where Adams and Jefferson meet north of downtown. That project never materialized either, so now the money is available for another project. But no one’s tapping into it.

Instead, lack of money is cited as the problem for pushing off these projects. Improvements to Main Street were put on the back burner by second district council member Barbara Van Auken because it’s estimated to cost $10 million. And in November of last year, the council decided to delay five large capital projects — including the Sheridan Triangle redevelopment — until some time in the future when they might possibly issue bonds to pay for them. No word on when that will show up on the agenda.

Meanwhile, the council has had no problem finding money or issuing bonds to give $39.5 million to a private hotel developer. Nor have they had any trouble spending $55 million overbuilding the Peoria Civic Center. There’s plenty of money to go around for non-necessities — and taxes imposed to pay for them. And these deals get through the council lickety-split.

So the problem isn’t money. It’s priorities.

More bald-faced lies about the Kellar Branch (Updated)

At the last City Council meeting (not including executive sessions), the council deferred an agreement that will bring them closer to converting strategic infrastructure into a hiking/biking trail. Last week, the agreement was posted on the city’s website so we could all read it. But they haven’t posted the revisions. I guess they don’t want the little people to see the agreement before they vote on it next Tuesday.

What is posted includes this whopper of a statement (emphasis mine):

There have been numerous hearings concerning discontinuance of part of the Kellar Branch to a trail. No objections have been raised.

That last sentence is a bald-faced lie. I personally have objected to the discontinuance at those hearings, and so have several other rail supporters. It’s all on record, too. Look it up in the official minutes, Mr. Holling. You’re supposed to be presenting facts, not fantasy, to the council.

Also, if you haven’t seen it already, check out David Jordan’s excellent post comparing Davenport and Peoria.

UPDATE: The agreement is now on the City’s website here. It was added Friday afternoon. Also, according to a report on WMBD-TV, channel 31, the city says they were misunderstood when they said no objections had been made to abandoning a portion of the Kellar Branch. They say they meant only that no neighbors abutting the branch line had objected.

I guess they forgot about this one from the minutes of February 20, 2007:

Mr. Joe Marmon, President of Carver Lumber Company, said although the western connection was constructed to supplement the advent of the closure of Keller Branch, the western connection had caused Carver Lumber to compromise service and competitive pricing. He said Carver was forced to use alternative methods for distribution. He said he had not used the western branch for several months, due to the pricing problems. He spoke in support of services provided by Pioneer Rail, and he urged the Council to keep Keller Branch open for future economic development.

Not only was Mr. Marmon a neighbor directly abutting the tracks, but a user of rail service as well. It should be pointed out that the city promised Carver Lumber in writing that there would be “no interruption in rail service” while the western spur was being built, and that the city would intercede on their behalf if service lagged or costs rose. In fact, service was interrupted, and the city did nothing. Then when service was restored via the western connection, the city did nothing to help. The city continues to show its contempt for this business; it doesn’t even acknowledge their objections which are clearly on the record.

Oh, I know what they’ll say — Carver Lumber doesn’t directly abut the portion of the branch to be abandoned. That’s true. I guess if you define “neighborhood concerns” narrowly enough, you can make it exclude any objectors and make it easier to push through unwise agreements.

Eliminate alley garbage pickup? What about blind alleys?

On the City Council agenda for Tuesday, July 28, is a request from Public Works to send out bids for a new garbage collection contract. They want to get separate pricing on five different scenarios. These are all well and good, except for alternative #5:

The Proposer will be requested to provide the price for the collection of all garbage at curbside only in all sections of the City. This will be a monthly fee based on 39,000 homes served. Pricing will be requested for collection as included in the Base Bid and as proposed in Alternatives #2, #3 and #4.

To try to quell an uproar from residents in the older parts of town, the council communication emphasizes that “Staff is not recommending any one service over another, but is only seeking City Council approval to develop the Request for Proposals based on the attached outline of services and alternates.”

But look, folks, there’s only one reason why that alternative is included in the quote: Staff thinks money can be saved there, and they want to quantify it so they can sell it to the council as a cost-saving measure. If that wasn’t the reason, they wouldn’t ask for it.

The council needs to tell the staff that elimination of alley pickup is not an option, and demand that they remove that alternative from the bid package.

“Why?” you ask. “Shouldn’t we look at all the ways we can save money on the contract?”

Sure! Let’s look at all the options. I’ll bet you that we could save a bunch of money if people who lived on cul-de-sacs brought their garbage out to the nearest through street. That would eliminate a significant amount of time and effort on the part of the garbage haulers, and I’m sure would lead to a lot of savings.

I’m not joking!

I see little difference between alleys and cul-de-sacs. In fact, do you know what another name for “cul-de-sac” is? “Blind alley.” Alleys and cul-de-sacs function almost identically. Whereas neighborhood streets on a grid provide a thoroughfare useful to all residents, alleys only benefit the immediately-adjacent residents. Cul-de-sacs are the same — they benefit only adjacent residents, while collector streets benefit all residents of a subdivision. Alleys provide access for service vehicles (like garbage trucks) and to private garages away from busy thoroughfares. So do cul-de-sacs. It’s harder for larger trucks to navigate alleys; it’s also harder for larger trucks to navigate cul-de-sacs, especially at the end when they have to turn around or back out.

So if we’re going to look at eliminating alley garbage pickup for some of the city’s residents, why don’t we look at eliminating “blind alley” (cul-de-sac) garbage pickup for the rest of the city’s residents? Of course, they’ll never consider that. They’ll tell me that’s crazy talk. It’s not even considered an option.

And that’s my point. Elimination of alley garbage pickup in the older parts of town shouldn’t be an option either. It’s just as crazy.

Debt service: $18,738,827

I went to a recent budget open house for the City of Peoria, and this graph caught my attention:


Our budget deficit is approximately $10 million. Our debt service (the amount we pay on principal and interest per year) is nearly $19 million. That debt service includes money borrowed for the recent Civic Center expansion, the Peoria Public Library renovation/expansion, acquisition/infrastructure work done in TIF districts, and some other infrastructure projects.

The money to pay for this debt comes from various sources. The Hotel, Restaurant, and Amusement (HRA) tax pays for the Civic Center expansion. A portion of our property taxes is specifically designated for the library’s recent capital projects. And debt incurred in TIF districts is covered by the new taxes produced by the TIF (the “tax increment”) — with one notable exception: MidTown Plaza.

MidTown, home of the now-shuttered Cub Foods, has never paid for itself. While there has been some incremental increase, it’s not enough to cover its own debt service. Money from the general fund makes up the difference. Staff is quick to point out that they recommended against that TIF, but the council voted for it anyway.

As if that weren’t enough, the council has committed to taking on more debt: $39.5 million for a Marriott Hotel to be built across the street from the Civic Center, to be paid for with the tax increment within the newly-created Hospitality Improvement Zone (HIZ) TIF plus a 1% sales tax increase within the TIF. The city hasn’t had to sell the bonds yet because the hotel developer has been unable to get supplemental financing through bank loans.

Think about this debt and the taxes that pay for it when the council is haggling over closing its structural budget deficit. They have no problem raising or maintaining taxes for non-necessities and developer welfare — even in the leanest of times, as the hotel deal shows — but feign frugality when it comes to paying for basic city services. They cut police and code enforcement personnel, reduce road maintenance, and institute other cost-saving measures ostensibly to keep taxes “low.” In reality, the city is acting no differently than a person who balances his household budget by cutting his grocery purchases while maintaining (or even increasing) his cigarette consumption.

Council brainstorms money-saving ideas

The August 11 Peoria City Council meeting promises to be a long, long meeting. The council spent an hour and a half Tuesday night brainstorming ideas for plugging the projected $10 million budget deficit. City staff will take those ideas and run the numbers on them (and in some cases, check the legality of them), then bring them back on August 11 for a policy session where council members will discuss them in detail.

Here is the list of ideas as compiled by the Journal Star:

New tax and fee ideas

  • 2 percent tax on package liquor
  • “Carry out” tax on restaurants, retail establishments, distributors or other businesses that generate wrappers, bottles and other products that turn into litter
  • “Bed tax” on not-for-profit entities such as Bradley University and local hospitals
  • Business license fee
  • Additional tax to use city parking decks
  • Arrest fee
  • Fire service protection districts
  • 5 percent water utility tax
  • Storm water utility tax
  • Fee assessed on pet owners
  • 2 cent per gallon motor fuel tax
  • Eliminating $6 a month garbage tax and rolling it into the property tax

These were in addition to the suggestions made by staff in this report, which includes wage freezes, voluntary separation, revenue adjustments (cutting funding to ArtsPartners, the public library, and other organizations), and revenue increases (e.g., eliminating free land waste pickup).

Councilman Gary Sandberg also suggested that, if the council is going to consider cutting funding to the library, they should also consider cutting funding to the Peoria Civic Center by the same percentage. He also asked staff to bring back a report on how much downtown parking decks would need to charge to break even (i.e., eliminate parking subsidies).

He also hinted at a more radical suggestion: eliminate the city’s police department and turn that function over to the Peoria County Sheriff’s Office. Sandberg points out that county law enforcement officers’ salaries are one-third less than Peoria police officers’. After the meeting, he added that we could put half the savings in salaries toward plugging the budget deficit, and use the other half of the savings to hire more police officers. In effect, we could help plug the deficit and increase police protection at the same time.

I asked Police Chief Steve Settingsgaard what he thought about Sandberg’s proposal. He said that it wasn’t an apples-to-apples comparison to compare city officers to county officers. Instead, when comparing salaries, the council should compare city officers in Peoria to city officers in other similar-sized cities. He said that there are differences between city and county law enforcement, but didn’t elaborate on what those differences are.