Chamber endorsements always a mystery

The Journal Star is wondering why the Peoria Area Chamber of Commerce PAC endorsed Jehan Gordon over Jim Montelongo. I suspect it has everything to do with Montelongo’s vote against the Wonderful Development back in May. The Journal Star didn’t mention that the Chamber PAC also endorsed Lynn Pearson for County Board over Karrie Alms, even though Pearson is also a Democrat and no friend to business. Why? Alms is opposed to the current plan for the museum, which the Chamber supports, and Pearson was for it.

It appears to me that the Chamber has a litmus test for candidates. You have to endorse the Chambers’ pet projects or you will not be endorsed by their political action committee. Your philosophy or record on business issues is irrelevant to them.

51 thoughts on “Chamber endorsements always a mystery”

  1. Billy… who do they represent?

    The people? The underprivileged? The working class? Minorities?

    Of course they represent business. They ARE business.

  2. Go back and follow all their endorsements the past 4 years and or lack of endorsements and you will see that they are issue specific and not what is best for business. The Smart People need to be exposed

  3. the chamber, like everything else in this town, is controlled by a small group of “elites” who don’t like dissent.

  4. All chambers, as well as all towns, are controlled by a small group of “elites” who step up and want to be civic activists. There aren’t that many people in most towns who have the time, smarts and “want to” to endure the crap that they do to try and lead.

    This “elite” talk here strikes me as paranoia. The PJStar was absolutely correct in their assessment of that feeling among local blogging sites.

    I have been on boards of volunteer organizations as well as headed up some orgainizations and trust me, there is a very limited supply of people who want to constructively move the group forward. There is a larger group of people who want to sit on the sidelines and take pot shots at those leading….

  5. Who are those elites? Homeless? Social workers? Teachers? Or Businessmen?

    The problem you are having with this, Billy, justan and others, is that you think “business” is Haddads or The Tartan Inn…
    Business is Caterpillar, Walmart and Morgan/Chase/Citibank/Bank of America. Corporations that couldn’t care less about the people, community, the state, or the nation. They are bigger than any nation.

  6. Nothing mysterious at all about Chamber endorsements or Journal Star endorsements. They endorse their friends and those that kiss their rearends. That’s why no one pays any attention to them. They should save the ink.

  7. The Chamber endorses those that share their views. Nothing more, nothing less.

    Edit: Let me add that I would find it odd if the Chamber endorsed their enemies. 🙂

  8. Why would anyone even want the Chamber endorsement? Montelongo dodged a bullet there.

  9. No, 150 observer, not all towns are controlled by a small group of elites, at least not to the extent this town is. They are not, for the most part “civic activists” either. Most are there to feather their own nest. And Charlie’s usual socialist bent is wrong as well. They are not all big business. Some are government and some are big labor. That’s why the endorsements are “strange”. The agenda of big business, big govt. and big labor often coincide, to the detriment of John Q. Citizen, whom they all regularly screw.

  10. We shall agree to disagree Mouse. Thanks for responding.

    Those who show up are the leaders. That is true in all towns. If this is a smaller group than most towns ( I don’t concede that, by the way), than it is because more citizens don’t step up.

    The whole schtick of this mysterious powerful elite somehow running Peoria is a little too Oliver Stone-ish for me.

  11. The local Chamber, Heartland Partnership, EDC, do not represent the majority of businesses who automatically join. After all, membership for businesses is a deductible expense. Of course, the Chamber wanted the ballpark, my loss on less than 1/3 share was over $3000 last year adding to a string of losses going on 16 years. They supported the zoo, which lost $400,000 a year BEFORE the $27 million expansion; I’ve estimated the zoo will lose around a million dollars. The supported the RiverPlex, a drain on the public sector not operating on OPM. BelWood County Nursing Home, now on hold, makes their bottom lines look better by shifting all employee benefits, including Social Security, retirement, etc, to headquarters.

    One County Board member running unopposed, believed BelWood is actual making a profit while ignoring the fact that BW collected over $3.2 million in 2009 from property taxpayers. Why unopposed? She is strong supporter of a special interest group who collects billions in subsidies each year.

    Would the Chamber support a successful businessman like myself after my opposition to the museum boondoogle?

    No way. Yet my name still apears on the business I founded almost 19 years after I sold it.


    Rather than transparent government, you have creative bookeeping at all levels of public spending. The PPD was the master. Today, other public bodies are following their lead.

    Some of you may not remember, but one person runs the Chamber. Guess who; she has been running the Chamber for a LONG time.

    You are right. the Chambers endorsement means little because overall the Heartland Partnership, whose wing it is under, has been a basically ineffective organization. Remember, it’s leader ran for public office and received less than 7% of the vote.

    The elites in Peoria do not mind tax and spend. They all have generous salaries and paid benefits, health insurance, pensions, generous vacations, generous sick leave, etc. Nice figures for retirement.

    Support an activist like Karrie Alms? No way. Lynn Pearson, in the 10 years I’ve known her, is a “follow the herd” model so prevalent on most boards. Plus she is minority in a predominant minority class District.

    If you note, not one of the 30 museum board members is a questioner. Why not? Leaders do not want dissenters especially on taxpayer funded projects. Dissenters don’t follow the herd.

  12. It is personal with Montelongo. It isn’t about views just him crossing the wrong people and asking the wrong questions when he was involved with the chamber.

  13. District 150: I agree with Mouse on this one. Those who show up are the leaders — yes, if they will follow the agenda already in place or the one advanced by those already in the driver’s seat. No room for inovation a la Kevin Roberts at Saatchi and Saatchi

    The same group with the same ideas for the past seventeen years that I have lived here — build it they will come —- when in reality build it they will not come and those who are here will leave and our challenges fester and become worse.

    Not trying to be negative — we are on the WRONG road and we keep going further down the wrong road and oping that something is going to better — not reality.

    I brought ideas to the chamber during my interview with the PAC and some members even asked for my ideas … however, I was not willing to change my position on the museum issue (and that was before the IMAX flap). If elected to the County Board, the museum is built, what would I do? I said that the taxpayer would hope that the project would be successful to prevent further taxpayer leakage of money from their pockets. However, since those in charge are unwilling to change any details — all that hoping will not amount to a hill of beans and more taxpayer $$$$ will be spent. More $$$$ to finish the upfront costs, more $$$$ to maintain over the years when projections are not met and so on.

    How can I be so bold as to write such words? Based on my time in the trench where this repeatable pattern plays over and over again from one large single use silver bullet project to another — all with the same disappointing and regressive results. Just more of my analysis and opinions.

    I FOIA’d documents from IDOT which were then used in Judge Mihm’s court to assist the asphalt suppliers and owners during the Peoria County asphalt ordinace fiasco to obtain an injunction. Why? Because I care about the public input, public policy and decisions made which make Peoria County — business friendly or unfriendly. Trying to help save about fifty jobs for a ‘problem’ that wasn’t a problem. A ‘problem’ that is already covered by the Illinois Attorney General’s office and jurisdiction. After one year, Peoria County taxpayers are still waiting to see what resources of time, staff, and money spent by the Peoria County Board on a worthless resolution that property owners in unincorporated areas can ‘opt out’ from via a waiver. Progress — NOT!

    The internet makes our business practices available for any prospective business to review. Couple those business unfriendly decisions with high taxes, Illinois’ budget woes … well Indiana et al looks more attractive all the time.

    Things are not what they seem …. people step up but if they are not willing to play the game, break the rules to get the job done, try to include the many missing voices who have no represenation at the table — then the new people are unwelcome or personally walk away because they are unable to stomach and take part in the deception —- you know just my opinions from my frontline participation for the past sixteen years.

    When I talk with many people in the minority community, they do agree that they are not better off then they were in many areas and it is (fill-in the blank) number of years later. The Peoria County lead mitigation project which was supposed to create employment for minorities — training and licensing completed which has not resulted in any minority employment, according to my conversations with General Parker — seemingly another waste of time. Again, just my analysis and my opinions from the data reviewed.

    I am walking door to door and I hear the same story over, so now I know first hand what people are thinking and saying — at least the ones find at home or talk with in the public square or on the telephone.

    So, at the end of the day, I would agree to disagree with you.

  14. Karrie, why are you running as a Republican. They are assholes of the first order. You are better than that.

  15. tulip:

    I am fiscally conservative. Spending money that we do not have at the local, state and federal levels is not acceptable. Labeling any group as all this or all that is part of the problem. We have to figure out how to work together because we are all in it together. Voters need to evaluate the candidates and what they have done. Thank you for asking.

  16. Classy tulip. Just when I think people are finally learning that you should not make broad generalizations about others, I am shot back down to earth. Sigh.

  17. Tulip — thanks for showing how “open” and “inclusive” you and your party are. What a truly horrid way to ask a reasonable question and to overgeneralize.

    Besides, party lines mean (or should mean) nothing at the County Board level — I’d like to see that changed to make all county-board elections conducted on a non-partisan basis.

  18. “why are you running as a Republican. They are assholes of the first order.”

    Not ALL Republicans are asshats. Only those running the party and the money behind those running the party. The job of a representative is to represent the people, NOT the party. If Karrie can get elected as a Republican (since this is a Republican area) I say God bless her!

    “The job of a representative is to represent the people, NOT the party.”
    A wise man said that. and it bears repeating.

    “The job of a representative is to represent the people, NOT the party.”
    If only those asshats in Washington, and Springfield would understand that. (In Peoria we don’t have partisan politics… it is just pure class warfare here.)

  19. Most “Tulips” have wilted by now ! and I might add about your low class comment =

  20. There are the republicans, then there are the elite republicans who use their postions to shove special projects down our throats instead of being true to what the party believes in fiscally.( Ardis and Spain beign two of them) The local party is split in many cases. Montelongo questioned the Hotel. Alms questioned the Museum. So those in power get offended if you challnege them. They then try and hold you back. It is a FACT!
    Bottom line is there is no way the Chamber PAC should be endorsing people based on specific projects. They need to look at the body of work and that body of work shows that Jehan is not business friendly and in no way should have recieved that endorsement.

  21. Ah, so Republicans are ok, but “elite Republicans” are not. Got it. 🙂

  22. Republicans are OK. Democrats who label themselves Republicans like Ardis, Spain, and the local Chamber are not. Republicans are for lower taxes and a smaller more well run government. How does that fit with raising taxes to pay for a museum? Strange how Sandburg (who calls himself a Democrat)is probably the only true Republican on the council.

  23. Tulip, the older I get I realize one thing:

    It doesn’t matter if there’s a D or an R behind their name. They’re all the same.

  24. I tend to agree with Charlie when he writes, “In Peoria we don’t have partisan politics… it is just pure class warfare here.”

    At the city/county level I am not sure that party affiliation matters much at all. Local Reps and Dems are not going to play out the ‘stereotypes’ unless we hit the state and federal levels.

    I don’t particularly care for Republicans, but I also wouldn’t mind seeing a complete purge of the Peoria County Board [mostly Dems I believe]. I also plan on ‘supporting’ Karrie Alms, Republican-At-Large!

    There is no denying that the political/corporate ‘kings’ of Peoria are used to getting their way [at any cost?]. The sad part is… is any other city that different?

  25. Popijw – the tulips wilted in May. They are a spring flower – I am not.

    I stand by my statement that Republicans are a-holes. Why would any sensible person want to be affiliated with the party of Reagan, Bush I, and then, most improbably, Bush II? These men tried to destroy the economy and social fabric of our nation. Bush II committed war crimes for which he should be prosecuted. If Obama had more balls than any of his predecessors he would see to this. Reagan and the Bushies taxed the poor so the rich could enjoy their tax breaks (oh yes, and create all those jobs we now enjoy :{ Right.)

    I cannot comprehend any desire to be associated with these sorry substitutes for caring human beings. Sorry Karrie. I know you are a person of integrity but I’m afraid you have taken a wrong turn here. You say you are a “fiscal conservative.” All the more reason to be affiliated with the party of Clinton (who balanced the budget after Reagan and Bush I demolished it), Obama, and our local man of integrity, Dick Durbin.

    Republicans claim to be fiscal conservatives but nothing could be further from the truth. They voted against the stimulus, which saved many jobs (many teachers, police officers, and firefighters have jobs today thanks to this bill). It didn’t save our economy but it was a fiscally responsible start. They want to do away with healthcare reform, which promises to save us money as a nation in the long term (according to the CBO).

    Obama and the Dems have tried to pass legislation that would bypass the Supreme Court’s “Citizens United” ruling. The Repubs have blocked this. This ruling allows corporations to give unlimited money to candidates with no disclosure. So, Repubs are being funded by unknown sources (to the tune of billions of dollars), but we know the donors are banks and Wall St. operatives who give money in return for votes that will block attempts to contain their corrupt agenda. Wow if these tremendous amounts of money could be thrown at the deficit, or at hunger, or at early childhood education, it could make a WORLD of difference. But these a-holes only care about their own agenda (i.e. the money in their pockets).

    Some of you think name calling is “part of the problem.” Probably it is, but until the Republicans clean up their act, ethical citizens have no choice but to call out their hypocrisy.

    Oh if you want a local example, just remember Mayor Ransburg. Sent all of our local jobs overseas so he could sell his little sprinklers at Wal-Mart. Good work, dude. And more great Ransburg moments:

  26. tulip: Thanks for the dialogue and your kind words, expect for that Republican’s are backsides. Because I am an actual fiscal conservative, some Rs and Ds are nervous about me holding office because I will tow the line on financial responsibility. Additionally, Gary Sandberg is a D and he never endorses anyone. Gary endorsed me because of my integrity, hard work ethic and fiscal responsibility. People can work together from different backgrounds.

    Rs are just as guilty of getting us into this mess and Ds and any other party who votes to spend money we do not have. My husband and I practice what we preach by being debt free in our personal finances. It is a different mindset to pay as you go and then actually live that lifestyle. Government can do it too — it is just such an underdeveloped muscle from years of neglect.

    I think it is important to actually look at the candidates qualifications beyond the party label.

    I feel if one discounts any candidate, based on being a D or R or G or I or ?, and do not look at the full package [how he/she has voted as an incumbent or review his/her record on issues in the community- such as myself as a community advocate], then the evaluation focus may be very narrow, and you may miss out on a jewel in the rough from any given party.

    Do you like all Ds the same? Or are there some Ds you like more or less than others?

    In my opinion, ‘D’s and ‘R’s for decades have been spending money on ‘stuff and programs’ which create despendency — whether rich or poor.

    With the creation of the Federal Reserve and the IRS, the name of the game has been ‘bailout’ of banks, corporations by the taxpayer because every next bailout is needed because the bank or corporation was too big to fail or too socially connected to fail because of money, geography, race or whatever the reason. Citizens did not have the awareness back in the day an hundred years ago that we enjoy today via modern technology advances to become better educated and to have an historial persepctive to realize that the stated goals of the Fed and the actual results only produce yet another taxpayer bailout.

    We will just have to agree to disagree that all ‘this’ or all ‘that’ are all this or all that is too broad a brush to use. Many people whether D, R, G, I, C, whatever party, no party at all, not even registered to vote — many people have a lot in common. They want to be treated with respect. They want to walk out their front door and be safe. They want their community to work on providing a solid education and basic protection via police and fire services. They want their neighborhood to be attractive and well maintained, even people who live in less than desirable circumstances. Think I am kidding? Take last week’s meeting about the Harrison area project and $31M grant application — top priorities — adult literacy, education, community gardens, a grocery store … basic stuff — who da thunk?

    Not a new museum. Not a new hotel. Not a community swimming pool. Not a zoo expansion. Not anything on that long list of must have lists that the elected officials tell us that we need to have to make Peoria better. WOW!

    Going door to door, getting out of one’s car and walking up and down a street reveals a multitude of information. Even on blocks which look like war zones, you may find a jewel of a home which is well maintained and attractive with landscaping and clean windows. It is refreshing and can even change your perspective. Talk to the people who are like dry sponges waiting to share their opinions. Illuminating.

    So many times, because of media coverage, prejudice, false expectations and so on and so forth — the divide between people is immense and regrettably sometimes purposeful for less than honorable intentions. Power, greed, control, money can be so corrupting when one starts to honor those gods and continues to use it to divide the people.

    It doesn’t have to be that way …. it is an individual’s choice to continue in that heritage or learn to work together.

    As for the County Board, take the museum issue, supported by Ds and Rs. I do not support it and have taken considerable heat from both parties.

    As for the County Board, take the asphalt issue, supported by the Ds. One year to come up with a resolution that allows property owners in unincorporated areas of Peoria County to obtain a notarized waiver to opt out of a new ‘standard’ which still has to be tweeked per the D county board members. What a waste of time, taxpayer money for a worthless year of work.

    At the county level, the issues are usually not partisan, although the asphalt issue usually split along straight party lines.

    I am running against a 24 year incumbent who has never had a challenger per the election commission.

    If you want more of the same, vote for the incumbent.

    If you want someone who already has a proven track record of advocating for these priorities … having YOUR voice heard and represented at the table, basic CORE services covered, fiscal responsibility and restraint with adherence to the mission and vision statements of Peoria County, then cast your vote for me. The choice is yours.

    Thank you again for the dialogue.

  27. The people would be behind Obama 85% if he would have forced through what he campaigned on… ending the war, closing Guantanamo, DADT, Single Payer Health Care, real Financial Reform, etc… (there would still be the idiot 15% republican puppets)

    Many are upset because Obama is going too slow… and trying NOT to anger the banks and other financial people (Insurance, investments, etc). We have seen what happens when Wall Street decides to flex their muscles…

    As the progress made by the Obama Administration becomes more apparent (Health care reform is still a couple of years from becoming complete)people will realize what great things have already been done in JUST 21 months without ANY Republican support.

    The same is true of ANY politician. If you make promises … KEEP THEM. Don’t compromise values. If you have no intention of keeping promises, don’t make them. Some voters remember and don’t like being manipulated and lied to. (Unfortunately, it seems most voters don’t mind being lied to… it is comforting to hear what one wants to hear.)

  28. Well Charlie we just got notice that my health insurance cost is going to DOUBLE this year thanks to the Obama health care plan. Guess that puts me in the 15%. Or to put it another way Bush was an idiot who all but ran this country into the ground. Obama is making what Bush did look like child’s play. That is the one thing most americans can agree on today. If you belive that MOST people are turned off because Obama has not done more you are in the idiot 15%. Most americans just want the government d or r to get out of the way and stop trying to micro manage our lives.

  29. “my health insurance cost is going to DOUBLE this year thanks to the Obama health care plan”

    Your health insurance costs are going up because your insurance raised their prices. It has nothing to do with Obama or Health Care Reform.

    Why don’t you look at your insurance company’s quarterly profit statements… oh my… RECORD PROFITS THIS YEAR!!!!!

  30. Even Obama has admitted that cost are going to go up to pay for expanded coverage, or there is no such thing as a free lunch. Charlie who exactly did you think was going to pay to ensure all those new people?

  31. Under the new plan I can choose to be without coverage and pay a $1500 per year penalty. I currently pay far more then $1500 for coverage. If after several years of not paying for insurance I find out I have cancer I can then purchase insurance, the insurance company is required to cover me even with my new found medical need. I could use up several hundred grand in care for the cost of a couple of months policy payments, then quit the policy again when it is no longer needed and go back to paying my $1500 per year fine. Charlie how exactly do you think that is going to effect the cost of insurance? Better question is why would any healthy person choose to pay for insurance? I will end it with that as we have gone way off topic. I guess in two weeks we will see who really is in the 15%.

  32. Bob, why would you expect many people to choose to pay the penalty instead of having coverage. I guess you are assuming that most people will be willing to pay $1,500 and get nothing. Am I correct in assuming that under the old insurance, people with absolutely no insurance could go to the emergency room and get coverage that ultimately was paid for by those who pay insurance? Why is the old way better than the new way? Aren’t all drivers expected to have car insurance even if they don’t expect to have an accident? Why shouldn’t we “pay ahead” for the health problems we are all bound to have in the future? At least, I know of very few people who have made it through this life without some health problems for which they could not pay out of pocket.

  33. Charlie

    You might want to read my four latest blogs published today. Might give you more insite about some differences between party supporters. Just because I am a registered Republican, doesn’t mean I follow the herd, especially the Republican local and state Central Comittees.

    Some good people in leadershi[p in both parties. However, not enough dissent allowed; dissenters will not ever be considered a party “favorite”. Or someone worth listening to.

    Therein lies the problem.

  34. Sharon, a year ago I was paying $300 per month $3600 per year for a family plan provided by my employer. Under those rules if I had a major medical issue and did not have insurance my family would have ended up in bankruptcy. Today I pay $600 per month $7200 per year. Under the new rules as I understand them, if I drop that $7200 policy and pay the penalty of $1500 I save $5700 per year. If I have a major medical issue, I can then sign up for insurance with my new pre existing condition and suffer no ill fate from my actions as it will be covered. In fact I come out $5700 per year ahead. Seems to me I get nothing for joining except a loss of $5700 per year. Tell me Charlie is there some logic here that I am missing? To make the penalty work and cover pre existing conditions the penalty should have been set at a minimum of $10,000 or higher. As it is paying the cheaper penalty is the logical choice for both employers and employees. For now we have made the choice to continue are coverage although we are young and healthy. Many of the others in the workplace pool who are young and healthy however are choosing to cancel their policies. That will result in a higher risk pool and ever rising premiums. If the rate goes up next year as it surely will based on the planned pool of workers we will choose to drop coverage and pay the penalty. As with most things the government does none of this has been well thought out. By the way Charlie I voted for Obama so I am more than willing to vote for members of either party. I bet you were one who voted for Blago the second time after we all new he was a crook simply because he had a D in front of his name and this time Quinn will get your vote and you will vote against Alms for the same reason. One is a D and one is an R.

  35. bob–I am willing to believe that there are problems with the plan (hopefully those can be ironed out over time). Certainly, being able to opt in and out of a plan when a “condition” disappears or appears is one of the problems. It would be great if all Americans would be willing to stay “in the system” while waiting for the inevitable to happen. For instance, I have paid for health insurance since I was 20, but I have been a very healthy person–never spent a day in a hospital until recently–and have been in the hospital twice in three years. However, I don’t regret having put the money in the system–waiting for the rainy day that has arrived.

  36. Sharon:

    Under your scenario (analogy to requiring car insurance)….what do you feel the appropriate penalty is for “living without health insurance”? If I’m breaking the law, I should be charged with a crime and fined / sent to jail / etc. (as I could be for not having insurance). Should we fine / send to jail those that don’t carry health insurance? The current fine is TOO small to prevent individuals from paying multiple times that for a product they can’t afford. Maybe instead of debtors prison we can bring back health insurance avoiders prison to punish those evildoers.

    I, personally, don’t believe that the government should require health insurance unless it establishes national health care (which I’m not in favor of but feel would be better than the alternative we’ve taken).

    I’m wondering if there is a market for “selling memberships” in my soon to be established Christian Science Church. Since they are opposed to most medicine, I’d think there is a good chance they’ll be granted (if they haven’t already) exemptions from the requirement to purchase health insurance. I’ll extend “membership” for those that truly believe in our tenets (wink wink) and are willing to “tithe” $150 annually (10% of fine amount). Perhaps I can retire earlier than I planned.

  37. PeoProud–the truth is that I should stick with District 150 issues. I do agree–I prefer and favor national health insurance–but that, I believe, was an even harder sell. And I agree the penalty is not stiff enough to encourage participation.

  38. Merle… you are no Tea Party Republican. (Believe it or not, I am a Republican and have always been one. I suspect, like me, you consider yourself a Jefferson, Lincoln, Dirksen or Michel type Republican. That species is quickly becoming extinct.)
    I try to not refer to Republicans today as Republicans anymore. I use the Tea Party prefix or Neo-Publicans.
    They have become the party of economic expediency, beholding to big business, big banks, big pharm, big tobacco, big farming… instead of the little guy, which is why they were formed.

  39. “Tell me Charlie is there some logic here that I am missing?”

    Yes. You think insurance companies care about you and are being fair and honest with you. They aren’t. Insurance at its most basic is a scam. Do you know the actuarial tables? Do you know what your risk should cost you? Of course, you don’t. You just talk to snake oil insurance salesmen like that bitch on WMBD Sunday mornings… and they tell you what you should pay.
    They skim off the profits from your premiums and whatever is left, THEY determine if you get your benefits or if someone else gets them. Or if they just throw up their hands and declare that they can’t pay all their claims and they ask the government to do it…

    btw… why does WMBD allow “Wayne and the hot finance lady” have a program to advertise her services, and his bigotry and ignorance for free every week? Oh yeah… I forgot.

  40. Sorry Charlie, I am well aware and fully expect that an insurance company, just like any other company is in business to make money. I understand their motivation. I also understand the motivation of government in wanting to provide a single payer system. The government does not give a rats ass about my medical care any more than an insurance company does. For an insurance company it is about profit. For the government is is about control and votes. Those two (control and votes) may well be the same. Either way who is worse. The problem with people like you is that you are so tied up in politics and your hate for private business that you are unable to see the devil you have climbed into bed with.

  41. “just like any other company is in business to make money.”

    Oh… I see. No one starts a business to provide service to the community.
    We didn’t become cobblers or doctors because society needed them… we did it to take advantage of our fellows.

    “The government does not give a rats ass about my medical care any more than an insurance company does. ”

    Who do you think the government is? It is the PEOPLE. This is not (as much as the Republicans wish it were) a monarchy.

    On the other hand, it is clear who the insurance and banking industries are… the US Supreme Court has ruled that they are LEGAL ARTIFICIAL PERSONS with unlimited rights and ZERO (or limited) responsibilities or obligations. The obligation a corporation has is to its stock owners.. (Not those who have mutual funds or jobs… those who own the MOST stock.)

  42. Yes Charlie the government is the people, as are corporations and businesses. In fact as often as not they are the same people. It lacks any sort of logic to distrust one while placing faith in the other.

  43. Businesses and corporations are people???

    One (businesses and corporations) operates for the the purpose of hoarding money.

    The other (government) exists for justice.

    “It lacks any sort of logic to distrust one while placing faith in the other.”
    It lacks logic to equate the two.

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