City to add nine new firefighters thanks to grant

The City of Peoria has been awarded a grant from the Department of Homeland Security for $1,558,107 that can be used to hire nine new firefighters. According to the council communication, “The grant covers both salary and benefits for the firefighters” for two years. The council will vote on accepting the grant at Tuesday’s council meeting.

The fire department applied for the grant through the Staffing For Adequate Fire & Emergency Response (SAFER) Grants program, which “was created to provide funding directly to fire departments and volunteer firefighter interest organizations in order to help them increase the number of trained, ‘front line’ firefighters available in their communities.”

10 thoughts on “City to add nine new firefighters thanks to grant”

  1. Why are there so many arsons but never any reports of Police catching anybody? Wasn’t there a fireman starting fires at one time to keep jobs? Every time fires increase, we get more firemen.

  2. Back to fireworks- does pha REALLY have security officers? Has anyone on this blog ever seen them or know anyone who works for PHA security? I honestly believe when their spoke person refers to “security” she is referring to one camera dangling from a utility pole.

  3. Just placed a call to police. When they got here they first said nothing was wrong in a very condescending tone then when it was explained to him what the violation was. He asked me if I wanted the person arrested. Then they went over and befriended the other person, who just left the scene. The police did nothing. The same thing they always do when certain people in certain neighborhoods call, nothing. What the guy was doing was illegal… The term for what he was doing has the word illegal in it. I had to educate the policeman who didn’t even bother to file a report. Thanks officer you all are now so predictable, I can’t even get mad anymore. The kids asked me why did I even bother to call them. They were right, no worth the aggravation.

  4. Emerge, I’m sure you would prefer not to pursue this any further. Have you considered or have you in the past written to the police chief? Peoria who report crimes should not be treated in this manner? It makes me wonder–but not too much–it’s probably obvious: how are complaints treated from those who are less articulate and knowledgeable about the law?

  5. Emerge- just like 150..maybe peoria police should change the name of their officers to make them less threatening them “community support officers” know police sound so threatening. Since they do so little anyways give them cute little names.

  6. If they accept the grant funds they it says they must fill any vacancies that arise if they can. That would seem to mean accepting the grant money implicitly prevents the city from any near future consolidations or downsizing for the next 2 years. In these economic times isn’t that a pretty big string attached?

  7. PHA does have security its done by the PPD the officers will go off shift then log in as PHA car so you are looking at someone who already put in 8-10 hours and will put in another 6-8. Its the same for GP transit as well even Krogers and HY-Vee. So the cop there to protect you is most likely half tired from working all day and now is pulling another shift. FYI they get paid in cash at the end of there shift thats how it was when I worked at lowes the cop was done we pulled cash out of register or the safe if not enough in register.

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