Congrats to the Mitchells

It was a pleasant surprise this morning to see faithful Chronicle readers Mitch and Nancy Mitchell in the “Neighbors” section of the paper being honored for their neighborhood advocacy work:

The awards given out that night recognized individual members of the community who gave unselfishly. The prestigious Mayor’s Award went to Mitch and Nancy Mitchell of East Bluff United Neighborhood Association. The award is for those who have given tirelessly to improve their neighborhood for a number of years.

On a daily basis, it’s not unusual for a dozen neighborhood children to stop by the Mitchells’ home for a snack or a chat with the couple. Usually it’s just “Miss Nancy” who is at home in the afternoons when they drop in, but Mitch is often there on weekends to have “guy talks” with the neighborhood students, who range from 4 to 14 years old.

Congratulations, Mitch & Nancy! 🙂

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