Council Roundup: Ren Park marketing elicits most discussion

The Ren Park Commission got approval to hire Converse Marketing for “various initiatives” to market the area. This resulted in no small amount of discussion regarding what should be included in that marketing material. The adjacent neighborhoods didn’t specifically enter into the discussion, as Monday’s Word on the Street column suggested.

It was kind of funny. First-district councilman Clyde Gulley complained that the marketing pieces were limited to areas within the Ren Park boundaries, but then second-district councilwoman Barbara Van Auken pointed out that Gulley was invited to present his concerns to the commission and never showed, use social media to get sales. Then at-large councilman Gary Sandberg pointed out that areas outside of the Ren Park boundaries in fact are included in the Ren Park marketing materials. Gulley, not one to let the facts confuse him, continued to complain about the same thing and voted against the item.

Sandberg also voted against the item, although I never could figure out why exactly. At-large councilman George Jacob was the last dissenting vote. He wasn’t against this marketing per se, but felt that the council needed to have a more comprehensive approach to marketing — that they weren’t spending limited tax dollars in the most strategic way.

Still, the motion passed 8-3. I was taking notes during the meeting and, just for fun, I’ve included them here for those of you who like stream-of-consciousness blogging. Just click on the “Read the rest of this entry” link below.

“F. Communication from the City Manager and Director of Economic Development Requesting Approval of a SOLE SOURCE CONTRACT with CONVERSE MARKETING, as Recommended by the Renaissance Park Commission, in an Amount Not to Exceed $18,000.00, to Continue Various Marketing Initiatives in 2006 for the Renaissance Park Commission.

Gulley had concerns — specifically footprint/scope — should it be expanded? Sounded to him like we were going to, and now it looks like they’re not in there.

Van Auken expressed surprise. Expanding the boundaries was Gulley’s initiative; he didn’t attend the last commission meeting because of a conflict. There has been no agreement to expand the boundaries. Gulley needs to attend a commission meeting [not just read the minutes].

Gulley’s response: he thought at a previous council meeting, they agreed they’d expand the footprint. He wants more areas to be included in the marketing materials. According to the minutes, the commission specifically voted to market only the areas within Ren Park only.

He’s also unhappy that this didn’t go out for bid with such a high amount ($18,000). Thinks for such a large amount, it’s supposed to be for all of Peoria, and other areas should be included.

Van Auken: Defends choosing Converse as sole source. It would be expensive to “recreate the wheel” — that is, redo much of what Converse has already done. It makes more sense to go forward with Converse. The Commission is the place to discuss widening the boundaries — not in the Council.

Morris: Blather. Let’s pass this without delay.

Sandberg: Marketing materials include areas outside of Ren Park (riverfront, tech center, for example). Gulley is not asking for anything that the marketing doesn’t already doesn’t include…. ??? I guess he agrees with Gulley. He thinks Gulley wants recognition of other assets nearby Ren Park. Voting no for other reasons.

Ardis: Keep it to three times talking about this.

Gulley: Agrees with Sandberg. Before, I was talking about the boundaries. Now, I’m just talking about the marketing — will we see the Red Cross in the marketing? I can vote for it if we’re “in.”

Oliver: Clearly delineate what you want in there instead of being so vague.

Van Auken: Thank you Gary for clarifying. This isn’t the last advertising we’ll do for Ren Park or the city. Please contact me, we’re not reluctant to be inclusive.

Morris: More blather. Thanks to Gary for clarification. Use Mossville Tech Center, Cat Headquarters, other assets in our marketing.

Jacob: Tabled marketing plan to include website development and other things a few weeks ago. We’re going in a lot of directions without a comprehensive approach. Agree this program is important, but at the same time be effective with limited tax dollars, making sure we’re doing this in a comprehensive manner.

Sandberg: Don’t overlook the smaller, closer resources to market Ren Park when you’re already looking at the larger resources like CAT and the tech center, etc. That’s what Gulley is talking about.

Oliver: Gulley is asking that med businesses from Kumpf to Gwinn to MacArthur be included in the marketing. Recommend that the council make this part of the motion.

Van Auken: Willing to make substitute motion, but uncomfortable about making this change on the fly. Before amending motion, would like to give privelege of the floor to Carla Dennhart of the commission to hear her take on the modification to the plan.

Ardis: Be brief.

Carla Dennhart, chairman of Ren Park Commission: People aren’t opposed to adding/subtracting parts of it. These things are already set, ready to go to print, so changing the motion will delay printing. But no one’s against the change in concept, just timing/timeliness.

Van Auken: Not going to substitute motion. Move to approve as presented. Move ahead with what we have. Any other council members who have concerns can meet with the commission at future meeting(s).

Nichting: Jane Converse to approach to answer a couple questions. Will we market land/resources, or market the idea behind the concept?

Converse: Marketing all of those things. We have multiple target audiences: Economic development piece to draw people in from outside the community; Realtors and home-buyers; whole community (informational) — let them know how this will benefit all of Peoria and especially downtown. Want to be inclusive.

Nichting: since you’re the firm making the marketing piece; how should we evaluate your marketing efforts as a result of your material per se, as opposed to an innovation center that’s going to be built regardless of your marketing effort?

Converse: We are not inventing the marketing, but working as a vendor for the Ren Park Commission. It’s Ren Park Commission’s marketing plan; we’re just a partner that is implementing it.

Nichting: We still need a way to evaluate whether you’re doing your job?

Dennhart: I’d like to answer that. We’ve already had interest in our neighborhoods and businesses along Main Street as a result of current marketing. Going to trade shows, talking to entrepreneurs…. Want deliverables in our hands.

Ardis: Motion & second, please cast your ballots.

Passes. 8 ayes, 3 nays (Sandberg, Jacob, Gulley)

One thought on “Council Roundup: Ren Park marketing elicits most discussion”

  1. CJ,

    Wow! You really captured it. Mary Haynes may be giving you a call.


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