Did anyone fall back early?

Daylight Saving Time graphicThis year, the federal government changed the date that we set our clocks back an hour. It’s usually the last Sunday in October, but this year it’s the first Sunday in November. Did anyone set back their clocks Sunday morning/Saturday night out of habit? Or did your electronic clocks set themselves back?

I noticed that WEEK-TV’s bug was an hour off during the 10:00 news Sunday night. And the Chicago Tribune reports that some Sony clocks and T-Mobile Blackberry devices automatically set their clocks back early.

The Summers household, however, does not have any such fancy gadgets. Other than the laptop, we have to reset all of our clocks manually for Daylight Saving Time. I’m looking forward to the extra hour of sleep this coming Saturday.

3 thoughts on “Did anyone fall back early?”

  1. Our time clock at work is an hour off, which really confused one of our guys. Otherwise, no, but I’m trying to soak up as much of this extra afternoon sunshine that I can.

  2. My home computer and VCR change time, and I have been stumped as to why, and now I know. Boy, do I feel stupid. lol

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