(Disclaimer: No one is paying me to criticize Elaine Hopkins)

Former Journal Star reporter Elaine Hopkins has a new blog (disclaimer: no one is paying me to advertise her new blog) in which she makes sweeping assertions about how wonderful Peoria will be if only the Kellar Branch is converted to a recreational trail (disclaimer: no one is paying me to make sarcastic comments about Hopkins’ blog).

That’s not news (disclaimer: no one paid me to write that last sentence). What is interesting about her article (disclaimer: no one paid me to be interested in anything Hopkins has written) is this paragraph (disclaimer: no one paid me to reproduce or comment on this paragraph) in which she talks about nameless blogs that oppose the Kellar Branch conversion:

The blogs drone on endlessly, but never proclaim their independence from Pioneer Rail Co., the company behind the litigation and other stall tactics. Are these bloggers getting financial support from Pioneer? They should declare their independence, if they can do so.

Think about the implications of that statement (disclaimer: no one is paying me to ask you to think). Normally, if there’s a conflict of interest, you state it up front; if you don’t state it, it’s assumed that you have no conflict of interest unless there is some evidence that will prove otherwise — you know, the whole “innocent until proven guilty” thing (disclaimer: no one is paying me to point out the obvious). But Hopkins turns that on its head. Apparently, she believes that you have an obligation to “declare [your] independence” in order to be free of suspicion about a possible conflict of interest (disclaimer: no one is paying me to demonstrate the logical conclusion of such an argument).

Can you imagine all the ink that would need to be spilled if every story had to include independence disclaimers? (Disclaimer: no one is paying me to put these irritating disclaimers all over the place to make a point.)

It’s also worth noting that she doesn’t declare her independence from the Park District or other trail supporters (disclaimer: no one is paying me to turn Hopkins’ cynicism back on herself). Are we to assume, by her standards, that she’s getting a check for her support? (Disclaimer: no one is paying me to scoff at Hopkins.)

Just for the record, four days before Ms. Hopkins’ post, I said right here on my blog, “The first thing [Khazzam] asked me was if I was being paid by Pioneer Rail in any way, shape, or form. He could hardly believe me when I said I wasn’t.” And three days before her post, I added in a follow-up comment, “No, my opinion on this issue hasn’t been bought. I’ve come to my conclusions honestly and after thoughtful independent research. I’ve never received any money from Pioneer, and that’s a fact.” (Disclaimer: no is paying me to say Pioneer isn’t paying me.)

So, put up or shut up, Ms. Hopkins. Do you have any evidence that bloggers are being paid off by Pioneer Railcorp? Let’s see it. The onus is on you. (Disclaimer: no one is paying me to challenge Hopkins.) Feel free to leave your evidence in the comments section of my blog; I’m not afraid to let people comment on my posts (disclaimer: no one is paying me to take a jab at Hopkins’ not allowing comments on her post).

6 thoughts on “(Disclaimer: No one is paying me to criticize Elaine Hopkins)”

  1. I have a close friend who had many dealings with Ms. Hopkins back in the 80s and 90s. He says she is by far the most one-sided, don’t-let-the-facts-gt-in-your-way reporter he has ever dealt with, and he’s dealt with hundreds. He dubbed her the ’60s hippie lost in the ’80s.

  2. I do not agree with Elaine Hopkins on the KB line conversion — I support the rail only or rail and trail options.

    At the same time, Elaine has always provided this citizen activist with accurate newspaper coverage of issues in my neighborhood. She has always quoted me accurately and helped to be part of the solution of neighborhood stabiliation relative to historic preservation.

  3. Karrie: Unfortunately, reporters should be unbiased and should never be “part of the solution.” That’s the problem with Ms. Hopkins. If you are not on the side of the issue she supports, then you don’t get quote accurately or get accurate coverage. If she were a columnist, that would be a different thing. But as a reporter she stepped over the line and far too often let her personal feelings color the coverage.

  4. CJ, Thank you so much for the remarks in rebutt to Ms. Hopkins.

    Karrie I am glad that Ms. Hopkins has been good to you, but as for me she cost me thousands of dollars out of my own pocket back in the late 90s with one of her supposedly “investigative reporting” that was totally in error. I have found over the years that she does not have her facts correct in many areas that she reported.

  5. I was taken aback when I initially read that folks at the meeting thought CJ was being bribed by the Pioneer Rail Corp; I was absolute appalled when I read Hopkins’s entry about how everyone opposed must be taking secret payments. (And, as CJ noted, no disclaimer of her own that SHE wasn’t being paid.)

    It’s disgusting. Is this how Peoria is now conducting public debate — accusing those who disagree with you of taking payments from the other side without any proof whatsoever?

    I’ve gathered from posts on this blog and other ones that someone is running an actual WHISPER CAMPAIGN against CJ, and while I’ve only met CJ a few times in person, I can’t imagine anything more absurd than to accuse CJ of taking bribes. Particularly on this blog, where he exhaustively researches every issue to a depth that many local media outlets don’t.

    I don’t have a strong opinion on rail or trail because frankly I don’t understand the issue or the economics, but this latest round has left such a bad taste in my mouth that I almost was to go “rail” just because “trail” is behaving so badly that I wouldn’t want to be affiliated with that group. It also makes me suspicious of their arguments, because groups that can’t present open and forthright evidence and arguments for their positions, but instead resort to slander and whisper campaigns, typically don’t have a very strong position in the first place.

    If the trail supporters want to de-alienate those of us who don’t have strong positions one way or the other, but who are disgusted by this type of behavior and these baseless, vicious accusations, the trail supporters who have accused or passed on accusations that CJ in particular or any other rail supporters in general are taking payments from Pioneer need to offer a big fat public apology. The the trail supporters who haven’t stooped to such behavior need to disavow this kind of crap. This is how THIRD GRADERS behave, not adults trying to decide what’s best for a city we all care about. Grow up.

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