Get the cliche right

It was only a matter of time, of course. But someone finally couldn’t resist the urge any longer and published the first “Bush plays Peoria” story of the day. Except they got the cliche wrong:

It’s the ultimate political cliche: “How’s it playing in Peoria?” President Bush will find out today.

No, no, no. It’s “Will it play in Peoria?” Not, “How’s it playing in Peoria?” If you’re going to be so unoriginal as to drag out that tired old cliche, at least say it right. Sheesh.

By the way, as long as we’re on the subject, did anyone go? What did the President have to say?

54 thoughts on “Get the cliche right”

  1. I photographed the plane moments before landing. Didn’t go to the event though.

  2. I was planning on running alongside the motorcade naked, but I decided I wasn’t going to give Pres Bush the satisfaction. Actually, the Secret Service found a naked man waving a “Vote for Aaron Shock” sign a little odd. The rest gets sort of funny…..

  3. Unbelievable nonsense. Who pays $5000 for a picture of anyone other than Nessie?

    I just want to see a list of the people so economically married to corporate fascism that they would spend that kind of money to have to sit and listen to Bush.

  4. kcdad,

    Time for an education – people who went to this fundraiser did so because they chose to do so. They were not forced. They wanted to give to Shock’s campaign. And did you read that 1,400 people showed up?

  5. How many showed up for the $15 fish fry?

    Wacko: Are you saying only 700 showed up?

  6. Mr. Jordan;
    And what is one choosing to support when they pay $500 a plate to relect Aaron Schock? What does Schock need with $500,000 more campaign funds… when has a Republican not gotten elected ion this district?

  7. 900 people paid and got tickets. They all didn’t go to apease Shock, they went to get access to the President.

    kcdad sez: “Unbelievable nonsense. Who pays $5000 for a picture of anyone other than Nessie?

    I just want to see a list of the people so economically married to corporate fascism that they would spend that kind of money to have to sit and listen to Bush.”

    I sez: List: #1 Diane Vespa

    you can all add to the list as you see fit.

  8. My question: did they deduct from Schock’s proceeds the cost of a round-trip flight for Air Force One, a battalion of Secret Service and local law enforcement, traffic control, etc? I doubt it.

    Why didn’t Bush simply write a check out to Schock (drawn on the US Treasury), and save some jet fuel?

  9. kcdad, enlighten us further on your commie/socialist outlook on capitalist/”corporate fascism”. Pleeeease

  10. Emtronics, sorry I didn’t check with you first to make sure it was OK with you how we spend our money. Next time I’ll fill out a purchase request. By the way, how much is a carton of cigs up to these days?

  11. Mr. Jordan;
    And what is one choosing to support when they pay $500 a plate to relect Aaron Schock? What does Schock need with $500,000 more campaign funds… when has a Republican not gotten elected ion this district?

    They chose to pay the $500 to attend the event. They were not forced. You were not forced to attend so quit your whinin’.

  12. Maybe Aaron will be nominated for VP….

    Now that Edwards has a love child, who will the democrats choose?

  13. Wait until Aaron files his next report with the FEC. The list of attendees will be reported-and sure to be filled with many, many Caterpillar honchos.

  14. Edwards has a love child?

    I know I believe everything I read in the National Enquirer.

  15. Diane: You don’t have to check with me at all and I don’t smoke cigs so I wouldn’t know. If you want to piss away $500 and go to a circus, that’s your business.

  16. I don’t know folks. As [most] of us are experiencing an economic crunch, this blatant show of CONSPICUOUS CONSUMPTION on the part of the local Republican Party [no names] is a little bit disconcerting. Actually, it pisses me off.

    I know that 18th Congressional district extends beyond the borders of our fair city, but Peoria is in the RED!!! There are countless ‘issues’ that need to be addressed in Peoria and most of them center around money. Most of the ‘money’ in this town support ridiculous projects like the Regional Museum. Even to the point of implementing a new tax to get it built?

    What happens while we ALL standby to foot the bill? YOU people keep pumping money into the Schock machine!

    I am sorry IMASWEDE, but when hundreds of thousands are being given to send a kid to Congress, and there is even the slightest chance of my taxes going up 1 cent…IT IS MY BUSINESS!!!!

  17. Mr. Jordan,

    You are correct, KCDAD is a socialist. However, in this case I must agree with his assessment of the situation.

  18. So as not to have to re-invent my own words I’ll just re-post what I already posted on Pammy’s site. After that, if someone still feels they have a say-so in how I spend my $$ then please let me know and we’ll review each others budgets and make some mutual recommendations. I wrote on

    “Pammy – I know the perception is that only wealthy people attended this event but it wasn’t that way at all.

    Ordinary people coughed up the $500 bucks cause they felt it was a rare opportunity to see a sitting US president “close up”. It was a tough decision, as there were lots of other things we could have spent the money on… but at the same time how many folks will blow that on cigarettes, or lottery tix, or a few golf games, or keeping the temp in their house at 62, or designer shoes, or a few nights out, or the latest video games…

    It’s such a personal decision how and where one wants to spend their money, and personally, I don’t regret this for a nano-second. The experience delivered memories that will last a lifetime.

    So glad you posted this.. its good to get it out in the open!”

  19. commiekcdad:

    Nice… are you trying to insult me or are you just into name calling?

    I am arguably a marxist, perhaps a socialist… I have no problem with theoretical communism at all. (You know of course communism is, as Marx described it, purely theoretical?) As a Christian, it is the Way that is demanded of all of us.

    I used to be a Republican…

    Commie…. LOL… like that is somehow an insult like “liberal”. I suppose you prefer “Every man for himself!” Screw the women and children, widows and orphans, sick and disabled, all non white Europeans… screw ’em all… I’m gonna get MINE!

    Go ahead… elect McCain… that fine conservative. He’ll make a fine figure head for the corporate elite that rules this government. No support from either party… Jimmy Carter all over again. Elect Schock, that experienced kid that in 2 years will be running for Senate and in 8 years will be running for Vice President… the Peter Principle? But you will be able to say, “I knew him when he was just a high school kid running for the Peoria school board…” another fine example of America at work.

  20. Diane:

    Did you get picture taken with George and Aaron?

    Is this supposed to help your real estate business somehow? (Putting it up on the wall in your office? Hey look everybody, I am somebody!)

    What did George have to say that was worth $500? Or what do you think Aaron will do in Washington that Colleen won’t? Represent the people of central Illinois? Which people? The majority, or those that have the majority of wealth?
    I always thought that elected officials worked for us. I always thought they were supposed to serve us, and not the other way around. I guess they just serve the almighty $… which isn’t so almighty anymore… is it?

    Did they sell they autographs like athletes, too?

  21. Mr. Jordan,

    You are correct, KCDAD is a socialist. However, in this case I must agree with his assessment of the situation.

    Actually, New Voice, I didn’t accuse kcdad of being a socialist – that was someone called “commiekcdad.” And his assessment is irrelevant.

    The story goes that the president found out about Shock’s candidacy and wanted to come out to Peoria to visit with him. If you think that’s BS, then you and comrade kcdad are free to do so. But those who paid $500 did so out of their own pockets and that is their right.

    Perhaps comrade kcdad sees it as money that could have been taken by the government (“the people’s money”) to help poor kids in this country, thus no one has the right to spend their own money on an event which supports a party that is so against helping poor kids.

    Right, Comrade kcdad?

  22. I am arguably a marxist, perhaps a socialist… I have no problem with theoretical communism at all. (You know of course communism is, as Marx described it, purely theoretical?) As a Christian, it is the Way that is demanded of all of us.

    That’s “Liberation Theology,” not Christianity.

  23. Jordan,

    Calm down. Sorry for mistaken identity……
    Your comments towards KCDAD indicate your line of thinking follows “commiekcdad.” You are right. Everyone is free to spend their own money as they see fit. Giving Diane the benefit of the doubt, she may have really just wanted to see the Pres! Thats cool. I guess for me this is a political issue. When was the last time Peoria had a Dem Congressman? When was the last time Peoria had a Dem Mayor? Where has Peoria been steadily going for the last few decades? TOILET!!!

    You know as well as I every swinging Republican big-shot in Peoria, from our favorite CAT CEO to our last 3 or 4 genius mayors was there grasping the next rung of their pathetic little social ladders. “Circle the Square!!!” HA!!!!!

  24. New Voice,

    I am calm 🙂

    It seems that Peoria has has had nothing but GOP reps and mayors because those with media favor, money and connections are GOP. It’s something like the Dems in Chicago – you have to be a Dem to be mayor because in that city the Dems have the media favor, money and connections.

    But Peoria pols span the political spectrum. Bud Grieves and Dave Ransburg seem more moderate to left-wing, especially the former, while Dick Carver, Jim Maloof and current Mayor Jim Ardis are pretty conservative. In a city less dominated by the GOP, Grieves might have run as a Democrat. But conservative GOP mayors have won seven of the last nine mayoral elections.

    Incidentally, I think most members of the City Council are GOP – Gulley, Van Auken, Spears and Sandberg are just four Dems and Manning, Nichting, Jacob, Montelongo (?), Spain and Turner are GOP.

    Bob Michel was a moderate and represented the 18th District for 38 years ending in 1994. They seem to have gotten more conservative though with LaHood. Even more so with Schock, if he’s elected.

  25. Emtronics, kcdad, and all you other leftists: Diane has the right to do whatever she chooses with her money. You have NO RIGHT to tell her what to do or tell her how she spends her money. Why don’t you guys get a life. News flash: there are (many) others out there who don’t share your communist liberal views and that is just fine. That’s what makes the world go around. So go fly a kite.

  26. Jordan,


    I understand your Political Science 101. Your point is well made. You were right about one thing, who ever has the media, money and connections has the vote. Your assessment of Peoria area politicians seems a little far-fetched. Bud Grieves..the ‘Anti-Hooter?’ Moderate to left-wing?!?!?!?

  27. Comrade kcdad, communism never worked. Russia failed at it like all of eastern Europe too. Commie party of China had to adopt capitalism just to keep alive. As for “the women and children, widows and orphans, sick and disabled, all non white Europeans” I can only say that many of them were murdered by communists than were helped. I lost an entire side of my family to communist executions so don’t preach to me how well communists treat people. Communists promise alot and that all people will be equal and treated equally and well, but that has yet to occur in any communist society. The commie leaders still live high on the hog in their gov’t mansions and villas but the people have yet to prosper. Communism is nothing but a lie told to the people. And the people suffer much more greatly than in capitalist societies. I know. I am a witness to the lie. Also, FYI, I’m independent and I’m not christian.

  28. New Voice,

    Grieves takes some socially conservative positions, but since leaving office has gone leftward. He’s become an environmentalist (vs. “conservationist” which can be associated with conservatives) and I suspect other positions are influenced by his change in religion.

    Ransburg is known to attend a theologically liberal church.

  29. Wow… defend the dollar by all means folks. Bow down and lick the boots of the Federal Reserve.

    Liberation Theology IS Christianity. It is what Jesus taught… Martin Luther King Jr, Oscar Romero,everyone it seems that actually reads the words of Jesus and ignores Paul (The Roman Stooge).

    As for telling people what do with their money.. I could tell you what to do with it, after all that is consumerism is all about, but I don’t care what you do with your money. I was just curious as to who thought the moron from Texas or kid from Dunlap was worth $500 or $5000… when that money could have bought tickets to see Batman (for the 5th time in what? 10 years?) or the Peoria Chiefs riots… er, game.

    Comrade… that’s hilarious… did that feel good?

  30. commiekid:

    Russia (by which you mean the Soviet Union) never practiced Communism. The Amish do, Israel did when they first got reorganized in 1948, most American families do at that family level. The first Christians, the Followers of the Way, those who had known and followed Jesus were communists… but of course you knew all that… you just think that it is fun to make fun of something you don’t understand.

  31. kcdad,

    You’re confusing your idealistic view of what you think communism should be with what it is/was in practice in the Soviet bloc and China.

    BTW, Christianity is not compatible with Communism.

  32. David,

    There is no one defintion of Communism. it is theory; it is ideology, thus open to anyone’s “idealistic view.” What it is/was in China, N. Korea, Cuba, Soviet Union, etc, is their adaptation of said theory………

  33. Mr. Jordan:

    What little you know about Communism and Christianity would keep a more humble person from making any comments.

  34. Geez, let the fire rush to your head, then post. I could care less how someone spends their money but I do however think it is waste of money to spend $500 to have lunch with a President that has a popularity rating of around 21% and a kid that without his cape reminds me of boy wonder without batman.
    I would have spent $500 to see Bozo the Clown and the only difference between Bozo and Bush is you don’t have to follow their names with “the Clown”. You know they both are.
    Still, working folks at the Bush/Schock affair? Most people I know couldn’t get the day off, let alone spend $500 on going. I’d love to see a list of who actually attended. Bet none were from the CAT plants or Keystone, or any other blue collar labor job.

  35. New Voice wrote: There is no one defintion of Communism. it is theory; it is ideology, thus open to anyone’s “idealistic view.” What it is/was in China, N. Korea, Cuba, Soviet Union, etc, is their adaptation of said theory………

    Thus why it is incompatible with Christianity. Read John 14:6.

    kcdad wrote: What little you know about Communism and Christianity would keep a more humble person from making any comments.

    This from the one claiming early Christians were communists.

  36. 14:6 ?!?!?! Are you kidding me?

    That is not an economic statement at all. How about 2 Thess 3:10? that would have been a much better verse to cite, except, it is disputed as to who actually wrote it and it does look a lot like a commune there is the early church.

    And yes, they were. Sharing equally without regard for self, other oriented and caring for the community… comrade.

    Of course in A- ME -rica, caring about others is some other’s job.

  37. 14:6 ?!?!?! Are you kidding me?

    That is not an economic statement at all.

    It’s a statement of moral absolutes, something communism rejects, thus the murder and mayhem that results after those who believe in this idealogy take power and force it on everyone else.

    2 Thessalonians 3:10 says (NIV): For even when we were with you, we gave you this rule: ‘if a man will not work, he shall not eat’.

    Yeah, kcdad, that sounds a lot like communism 😎

    The context of this verse is about the dangers of being idle. Perhaps you should read verses 6 through 15 and you’d gain a better understand of what the writer, the apostle Paul, was getting at – for example, verses 7-9 (NIV):

    For you yourselves know how you ought to follow our example. We were not idle when we were with you, nor did we eat anyone’s food without paying for it. On the contrary, we worked night and day, laboring and toiling so that we would no be a burden to any of you. We did this, not because we do not have the right to such help, but in order to follow.

    i. e., Paul did not depend on others for his living (he worked as a tentmaker), but could accept hospitality if he wanted.

    Early Christians had to deal with persecution from Roman authorities so they provided for each other’s needs. It wasn’t forced. It was voluntary. In contrast, those who believe in communism possess the extreme “moral” arrogance to force it on others. That is why it fails every time.

    You, kcdad, need to let go of the hate you possess for this country and its institutions. Instead, learn to focus on the many, many good things that we are about.

  38. Ah! kcdad. Arrogant and narcissistic. You fit right in with the communists. Have fun with that sociopathy.

  39. There isn’t any point in discussing the early church with Capitalistas, you see everything in terms of money and wealth.

    Paul was a salesman. You believe that tent maker garbage, eh?

    “WE gave you this rule” Apparently they were living communally and Paul didn’t like it… “We worked night and day”… does that sound like Jesus’ message? “Consider the lilies of the field…”

    You go ahead and keep worshiping Paul and Bob Brinker…

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